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Everything posted by Hoax

  1. Welcome to the community!
  2. Looks awesome, I'll have to steal my Xbox back off my nephew.
  3. Welcome to the community!
  4. Welcome to the community!
  5. Hoax


    Welcome to the community!
  6. Too much swag for the vertical?
  7. How did this end? I need to know!
  8. I've had a really fun few hours playing this game lately and I know a few other members of the community play it (Raz and Connors). I was wondering if anyone else plays? Would be great if we could team up and play a few matches. DISCLAIMER I suck, so don't blame me if we lose.
  9. I like this idea, would be cool to have a few coastal AO's that require diving and boats to be completed. Or are made easier by using divers and boats.
  10. Welcome to the community
  11. I loved the original, I just hope they haven't made it a first person beat 'em up.
  12. Hoax

    Hello There

    Come hop on the server any time, you'll find we are a very welcoming community
  13. I've noticed a huge reduction in roll rate when using a joystick. Apparently several tickets have been opened with BIS over this, my favourite quote about it - "It rolls slower than a 737"
  14. Hoax

    Ohai Der!

    Welcome to the community!
  15. http://youtu.be/znfRP-zSZqA My first ever landing in my first lesson. Man I miss KGYR ;_;
  16. Awesome! I want it so bad, would be even better to have a divider in the tank so you can have fish swimming around in a separate portion to the oil cooled bit.
  17. I've really enjoyed the PvP server we had on dev branch the last few days. So how about an ArmA 3 PvP server? Pretty please?
  18. Welcome to AhoyWorld! I too started back in the good old days of OFP, good to have another long time fan aboard.
  19. Welcome to AhoyWorld! Great to have another person with their eyes on the sky.
  20. I've seen this work well on other maps in the past. I'm sure it could be abused but I haven't personally seen it ever be abused.
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