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Everything posted by Rarek

  1. I've always liked the way Battlelog handled double posting; it simply wouldn't let you. Viewing a thread in which you owned the latest post meant that there was no option to reply. Taking inspiration from that, I knocked up a wee bit of PHP today and implemented the same feature. Should help keep the forums nice and tidy. Try it out! Post in this thread and, while your post is the latest, you shouldn't be able to post again.
  2. I'm going to get home today at ~21:00. I know the pain.
  3. Blizzard teased us with an accidental open beta a couple of days ago. Now it's time for the real thing. All you'll need if a Battle.net account and the Diablo III client, downloadable from Battle.net. What the hell are you waiting for! Stop reading and download it!
  4. Rarek

    Background Switcher

    That'd be great Ferg! Specifications are just a width of 1,920 pixels and (preferably) a height of 1,000 pixels or more, making sure that it fades into the grey that forms the rest of the background (hex code #43443F).
  5. To give a bit of personalised variety to the site, everyone can now switch the background of the site between a few pre-sets. There are only a couple right now but I'll more as time goes by. To switch out the background, scroll to the bottom of any page and use the drop-down menu in the footer to select the background of your choice. Any requests for backgrounds?
  6. That guide's fine but it doesn't outline every single damage mitigation point that's needed. Our guide is actually pretty good - with the bullet points for each class... http://www.ahoyworld.co.uk/threads/lfr-dragon-soul-a-definitive-guide.58/
  7. We're going to be doing a huge meet-up in Oxford this year and everyone involved with Ahoy World is invited! We're not sure of the exact details right now (or even the date!) but be sure to get talking about it with us! We want to start organising this as quickly as soon as possible and make sure we can get as many people as we can down to Oxford for a brilliant day!
  8. Time to play some ARMA. My eyes are on those below to do this! fergie Charlie Phill318 razgriz33 Ciaran
  9. Want to play Diablo 3? Players on Reddit have noticed that it’s possible to download the client and jump right into the game even if you haven’t received a beta invite. Blizzard haven’t mentioned that they’re opening up the beta, so it could be an accident. Either way, it’s out there and people are playing it.
  10. It's pretty bright and scary outside my darkened attic, but I sometimes venture out. Hey, sometimes people even come over and set my desktop background to a BSoD.
  11. That's the target. The merger should provide us with a good few dedicated members that should hopefully act as a catalyst for the raiding in Ahoy World. Unfortunately I don't think they've returned yet so I can't talk to them to confirm the merge. Hammerforge might be able to give me more info on that, but we'll start getting all of them involved in raids as soon as possible. Saturday I suppose is alright for me - it just runs the risk of me doing something IRL if it's a Saturday!
  12. Could do. We definitely need to organise a raiding (or atleast DS10) night. We'll get everyone we can in on it and see what day everyone's free.
  13. A few of you may have noticed that we now have a "SPONSOR" notice. First off, don't panic. These aren't annoying random adverts - they are carefully controlled to help keep Ahoy World going. Thanks to our partnership with Fullscreen, we're also allowed to involve ourselves with select promotions and sponsorships. The current sponsor, Dormtainment, indirectly sponsors us by paying $0.10 for every unique click on that advert. Here's an important note: Fullscreen provide these promotions and these links and it is our choice to involve ourselves. These links will NEVER point anywhere you wouldn't want to go. They will point to either a YouTube page or a SAFE, TRUSTED WEBSITE. Point being, neither Ahoy World nor Fullscreen will throw evil links at you. Ever. Ergo seeing as we get 10 cents for every unique click (maybe even more depending on the specific promotion), I invite you all to have a bash and click the new adverts. It's like a free donation of $0.10, and you don't have to pay.
  14. Good job lads. 4/8 down and called 'cause of dodgy DPS!
  15. We'll be doing a Dragon Soul 10-man run at 6PM today, looking to get as many people involved from Ahoy World as we can. I'm making an event on here and on World of Warcraft. Pleae take the time to RSVP to both if you can, though this event will serve mainly to remind everyone. For those wanting to come, please be on TeamSpeak (even if you don't have a mic!) at 6:00PM GMT time. Here's a list of those I believe will be interested. Ciaran GarethJoiner Iskaa Dom
  16. I like setting things up for YouTube.
  17. Rarek

    Whats up

    Indeed bud - glad to have you! Was fun playin' with ya for the short time we did the other day - looking forward to when you're back on and one of us can team up with ya and destroy in the chopper!
  18. *cheers* Who was it you were going to res already? @Phill?
  19. Willkommen! I want dates for your rig production! We need to get you on TeamSpeak and buy you a WoW account.
  20. Nice to meet ya Phill! Looking forward to gaming with you too! I hear you may be getting WoW slightly earlier than you first anticipated? And @Ciaran is doing Recruit-a-Friend on you, right? Get that account recovered!
  21. And this one's to test the alignment of events within the various views. Let's make this a Battlefield 3 Match
  22. Don't worry too much about this. It's a temporary event to test the new system we have for arranging raids and the like. If you've been invited, you should've received a notification along with the ability to RSVP. Please do so to fully test the system.
  23. This is a very quick thread to explain what our partnership with Fullscreen means. I even made a lovely picture to describe it. That'll be all.
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