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Everything posted by kamaradski

  1. http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=16591 Help us all get this in the game, so we can make better ammoboxes and Virtual Arsenal systems !!
  2. Released a hotfix today, followed by Version 1.00.61. This should solve many script errors, the desync, and add some more functionality
  3. Version 01.01.00 Released: Changelog: - Fixed: #8: Remove Italic font from Variables - Fixed: #9: Re-organize the track-changes files - Fixed: #3: V1.22 update required - Fixed: #4: V1.24 update required - Fixed: #5: V1.26 update required - Fixed: #10: Remove Italic font from Comments & Numbers - Fixed: #11 Add ctrlCreate Classnames - Fixed: #6: V1.29 update required - Fixed: #12: Update new BIS Functions - Fixed: #13: V1.31 update required Enjoy !
  4. I guess we didn't really thing about doing this yet, at least i am not aware of any plans or discussions on this topic. However i do like the idea, but guess it will involve a lot of work and time that most of us do not have atm >( The gameplay and performance to-do's have a higher prio atm. I can put it on a very-very long list of personal things i will look into once i have time...
  5. Здравей и добре дошли Good to have some people onboard from my favorite country ! Hope to see you around.
  6. 1: in David's previous post, it was me that put the vehicles up there traces of this event can still be found in David's profile:
  7. Hi all, I would like to inform you that we have opened a new sub-forum and a Virtual Trucking Company for Euro Truck Simulator 2. Name of the company: AWLs: AhoyWorld Logistic Services This is all very new and we still need our members help on the following items: - Setup rules and information - Design a cool logo for the application-form and login-page For both items there is a forum thread where you can submit your input or logo's, so knock yourself out And thanks in advance for your help ! The forum can be found here: http://www.ahoyworld.co.uk/forum/84-awls-aw-logistic-services-trucksim/ Apply for trucking with us: http://myvtc.net/r/3634 Login to the company (after we accept your application) : http://AW.myvtc.net/ Happy Trucking! AW Staff
  8. kamaradski

    Project CARS

    Graphics look real good, but how are the driving physics, and what about the damage model ? The Simulator part for me is the driving physics, how it looks is less important.
  9. Funny you mention me, as i have news for you: I'm leaving for my holidays too on Saturday, and will be away for 3 weeks Sorry Enjoy your well deserved break !!
  10. Thanks Josh !! I have added the server banner to the home-page
  11. Have you tried running it on a dedicated server instead of in your local client ? Also you might want to change the vehicle in notepad++ by just switching the classname, this way you are sure to leave any scripts linked to the vehicles in place.
  12. 1.00.35 TA-49 - Add: 4 groups of RED patrol TA-50 - Add: 4 groups of BLU patrol TA-59 - Fix: Issue with Selakano mission not loading correctly This is a slightly bigger release as TA-49 & TA-50 are adding an additional gameplay feature: There are now a total of 8 AI patrols starting at random position, patrolling via 2 additional random waypoints. (4 OPFOR & 4 BLUFOR) They will attack everything they spot, including other AI patrols. It will now be harder to move around the map undetected, also you might think to have found the opposing team, while in reality you are chasing 2 AI patrols instead that are attacking each-other.
  13. Now also on steam, for the moment visible for friends only, so add me in case you want access. It will be set to public once all features are build in. Remember it is already fully playable ! http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=275140474
  14. Released: After a very busy year, active development has continued on this project for the last few weeks. The result is this Ahoyworld exclusive pre-release of an Intermediate DEV version that should be fully playable already. All the basic mission framework should work as designed, all extras will be added over the next few weeks. Full rebuild from scratch, completely new mission engine, way more stable than the first versions, AND: very cool new bases have been designed. Transport_&_Ambush_1.00.30i_[DEV].Altis.pbo Let me know how this is working out for you ! Kamaradski
  15. I has been a while since the greenlit on steam, but for those that happen to have bought the game already, can now redeem it on steam !! http://www.beamng.com/threads/9665-Steam-keys-available
  16. Repo is back online
  17. I opened that port long ago mate...
  18. It's always like that when i decide to write something The repo is confirmed to be down and the problem should be solved later today or tomorrow during the day.
  19. Thats why it is smart to always use our arma3sync repository, you will than only get the update when we have updated the server. In some cases we might not even want a certain new update to a specific mod on the server, and deliberately keep running an old version instead.
  20. Jochem with a BANG ! Has been member of the team for a short while already and currently taking place 6 in the team !! Welcome and thanks for the contribution Happy Crunching ! Since Jochem joined us while already member of this project I have decided to add this project to the official supported list, and create a Ahoyteam for this project.
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