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Everything posted by Danny_S

  1. Oh man Cain #5! I had completely forgotten about that quad-bike thing! Haha I felt so guilty when we stole it but then I didn't want to walk so the guilt passed
  2. Oh man, I know I've heard this one somewhere before! Now where was it... Similarly to #4 in the OP I tried to Lightning Bolt a Teamkiller at base, as I was not sure of the effective area of the bolt I also managed to destroy a hummingbird on the pads which was near the target vehicle/player.
  3. Danny_S

    Project CARS

    Yeah on the topic of AC I haven't played it in months, probably has changed a lot since I last played.
  4. Danny_S

    Project CARS

    Man this has been in development for the last 2 years or more as far as I know! Glad to see it finally has a release date! Don't you just love Laser Scanning technology! Basically an identical copy
  5. Crazy how fast it seems when you think back over the time!
  6. So waking up this morning I realised it was my 1 year anniversary of officially becoming a part of AhoyWorld! There are quite a few people not around any more since I joined (coincidence? Hmmm) but for those who have been around both since the first day and any day since thanks for making me feel like a valued part of this great community and here's to another year! Feel free to have a drink to celebrate! Me being the boring non-alcohol drinker, I will settle for this nice cup of tea next to me Edit: I know this is kind of a pointless thread but I just wanted to convey my gratitude anyway
  7. Setup update time since I moved house a few months ago! A whole lot more room than my last setup! Low quality picture as I'm too lazy to get my proper camera out
  8. Damn, you must have been delving through the depths of the forums to find this post!
  9. Danny_S

    Evenin' all

    Welcome to AhoyWorld!
  10. I won't say welcome to AhoyWorld as I'm sure you've been here for a while! So instead... welcome to the forums!
  11. Can I be super fussy and ask for the Insurgency banner to be placed above DayZ instead of at the bottom? Purely for aesthetic reasons so there is a gradual colour change rather than Minecraft blue straight back to Insurgency black I know its a ridiculously minor request but I figured I'd ask
  12. Welcome to AhoyWorld You will find no shortage of people to play with here hopefully! If you're interested in more team-focused gameplay, our Modded server is definitely worth checking out
  13. Hey Callaghan! Think I've been with you on modded a few times, glad to see you're having a good time and enjoying the server! Welcome to the forums!
  14. If you're getting a message regarding STI Launchers and you downloaded using the Arma 3 sync repo, first thing I would suggest is remove the current STI Launchers folder in your Arma 3 directory, download the mod individually from here... http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=26249 ... and try loading up and joining again.
  15. There is no way really to implement that 100% of the time. Additionally AhoyWorld is more about having fun with people, we have never had the intention of being a super serious, military simulation type community. Of course people are more than welcome to set up their own squads and do this if they wish, we actively encourage squad play, particularly on the Modded server as Ducky mention. But to sum up, the style of play you described will never be enforced as a rule on our servers.
  16. Danny_S

    Modded Server

    As far as I know there isn't another pack which has such a wide variety of weapons, and I know that some people enjoy using weapons featured in the NATO pack. I think unless a pack with similar variety is found we will be sticking with the pack, I agree VAS takes too long to load now though.
  17. Great to see that you made the move onto the site! Good to have you with us
  18. Danny_S

    Modded Server

    NOTICE: I see there has been an update to Massi's NATO weapon pack. As far as I am aware the version on the server has not been updated yet so please do not update your version until it is.
  19. Danny_S


    Was on with you last night on the modded! Welcome to Ahoyworld!
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