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Everything posted by Ducky

  1. I personally tested some of the mods RH M4/M16 RH Pistol Pack v1.1 Both looks very good and have a lot of weapons JS_JC_FA18 JS_JC_SU35 Very nicely modeled and have good features Imported ARMA 2 stuff HMMVV looks good US Helos one of the helis is too light: you can do a barrel rolls with it. I don't remember it name C-130J Both Transport and Cargo are both looks good and you can walk inside but they have a little problem with a Gear Up/Down option in ARMA 3 maps: sometime a pilot will not get that option. RAV_Lifter_A3 Modules looks pretty cool. You can see a ropes been attached a cargo and some of the vehicles. When a cargo is released near the ground you see ropes on the ground. However, it need to be modified to allow lift heavy vehicles (Tanks, APCs, etc) to be lifted.
  2. I will add RH_M4 RH Pistol Pack 1.1 JS_JC_FA18 JS_JC_SU35 RAV_Lifter_A3 FSF_SacVentral
  3. Hello my comrades I would like to ask Ahoy Community about EU2 server. If it should be converted in to the Mod+Hardcore AW Invade & Annex mission If Your choice is YES. Please say what mods you want to run. If You choice is NO. Please state your reason/s why. Ducky Out Cya on battlefield
  4. Skully I mostly agree with your points but disabling co-pilot slot it not good idea because how you mentioned sometimes people will use co-pilot to bring Helis back to base. *PLUS* Raz and Jester pretty pretty please get ride off new squad system :'( It is not very useful and it is annoying because it brings "Group" command on center of my screen and cost some live because of that >,..,< P.S. Old squad system was much better Ducky Out
  5. I agree with Dingo. EU2 should be a modded server plus little more of hardcore too
  6. Hello my comrades. Here is Zeus Gameplay from Bohemia Interactive Devs Enjoy Ducky Out
  7. That is very very bad idea >,..,<. First everyone needs to be on TS in order to use it. Second it buggy. Third it mainly used in Tactical/Game night style of gameplay. Fourth you to provide instructions how to use/install it. (Which are provided by Jester, if I remember correctly) In addition, I did not see any updates for ACRE for a while Plus it is a pub and Core staff want EU1 to be populated so they sticking with vanilla configuration. Except some of client side mods/addons such as: Shuck-Hud, Weapon resting, JSRS2.1, folding map and blastcore.
  8. That understandable. But can it be made into hardcore server after most of bugs/scripts been sorted/fixed?? wink wink nudge nudge
  9. Hello my comrades I have one question. Why EU 2 running AW Invade & Annex Stratis version?? Why not make it into Invade & Annex Altis Hardcore? Ducky Out
  10. It could be modified with some restrictions >..>
  11. We could add a limit to it. For example: 2 assault packs 1 assault pack & 1 kit pack/bergen pack 1 parachute & 1 any backpack 1 assault pack & 1 mortar kit if a player carry's 1 Carryall Pack then he can't add a backpack if a player has a re-breather then he can only carry 1 backpack Or only medic, AT, auto rifleman can add second backpack
  12. But this mod has a double function: HALO Jumps and carry 2 back packs
  13. Hello comrades. I was browsing Armaholic website and I how this little beauty :') FSF SacVentral by ElDoKtor & ToF Description: This addon allows you to put a backpack in a ventral position. All backpack in the game are supported. You can now put your backpack in a ventral position to realize a parachute jump from a HALO Helicopter or airplane. You can carry 2 backpack with this feature for best practice logistics in cooperative play. Link Maybe we can add this to our servers wink wink nudge nudge ;D Ducky Out
  14. I liked mission. Nice work Smithy boy Keep it up
  15. Guys you forgot about one feature of VAS, you can set a loadout when you spawn in load section of the VAS. > Over I this idea of don't have a revive script on the server because it takes you out of your comfort zone and make ARMA in to tactical sim how it should to be However, if any AW members can find an alternative to old revive script that would be good to. We can add a "hardcore revive" system: Link Ducky Out
  16. I don't see a point of doing that because it is not rewarding. Comparing to get some sort of asset which can be used to help take an AO is much more useful then a little attachment/gear which people will not use.
  17. Team killing will still continue because people being people: We all make mistakes. (Sometimes I team kill because it is hard to tell who is enemy or friend with thermal optics) . However, other side of accidents is trolling of course >..<. Frame drops near exploded vehicles (I think) is ARMA 3 fault not mission it self This idea sounds good but is it for PVP or PVE mission??
  18. Why only increase enemy vehicles?? Why not do it fro both infantry and vehicles such as: Vehicles have lite armored HMG/LMG, APCs, Tanks, trucks with troops. Infantry to have more AA/AT, Snipers/Spotters, Marksman, etc. In addition, not only place all units outside of the urban area of AO: make patrols inside of towns or may be inside of local town which are near AO.
  19. Creativity is one thing but doing your role is another. I don't care how you look, if you doing your role. Limit C4, satchels, mines to Explosive spec and Grenadier. Explosives are necessary to destroy vehicles so they can respawn. Your idea of limitations might work in a more coordinated setting, but I&A is still a bunch of random dudes where teamplay happens but is hardly ever-present. You can add C4 to the heli inventory because it can be used to trolling people >_< and only Explosive Spec can remove explosives. Limit Gillysuits to Spotter and Sniper Does the AI even react to that? It is nothing about AI. It is about to identify who is a Sniper/Spotter. Limit any rocket launches to AT/AP Rifleman. Pretty obvious decision, but I don't see this improving gameplay either. The big rockets are already reserved to this class. Expect RPG.
  20. I think some of the weapons and gear should be restricted to certain classes because I saw AT solder with Sniper/Spotter layout which means AT slot is wasted (In my opinion). In addition, people dressing up with Pilot gear: suit/helmet. I think it should be like this: No limitations on pistols, grenades, optics, gadgets (except Laser Designator, Thermal optics). Limit C4, satchels, mines to Explosive spec and Grenadier. Limit marksman rifles to Marksman class. Limit machine guns to Medic, Auto-rifleman and AT-Rifleman. Limit carbine weapons to Pilots and Crewman. Limit any rocket launches to AT/AP Rifleman. Limit Laser Designator to Squad Leader and Spotter. Limit Gillysuits to Spotter and Sniper Limit Pilot suits and Helmets to Pilots Allow only NATO uniforms (American or British) Limit backpack/s: Cary All Pack to AT/AP Rifleman.
  21. @Dingo I like your idea about "Over all Ammunition supply" which can be done both for interfere, cars, tanks and helis. However, it could be difficult to implement because of VAS. (I think): I you want I can expand on concerns. @Paraclete About to tweet enemy AI to that degree "barely raise ones head above the grass without an AI turning it into a canoe" because I don't find it fun, if AI sees one pixel of your body it will shoot at it and kill you with a one kill shot Increasing AA in a AO could be good people will require think on the fly My suggestion are add more variations of armored vehicles (tanks, helis, apcs, HMG/LMG light vehicles, boats (If near see)) not only tanks and AAs >..> because you always know what going to be there: to certain extend. Add some extra tasks which people need to complete such as: gather information/evidence, kill x, y, z (commander, captain, etc) Set up ambushes inside and outside of the AO Plant IEDs in AO or outside: there is a script which does that on armaholic link, Add urban patrols not just stationary look out guys. Add mines: to the AO not only to radio tower trip mines, AT/AP mines. Add enemy reinforcement if commander/radio tower has been eliminated. Maybe have quicker day/night cycle. Could have some sort of economy like in live or wasteland for a commander.
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