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Game Night 26th Oct 1400UTC - Shiny new tools


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Up for a game night this weekend. Inspired by last weeks events and there's this fancy new tool I'd love to try out that would make missions more dynamic and entertaining.


I'm swaying towards 2 tanks, a pawnee and some supporting infantry. what do you guys think? up for some armoured action?


further details to follow including time and slots.

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Don't be daft lads, I think most of us are flexible on time. Would it help if it were earlier say 2 hours earlier? earlier still is possible. 


I tested this thing out last night and it looks like we're onto a winner!


Bah! Got work at that time. :(

oh well... have fun y'all!



ehhh that's 10pm for me, I've got school on sunday so I dont think I can make it. oh well
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Don't be daft lads, I think most of us are flexible on time. Would it help if it were earlier say 2 hours earlier? earlier still is possible. 


I tested this thing out last night and it looks like we're onto a winner!

Yes, well if I were to be selfish, I'd ask for a 16:00 or, dare I even say 15:00 B.S.T. start so that I could squeeze in some game night(game afternoon? ) with the Boys From Ahoy.

But I am not that selfish, nor self centered, despite what any of my Exes may say. So I will not ask.

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Count me in i have the house to myself for the night :)  

the Missus is in work on the late shift and the young fella's getting kicked off to his Granny for the mid term / Halloween school break 

so beers are in fridge chilling, and the mouse and keyboard have been on a tight training regime ready for the action :)

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