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Everything posted by BACONMOP

  1. @Lightkill I think topdown has been out for a while now.
  2. Allowed Mods We will now be checking the signatures of your mods. This means you will no longer be able to join the server using any mods that are not approved. All of the approved mods are on the Modded repository(mandatory) or on the Official repository(optional). For users that prefer to download all their mods manually here is a link to the AGM PBO's that we use. LINK. If you want to see a mod added you must now post it here http://www.ahoyworld.co.uk/topic/3202-eu3-modded-general-thread/ Note: You may need to delete AIA TP and reinstall. Main Topic http://www.ahoyworld.co.uk/topic/3202-eu3-modded-general-thread/ http://www.ahoyworld.co.uk/topic/763-eu1-2-accepted-addons-eu3-modded-repo/ NEW Rules Here comes the sad part, we were playing in large play session today and unfortunately some things came up and we are going to have to implement some written rules(mostly for larger play sessions). 1. Listen to the Chain of Command. 2. Heli pilots should be on standby in orbit over AO unless told otherwise by the Command Elements(not Squad Leaders). 2(A). Pilots should not get into jets unless told to by Command Elements. 3. DON'T BACKBLAST IN BASE EVER. 4.Do not type over side chat(Unless in an emergency). (If it must be typed please use group). 5. Don't use 2 seat aircraft when alone. 6. CAS Elements such as Jets and Attack heli's should be on standby and not free fire unless told otherwise. NOTE: Firing F-18 cannon can cause server lag. GAMENIGHTS We will now try to run a gamenight play session every weekend. It will be on patrol ops every weekend if we do not have a mission for that week. The time may change in the future if people want them to occur at different times but will generally be at 16:00 GMT.
  3. That is probably either arma 3 itself or your computer having issues with arma 3.
  4. First you will need to de-PBO the file and you will need something like pbo manager. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=16369 . Then you will need to put the extracted folder in the missions folder of your arma 3 profile. should be in your documents folder as arma 3 - otherprofiles. C:/users/yourname/my documents/arma 3 - other profiles/yourprofilename/missions now you will need to open the mission in the editor. Once you have done that using the units tool you will need to double click on the pilots and change the description field to fit your teamspeak info. not the init field the small box under that. You will then want to select the marker tool and select the marker that has our teamspeak info and change it accordingly. Next you will want to either make a picture to replace our pictures with but you can delete the billboards if you want to. if you make a picture you will probably want to convert that to a paa file using the arma 3 tools that you can download from steam. please note that to convert to paa you should use a picture at about 512 x 512 px, seems to have the best quality for size trade off. but the easy (EZ) way to do it would be to place the image into the "media/images" folder and name the picture "Aw_Intro_Image.paa" and that should do it. If you have any question just post them, but if you come on our teamspeak I could probably give you better instructions.
  5. Updated to 2.81E. Has headless client integration. Important note is that the headless client does not currently connect if it joins in progress, it must connect at mission start. read my headless client guide forum post for more information here.
  6. So after a bit of testing it would seem that if the Headless Client joins a mission in progress with the block of code in an innitPlayerLocal it seems to but out and the Headless Client does not seem to create things globally. I need to do a bit more working on this and see if I can figure out a way to not have this happen. Or it may still be a thing with the dialog boxes(but i think it's the innit thing).
  7. Something that I found out today while trying to release an update is that if you try to put in dialog boxes with something like an ok button to continue(i.e. an intro popup placed in the initPlayerLocal) the headless client will get hung up on it because it can't press ok. So you will have to come up with some way to pass the headless client through. What I did was to call up the dialog box to all clients then put in this block if (isServer) then { if (isNil "HeadlessVariable") then { closeDialog 1; }; }; This still needs some testing on our server with the headless client though at the time of posting this I think it should work fine. THIS MAY NOT WORK. look a couple posts below.
  8. Since there are so few sources on getting Headless Client to work for Arma 3 I thought that I would make a topic about it here with hopefully some helpful links and tips. please feel free to ask any questions or post any tips that you have here. So first off here are a few links that I found to be the most useful. The BIS wiki on headless client - https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Headless_Client and the PDF from clearbackblast - http://www.clearbackblast.com/Files/HCtutorial.pdf the clearbackblast is a little dated but still very useful. For now I will just be using I&A as the example for setting up your mission for headless client. This means Headless Client controlling AI spawned from script. For AI placed in the editor I would recommend reading the tutorial from clear backblast The very first thing that you will need to do is in the editor place down the Headless Client unit and make it playable. It is under the virtual entities unit type. So first off you will need to tell the server to be able to run the mission with or without the headless client connected to the server. If it is a simple mission that handles all of the scripts from one main init.sqf you will want to put this block of code in if !(hasInterface or isServer) then { HeadlessVariable = true; publicVariable "HeadlessVariable"; execVM "Script_to_run_on_HeadlessClient.sqf"; }; However in case of a more advanced mission like I&A that spawns in AI from sqf's further down the line you will want to make that block of code look like this if !(hasInterface or isServer) then { HeadlessVariable = true; publicVariable "HeadlessVariable"; }; You may want to put that block into a sqf that handles scripts for clients that run on the player's local machine. In case you are setting up a Headless Client for something more similar to I&A you will want to now put this block in to where you would normally spawn in the AI if (isServer) then { if (isNil "HeadlessVariable") then { execVM "Script_to_run_on_HeadlessClient.sqf"; }; }; I&A uses this exact block if (isServer) then { if (isNil "HeadlessVariable") then { hint "works"; _enemiesArray = [currentAO] call QS_fnc_AOenemy; }; }; That should do it for setting up the mission for headless client to use AI spawned from script. Now we will have to set up the server and Headless client itself. First what you will need to do is create a batch file for the client to launch the Headless Client. So create the batch file in the same folder that your server is in as long as there is an arma3.exe file there. in the batch file put this line in with your server's ip and port numbers. arma3.exe -client -connect= -password=YourServerPassword −cpucount=2 −nosound −mod=ModsForHCtorun in your server config file you will need to put in this line headlessClients[]={""}; That should be it for getting Headless Client up and running. Please leave any questions that you have and if you have any tips please post them as well. If you have set everything up correctly the headless client should connect to the server and be put into its slot automatically a few seconds after joining the server. A few important notes are that the Headless Client slot and client will only be visible when you are logged in as admin. The second is that headless client will not solve all of your problems and you will still need to find the right balance of things that are passed off to the Headless client and things that stay with the server..
  9. Headless Client is now working for AO AI and side mission AI. Still doing some testing but will hopefully get a version on to the download/ change log post soon.
  10. Can everyone please vote on this topic on the feedback tracker. It has to do with the laggy/choppy von. http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=18733
  11. You can switch squads in game by holding t while looking at a person in the squad you want to join.
  12. I don't think anyone here would really mind. All that i would ask is that you change the line that has the original authors to say "Rarek, Quicksilver, Ahoy World".


    I just looked at our ban logs and you ban was only a temp ban and should be automatically lifted in about 16 - 17 hours as of me posting this.
  14. scroll settings are back. they are on the vas man
  15. That is correct. The side missions need to find the AO so that they don't spawn inside of the current AO. The issue with the side mission showing up with any is new to me and I will try to look into it at some point in the near future (no promises though). The issue with sling loading should have been fixed as of version 2.79D, however the stance that I have taken on the sling loading is to just wait about one more week and just use the sling loading that is going to come with the helicopter DLC. Not really possible to have another ao up as it would kill server performance, I can try to increase the ai at main AO's however it would result in lowered performance.
  16. Thanks I got it into the next version of I&A
  17. The reason that the pcml is class locked is because you can lock onto vehicles with it but I will change them to missile specs if I remember to for the next update.
  18. If you are using I&A from 2.76 through 2.78 it would be located in the functions folder in the fn_SMhintSUCCESS.sqf file. The rewards that spawn look like this: smRewards = [ ["a To-199 Neophron (CAS)", "O_Plane_CAS_02_F"], ["an A-164 Wipeout (CAS)", "B_Plane_CAS_01_F"], ["an Mi-48 Kajman", "O_Heli_Attack_02_black_F"], ["an AH-99 Blackfoot", "B_Heli_Attack_01_F"], ["a PO-30 Orca", "O_Heli_Light_02_F"], ["a WY-55 Hellcat", "I_Heli_light_03_F"], ["an AH-9 Pawnee", "B_Heli_Light_01_armed_F"], ["an FV-720 Mora", "I_APC_tracked_03_cannon_F"], ["an FV-720 Mora", "I_APC_tracked_03_cannon_F"], ["an AFV-4 Gorgon", "I_APC_Wheeled_03_cannon_F"], ["an AFV-4 Gorgon", "I_APC_Wheeled_03_cannon_F"], ["an IFV-6a Cheetah", "B_APC_Tracked_01_AA_F"], ["an IFV-6a Cheetah", "B_APC_Tracked_01_AA_F"], ["an AMV-7 Marshall", "B_APC_Wheeled_01_cannon_F"], ["a T-100 Varsuk", "O_MBT_02_cannon_F"], ["an MBT-52 Kuma", "I_MBT_03_cannon_F"], ["an M2A4 Slammer (Urban Purpose)", "B_MBT_01_TUSK_F"] ]; if you wanted to add a vehicle it would be something like this: ["name of vehicle", "config_name_of_vehicle"],

    Modded Server

    Also try using the Arsenal. It has most of the different variations of the weapons removed.

    Modded Server

    You could always just download the mods individually from the armaholic links provided.
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