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[Suggestion] Radio Chatter

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I know Raz is found of ATC feeds in his chopper but how about something like the following being imbedded as a constant loop?  I know right now it would add further traffic to the server but with steamworkshop taking the strain at a later date it could work?


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This is possible, however i think it would be wise to wait until we see how the steam workshop works. why?

Filesize. Currently we can't do this because adding a sound file can be a time consuming join after every update.

But with that workshop i imagine we would have steam transfer rates so we could have a version that has more signs and sounds


oh also edited the title, hope that's appropriate? ;)


cheers hoaxy

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There are actually some radio-chatter-esque sounds that sound good when looped (we currently use one of them for viewing the UAV, though it's very quiet). We could just slam those in there and then we wouldn't have to slam the filesize up at all.

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There are actually some radio-chatter-esque sounds that sound good when looped (we currently use one of them for viewing the UAV, though it's very quiet). We could just slam those in there and then we wouldn't have to slam the filesize up at all.


That could work well if it is loud enough.  Would be great to have some atmospheric radio chatter at base as well, and hopefully steamworks will allow greater amounts of it when implemented.

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I don't believe I've heard Raz's ATC. The only sort of chatter I've heard is people playing music in vehicle comms.

I have my own damn music playing, I usually end up muting people who do that in my heli xD

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