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Helicopter Training


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What: EU#4 Helicopter Training

Data & Time: Saturday 7./1/'17 @18:30 UTC

Where: EU#4

Requirements: None





Hello everyone,


Coming Saturday a helicopter practice mission created by Cyro will be ran on EU#4 by Cyro, this mission is meant for the bad and mediocre pilots in our community, who would like to hone their skills.
It is not meant for the already (very) experienced pilots.


The mission will basically revolve around a group with an instructor (Eagle-Eye or Benjamin Levine) whilst Cyro keeps overwatch of the training through Zeus.


If you're planning on showing up, please let us know down below so we know what to expect.



With regards,




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Depends, I would say. I say the latest that we can accept people into the course is after swapping for the second time, since then you still have nothing too major of a disadvantage. Later and it is simply too hard, in that case that you are still determined, maybe I could take you apart as Zeus and speed through the course.


Long story short, depends.....

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Thx for the event Cryo, also to Benjamin and Copey for helping.


If you ever plan to do some follow-up, I would be interested in CAS training in Enhanced server environment.


While "dumb" missile choppers like Littlebird are pretty straithforward, I still dunno how to fire guided missiles from the other Littlebird(the 4+1 hellfire variant) and AH-64.

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A follow up is indeed a thing I am thinking about, but I'll still need to get accustomed with the EU#3 mods first, than draw up a scenario in which we can train it. Big chance I'll just stick with vanilla for a while since school is about to begin again.


Maybe I'll begin working on a real scenario, I was told bling about something for a while....


Short version, I am thinking about a follow up but it will take a while before I have inspiration for one.


Btw, if someone has any suggestions or ideas, feel free to PM me.

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