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Posts posted by Dingo

  1. yeah that's your kill, watched the whole thing, thought you'd given up at one point, then when the second Aim-9 just sailed past the no fucks given mig not even trying to evade (think you were a bit too close), I could feel the rage :D,

    thought you were going to forget to drop the external tanks at one point, the AI in the MiG-27K is a bit dumb they just turn and burn, the '29's give a good enough dogfight if you can get in on them 

  2. Yeah pesky MiG's, nice gun kill in the end 



    weird issue when spawning more than one F-5 on the ground, only one person can use the the comms menu it breaks when another person joins the next free f-5 slot for, I've replaced the F-5's to new positions and re-saved the mission see if that fixes it.


    Let me know if it's still happening and I bug report it over on DCS Forums





  3. **UPDATE** The server is currently running ts.ahoyworld.net

    put the ts.ahoyworld.net into your SRS Client and fire up a DCS Game server or join any multiplayer server (two or more people needed to function) 

    once you get into game and inside an aircraft your client overlay should populate the radios frequencies (once you switch them on for advanced modules) and you should hear each other in game once you are on the same frequency, 


    I have it set up to have all the Realistic Radio bells and whistles settings - Distance and Line of sight and a few other mad magical jiggerie pokerie stuff happens 

    the radio has a mic click for incoming and end of transmissions and overlapping transmissions should sound garbled 



  4. So we are setting up a Server to Host DCS Simple Radio (not a dedicated DCS game server #yet ;), they'll still be hosted locally by individual players for now)


    When: On Sunday 25/9/2016 - from 10:00 UTC


    Connect to Game - password piss
    Connect your SRS client to ts.ahoyworld.net 


     - AWACS is on this channel 124 on the UHF suggest everyone setting a radio to that.

     - The mission uses a script to call in air or ground targets via the comms menu and F10 option

     - F10 option also has scripted FAC section for the Helo's (Gazelles & Huey), that enables them to put smoke markers for dumb bomb run or lase targets for GBU strikes


    Recomend joining with DCS Simple Radio Client, it increases immersion and is excellent 

    Download & install instructions from the Github link in this post #HERE


    Map is Caucasus & Su-25T's will be available so no need to worry about not having any DLC map or aircraft

    I'll also have 4x of each other module for those that want run what they own (no ww2, F-86, Mig15, Ka-50, Hawk or EB-101 - will be added in next version)




    If you are interested post below or have any questions same applies :D

  5. Excellent time we will have to get a lot more to attend in the future for sure,


    What can I say fastest on the track boom!!!! :D


    But my poor old legs though have only just recovered from being shot so much at close range in the last few rounds,

     I couldn't walk up or down stairs all week from all the bruising on my thighs which has only just this morning subsided and I can walk normally :D







  6. Just to note Edits & Mission Bug hunting will currently be thick and fast as we try to bed in I&A & any possible future missions with the new & old maps alike, so please bare with us in the transition to a new & improved user experience 


    As of now VAS is gone (unlikely it'll be ever reinstated - the Arsenal is more user friendly) *everything is subject to change


    Don't confuse I&A on EU1 & 2 with Leutins EU4 mission (although running similar I&A versions they are totally different beasts with a different set of criteria, any bug bears or gripes with that missions please discuss with LT and he can make or relay any major changes that need to come about to keep ya'll happy hill top campers :D)



  7. Ban is a ban you also used unnecessary attitude against a player, just so happens it was an admin, you would have been banned either way, suggest you learn to bite your tongue and also you should practice more in the editor or better yet DCS get to know how a helo is supposed to behave :D


    good luck, have a nice life 

  8. If you haven't already, we suggest you update your forum Avatars as if you haven't done it no one else will be able to see them only a blank or missing link image is shown as in attached pic


    click on your Profile button and then the envelope symbol on the avatar square, and add a new picture 


  9. Anyone know the width of the visable areas at the side? Got some ideas that may or may not work

    Approx 350x960

    I too like it, but it's not showing properly on my 1366x768 laptop.

    yeah, it's kind of made for 1920x1080 @ 100% zoom in the browser

  10. Call me sceptical, but from what I can see 

    from the screens they've applied a few ReShade / SweetFX tweaks to the lighting & contrasts, make is nice & bright to look at it is the Mediterranean after all



    turned down the view distance & added a haze at long range (should reduce the render process a bit) + for fps 

    Murrkied the waters (reduce the under water render & view distancea bit) + for fps 



    Undo all the FPS +'s by adding a mirror render reflections to water surface -for fps (huge fps dump)

    to quote "Speaking of which, in terms of performance, the new lighting configuration itself should have have no impact; however, terrains with a lot of shoreline may be slightly impacted, due to the new approach to rendering water on the coast. Although we expect the new Screen Space Reflections tech will be more demanding"


    We'll see maybe good 


    top Sweet FX off (default graphics)

    bottom Sweet FX on

    now add in some haze and your golden :D





  11. Hey 


    So some of you may have noticed the new background ont' forums


    But we want to do better, current example screen below of the screen shot & how it looks in a browser


    So challenge going out is to create a new & better screenshot for the background image on the website


    the pic has to be Size - 1920x1080 (try to keep file size small too ~1.5mb max, preferably under 1mb) saves load time on the site ;)

    also of note when at 100% zoom on a browser it's mostly only the small area of the left and right that gets seen (~350x960 each side)

    so the main challenge is to get the most interesting aspects of your shots to both left & right segments 


    So off you go, post shots below or in the Forum Gallery and supply a link in your responses



  12. For anyone interested


    this Sunday 10/APR/2016 @ 19:00UTC / (20:00BST) / (21:00CET) / 12:00(PST)


    Live stream with Wags (From ED) & the Guys at POLYCHOP a Q&A discussion and showing off the upcoming Gazelle module 


    also showing off some new DLC for the coming update to the Caucasus map & 2.5 release


    ED DCS Site link http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=164334


    Stream link https://gaming.youtube.com/channel/U...qSzAVrlw#tab=1

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