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Everything posted by kamaradski

  1. Than also from me: happy b-day Raz !! Totally missed it on the calendar
  2. //Ahoyworld.net presents: Notepad++ Arma Syntax Highlighter What is this: This is an Arma scripting (.SQF & .SQM)syntax highlighter to be used in Notepad++, specially for dark themes. It is developed using the 'Deep Black' theme that is shipped with NPP, but will work for anything with a dark background. Download: https://bitbucket.org/kamaradski/sqf-syntax-highlighter-npp/downloads Installation: Download the 'userDefineLang.xml' from HERE Copy the file into: C:\Users[user]\AppData\Roaming\Notepad++ Open your .SQF file Select 'Ahoyworld_Arma3' from the Language menu in NPP Links: F.A.Q. WIKI Downloads Issue Tracker BIS forum release ArmaHolic release Please note: This is a community project, and we will appreciate all your help to keep this updated and working. At the moment this is already the Syntax Highlighter with the most complete database, lets keep it that way and expand on this initial version as much as possible. Any input can be logged in the Issue Tracker or bigger input can be happily forked and imported with a pull request.
  3. Here is our development done: https://bitbucket.org/ahoyworld/aw-i-a-2/commits/all And here are all recent and historical downloads: https://bitbucket.org/ahoyworld/aw-i-a-2/downloads
  4. Great work Proxi and Kyrie !!! MC is stronger, quicker, and more responsive than ever now !!
  5. @Tsori: Sorry man, for MC i was depending on our in-house specialists: Proxi and Kyrie, i i saw they sorted that out later that evening ahead in schedule
  6. It was a pleasure, and i also have to thanks the wife for giving me 3 days of "ice holiday" to dedicate my time on AW preparing and executing this. Also i have to mention that without Proxima and Kyrie, the MC servers would still be down. They did a fantastic job on reinstalling MC, and making it as high-performance resource light as it is now !! Well done guys !!! It is really cool that i received so many thank you's from everyone, and i really hope the servers are performing up to standard again !! ( it looks like FPS are through the roof atm, and all the ban-sync etc is working fine )
  7. Maintenance almost concluded. i will call it a day. Most servers back online, only the FTP MC will have to wait till tomorrow. Also the last little tinkering etc... will happen somewhere during the week in the evenings. It might be that the server will have to do one more reboot somewhere during the week. kama-out, enjoy the new very FAST servers
  8. Some crazy wicked stuff !! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6N_PXN4EGeE
  9. I do not know man, as i have nothing to do with MC normally (never even logged into the game EVER) i do not keep track of what is what. I just happen to know we use to have 2 servers 1xVanilla and 1xFeedTheBeast. If the mod was renamed, or changed, i do not know. In any case you will be getting back exactly what you left behind, as apart from installing MCMA, it is all just a copy-paste job (or so they say)
  10. UPDATE: - Both Minecraft servers are now offline - Last remote backup is running (30GB MC world, & 50GB of other stuff)
  11. Last minute update: Teamspeak --> Will remain reachable via ts.ahoyworld.co.uk this will be routed to our backup server. Do NOT connect to our IP-address directly. This switch will happen tomorrow evening, and will be switched back as soon as the server is up and running again on Saturday. Minecraft --> Will go offline tomorrow morning 8am CET. At this point we will make a backup of the world so no changes are lost. Minecraft will be back online Saturday evening again. Approx maintenance schedule: 10/07/2014@19:30 CET - Re-route ts.ahoyworld.co.uk to the backup teamspeak 10/07/2014@20:00 CET - Mincecraft offline, and final backup of the world-data 10/07/2014@22:00 CET - Server offline, removal of operating system, re-partitioning hard-drive 11/07/2014@13:00 CET - Server OS re-installation 11/07/2014@19:00 CET - Updating OS & system image 12/07/2014@10:00 CET - Installing Teamspeak & re-configure to our old setup 12/07/2014@11:00 CET - Installing Arma servers, admin-tools, system specific configs, maintenance and startup scripts, ban-sync, mission-sync, BIkey-sync 12/07/2014@13:00 CET - Installing MC, MCMA, FTB and restoring the old world. 12/07/2014@15:00 CET - Teamspeak back online 12/07/2014@16:00 CET - EU1 & EU2 Arma servers back online 12/07/2014@17:00 CET - MC & MC FTB back online 12/07/2014@18:00 CET - Rest of the evening reserved for system tinkering and fine-tuning (reboots might still happen without warning) 12/07/2014@22:00 CET - End of maintance and systems should be stable again Terms&Conditions: These times are a VERY rough indication, we might be ready sooner or later than advertised, and even after end of maintenance ther might still be some small hiccups in how stuff works. We do however have specialized IT people in our team so we hope all will go smoothly and ahead of time Fingers crossed.
  12. Unfortunately i have no ready-made solution for this, as i never got round to play with this. In single player i would use setAccTime, but this will probably not work in multiplayer So instead you should probably look into using skipTime and\or setDate. With a eventHandler you could probably create a server script that does something like this: - wait 10min - setDate (date + 10min) - repeat If you run such a script on the server itself, it will skip 10min every 10 minutes, thus cutting the gametime in half. You might have some slight syncing issues as it can take up to 30sec before every client has received the new time. Again i have no clue if this will work, as it never got past the idea state. But one day i will find the time to experiment this this. (unless you figured it out already, and i can leech it from you )
  13. It's desktop was never this empty ....
  14. I would rather look at accelerated time instead of a random start-time. It should be possible to speed-up the game-time so the day last about 2 hours, and the dawn&dust period to cover a total of 1 hour (30min to go dar, and 30min to get light again) while skipping the actual night itself. Unfortunately i didnt yet have the time to experiment with this myself, but the scripting-tools are there, just have a look on the wiki searching for "time" related functions. PS: Jester is right about your server reboots, i recommend you look at what statistically is your lowest player numbers, and reboot once a day max, in the middle of your slack-period.
  15. Updated main post with more details and status indicators. Sorry Josh, for molesting your post
  16. ETS2 is on sale now for only 2,99 Euro (-85%)
  17. You can pick it up for 11 Euro only. I suspect it will get more expensive once they release on Steam and move from Alpha-state. http://sites.fastspring.com/beamng/product/alpha
  18. Welcome LaForte The AhoyWorld Folding team is getting stronger yet again ! Laforte joined this week, and delivered his first results for the WorldCommunityGrid Project !! Welcome onboard LaForte, and thanks for your efforts in the name of the whole humanity
  19. I have a couple of days off near the end of this week, looking forward to some multyplayer with the gang, feel free to hook up when you see me online !
  20. Yes finally a release date is set. 6 days from now. Follow the "live" counter here : http://www.beamng.com/live
  21. What a ff-ing road After 2 hours i finally made it with the trailer to the second garage, with tarmac this would have taken me 5 minutes ! so cool
  22. Glad you like it dave I remember talking about this game back in the early days when joining AW, this game has been in tech-demo for so long, that i never expected it ever to be launched. And it's come a long way since than. So now it is time to see how that trailer behaves in the mud, and see if i can take it to the second garage on the first map..... With 2 trucks i think i just might have a change to reach it all the way there, what do you recon ?
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