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Posts posted by Theronas

  1. 28 minutes ago, Stanhope said:

    Requests via Teamspeak go a lot faster.  And with the number of pilots that currently join TS we're not going to do anything to make it not worth being on TS.  If anyone has a problem with a pilot killing thing after thing in the AO without an apparent request he/she can, politely, ask said pilot who's requesting stuff for him.  If he fails to reply or gives a 'wrong' answer please by all means politely request him to stop.  If this doesn't work contact a member of staff.  


    Wouldn't that mean that the requester (ground foot unit) would have to also be in TS? And wouldn't this make it harder for rule breakers to be noticed? (If you make a rule that pilots MUST be on TS, it could be a base for a solution), but many pilots don't even come on TS since its only advisable to be there, but not a must currently?

    Of course a solution to accept both would be awesome, but most of the time I'm alone in the TS channel (and i'm not even a pilot, i just come in there to not feel lonely :P )

  2. 4 minutes ago, Amentes said:

    As I write above, the request for CAS could have been submitted on TS, or by some other method of communication that the player filing a report wouldn't be privy to, and there'd really be no way to check if a request was filed.


    Make it a rule for the pilot to respond ONLY if the request has been made in side chat. If the pilot is requested via TS, then the pilot should tell the requester to make a formal request in side chat. (This works elsewhere, so no reason for it not to here).


    5 minutes ago, Amentes said:

    Add to that, there's no limit on how many requests one player can file in any given amount of time, so even if a pilot is literally killing every single thing in an AO, as long as a player is working with said pilot, no rule is being broken.


    In such a scenario, I might take it upon myself to step in and ask them to leave something for the rest of you, but if such a scenario went down and it was reported after the fact, I don't see what could be done about it.


    Alas i have no answer for this part, my proposal was a base idea. Maybe it can be used to build upon, and not viewed as a full fledged solution? I'm sure that something can be worked out along the lines of actually having a pilot be on standby until requested.


    I mean, this is the only issue at hand:

    • Don't pick own targets
    • Don't engage unless legitimate request has been made.

    As for enforcment... i can not be of too much help there since i am not a staff member, and do not have any form of control on this issue. Staff should figure this one out amongst themselves ;)




  3. 15 minutes ago, Amentes said:

    One possible solution to this would be to require all CAS requests be submitted via Side Channel text, though I can't imagine that would be a popular decision.


    This is the only solution to my proposal. 


    16 minutes ago, Amentes said:

    Because of this, the AW Player Report system can't effectively be used to "catch" pilots who don't abide by this rule.


    Why not? It works on all the other rules that you have implemented? Why not here?

    One thing i have learned and seen here on AW is that in-game, not only the Staff looks out if a player does something they shouldn't, but so do most of the normal players. If someone does something they shouldn't, you can see side chat go berserk most of the time about people complaining. 


    And like is said, once the rule gets a bit more known, you will see that not only the pilots need to be aware, but the players will be too, hence; Rule breakers will get recorded/reported/spotted/bitched at :D 

    Oh, btw, i hope i am not... uhm.. being rude of offputting at how im writing this morning. Im just having a rough day at work at the moment :P 



  4. On 7/5/2017 at 6:33 PM, Xwatt said:

    Here's how I see it.


    I've had many conversations about the role of the wasp with many people since the introductory of the Jets DLC.  The role of a CAS jet should be a SUPPORT role. Meaning that the pilot should only fire on request and should be on standby, scouting targets. Sadly this hasn't been been the case. I have seen pilots utilise the black wasp incorrectly, taking it upon themselves the fire without request and 'One manning' missions spoiling the role for those on the ground.



    Hello Everyone.

    I think that this quote (above) hits the nail on the head!


    A more simple and elegant solution would be to actually create  specific rules that apply for jet pilots. Sure, it will take a bit for the rule to get known and utilized, but in the long run it would work (see how the rules work for heli pilots).


    Any form of CAS should be standby and only be used on request. If this is not the case, kick/ban the pilot. The CAS should only be used on a specific requested target. The pilot and gunner should not be allowed to pick their own targets (with the exception of enemy air ofc).


    A request like this should just come in side chat, as in: "Request CAS on enemy MBT, located at 143576 from North to South. Target is being lazed."


    Once that  has been requested, the CAS pilot is allowed to take off and eliminate said target. After the target is down, the CAS returns to base, or if requested they continue, they have to be announced/requested in side chat.

    Now to the issue of having 1 pilot slot that sits on standby, meaning that only 4 other slots are available.... create a pilot slot ONLY for jets. Simple really, if someone wants/enjoys to play a role where he sits mostly on standby and is active only upon request, that's his problem/fancy. That way the classic pilot slots will not be affected, there will be no camping (since its a slot-based solution).


    Now before some of you start with the argument (its a public server, which is why it won't work yak yak yak), it DOES work, on a PUBLIC server. I have seen other I&A public servers that have exactly this solution implemented, and it works like a charm.

    All it takes is 2 messages in side chat (request & confirmation) and a pilot willing to play that role in this manner. 


    IF we see jets flying, attacking targets without a specific request (enemy air exempted), that pilot should leave the slot, kick, ban, however you wish to deal with rule ignorance. Like I mentioned above, it will take a while for this rule to become known and people to find out, but since you are all able to enforce so many other rules, this should not be an additional hassle. That way, there is no need to NERF stuff


    I am one of the people who hate nerfs in general. Instead of nerfing something, might as well remove it totally, but stop with the nerfing as it is really annoying. I have never heard of a fighter jet for example that does not have air-to-ground missiles, and needs a separate Laze for it to do it's job. If it's too OP, then don't put it in in the first place.

    But to get back on topic, also based on the amount of different jets (AA jet only, WASP, etc) you would have to find the right balance in slots.

    This would also mean to adjust the re-arm and re--fuel times accordingly. There would be no need for 15 mins of re-arm or re-fuel, since that asset will operate in a more controlled environment (rules), or keep it for realism effect (this is not a formula 1 pit-stop either ;) ).


    If you would like to see this solution in action, send me a pm (AW STAFF ONLY) so i can link them to an I&A server which has this solution implemented (I don't want to spam any other server in forums which is why i say staff only and only in PM). 


    I would also like to add that this solution is the fastest/easiest method, which requires the least amount of work compared to many suggestions that have been proposed in this thread.


    Just my 2 cents ;)


    Regards & whole lotta love,


  5. I understand and do agree with your arguments. My idea for a medevac was a bit more along the lines of an addition, not a substitution. I always like to believe (not just here in arma/AWE) that adding options (not forcing/replacing options) just to give more possibilities when and if a situation allows, could be beneficial and add to the fun experience. Its nice to have multiple options for many misc. stuff rather than being forced to just 1 solution. 


    Note: In general, not just for this thread here. I see many people give some pretty sweet ideas here and there. Most of them are being denied with the argument "Its not needed". It's not about "needed" or not, but rather to have more possibilities and choice to approach a situation. (No, it's not about my suggestion here, its general I'm talking about). No one is saying to not implement what others have suggested, but adding some of the other various ideas just offers more.


    I didn't know that AWE does not fall under the category "Milsim", so it appears that I am unaware what the actual Milsim is then in Arma (yeah yeah, im an old fart, and a n00b in many aspects) but I love this game, and sometimes i just scratch my head at the issue of knowing that Arma has so much to offer, but a lot is being limited to the player base. (No offense, I'm not criticizing this community or anything, I'm just wondering, thats all). I definitely understand that my suggestion is not feasible if you barely have enough players to fill up 1 squad, and about the time it would take to go through such a hassle. I guess i was just in my mind visualizing some war movie and thought "hey, this would kick ass in-game".


    Maybe someone could elaborate for me what "milsim" actually stands for, if not AWE?




  6. Whilst i feel for you about how annoying it can be, i honestly think (that for this specific situation) a kick/ban/report player is way to exaggerated. I mean seriously? You want to report/kick/ban a player for saying something like that? Its a bit harsh. And about the rules, I don't think that rule #9 applies here, nor does #8 really. He wasn't doing anything except opening his mouth, which as far as it's not insults or bad language, it  should not be punished.


    Based on your logic, every time vortex has to put up with passengers telling him to fly low, do this, do that, every single flight should be punishing a handful of passengers.


    Don't let it get to you, and just either ignore such people, or do what you did "telling him to f*** off" which should suffice. It's not like your patient died due to his intervention or anything.


    Whilst i do have a lot of respect for rules and reporting, i honestly don't think that someone telling you "how to" should be punishable. Unless of course he's all over your face and intentionally being a dick at annoying you, then of course something should be done about it, but that was not the case from what i understand here.




  7. 3 minutes ago, Lost Bullet said:

    its also common that the exchange between transport <-> CAS is done several times making the communication ASL <-> Pilot ineffective as the last would be constantly changing btw 2 callsigns.


    To solve this part of the issue, normally when a CAS pilot is ready for CAS, he "should" announce something like: "CAS Online" or after "CAS Offline/refuel/rearm/whatever"... so the communication between ASL and Pilot Situations stays up to date at all times. I mean if we want to take it to a little bit of a realism level, then every player should up his role a bit. Its not hard for a CAS pilot to announce to ASL if CAS is online/offline. And its not hard for a ASL to know which call-sign refers to which type of aircraft.


    In addition to my earlier post above, (just for clarification) im not saying assign every aircraft its own call-sign. Rather group them, so make groups based on aircraft's role/types. 3 groups could suffice (4 would be even more detailed/better), so CAS jets get Talon, CAS helis get <insert some name here>, transport gets vortex, and AA jets get <insert some name here>, <---- Like Eagle or whatever :P


    There should be no confusion for just adding 3 names anywhere. The only issue at hand (from where i see it) is the coding/implementation part) from the admins/coders if they can implement an automated solution. That way, also it would not need for any re-slots or pilot intervention for switching groups/call-signs apart from announcing ON/OFF-line for the specific group (CAS/Others).... which they "should" be doing anyways all along with or without any changes mentioned in this entire thread.






  8. Forgive me if i maybe make a "stupid" suggestion here. Is it possible to automate (script or hard-code) something like, when you login, you initially fill in a vortex pilot slot, but then depending on which type of aircraft you enter as a pilot, it would automatically change you to a specific Group/Call-sign? 


    So for example, by default you are vortex, and when the pilot enters an Apache, he will automatically have his call-sign changed to Talon (or whatever you want to call it).

    That way, you can actually more fine-tune as in giving individual aircrafts their own call-signs without having the pilot to go through the hassle of manually switching groups etc...


    (Not to forget, the moment a pilot exits an aircraft, it should then also automatically remove the pilot from any specific group, maybe back to vortex or just plain "pilot"... )

    And then like mentioned before, list it on the map which call-sign corresponds to which aircraft.

    I know this might seem as a lot of hard work to implement, but hey, it would be a sweet implementation if the admin/coders could make this work this way.


    Since it also has been mentioned here above that it maybe is a bad idea to give too many individual call-signs to avoid confusion, you can always dumb it down, to say any bird that can shoot would be called CAS, and the transports can just stay Vortex, or you can combine it for birds that can shoot and transport. Basically my initial idea can be dumbed down to help avoid confusion, but still implement an automatic changing of group/call-signs depending on which aircraft a pilot should enter.


    And if anyone in a command role can not cope with a couple of new names/call-signs due to confusion, then I honestly don't think they should be in a command role if that's what it takes to confuse them. (No offense intented).



  9. On 5/27/2017 at 7:37 PM, Stuart.G said:

    In RL (and I am guessing here), I might have survived being blown to shreds, but I would have had to been stretchered out and medevaced ASAP. 



    I will not comment/talk about the issue of instant death or not. However, I would like to see a gamestyle where a wounded player would have to be stretchered out and medevaced. That would make gameplay more realistic, and pretty awesome too. Its not just about "pew pew pew, boom", but also about a functioning logistics for wounded.


    Now if you can sort out the technical issues (tank shell = kill, bullet to the knee shouldn't = kill, and actually have sqauds call in emergency medevac, that would kick ass.


    Arma realism should not only be about battle, but also all the other military things that come along with it. This includes logistics beyond just taking players to an AO for a quick first person Shooter.




  10. 1 hour ago, fir_nev said:


    Hmmm... Nobody complained about this. Saved loadouts on vanilla and AWE servers both affected?


    Dunno, due to time restraints i have only been able to play once after the DLC, and i went on AWE that 1 time. I haven't tried yet on vanilla or anywhere else.

    I'm very busy these days, i run multiple servers on the net, and i am performing major upgrades on them, so I don't know when I will be able to login to game again. Its taking all of my time. I might be able to try/login tonight and see.

  11. I don't know if its relevant, but one thing that happened to me after the DLC update was that all of my saved arsenals were gone. I had to re-do them and save them again from scratch. So far (based on me browsing the BI and steam forums), i'm the only one who had this problem (atleast i didnt find any other thread/post about this issue).


    Other than that, yeah, on AWE i did come across some bad desynch and some weird frame drops here and there, but i didn't put the DLC to blame, i thought it might just have been my end or something. 


    If i see anything else thats out of the ordinary i might post about it (if i deem it important enough to trouble you with)...



  12. Hey everyone, quick question.


    I am unable to get any range from any rangefinder/laser designator/vehicle gun (tested only inside hunter hmg). Also there is some mention (but no constructive answers/reply) on the arma discussion boards.


    Any news about how to get range?


    I realized this after i downloaded the jets dlc, so i presume that download did something somewhere :D



  13. 18 hours ago, Amentes said:

    Also, putting this on I&A would require all players to use the mod. Which is why it won't happen :P


    Yes, i thought as much after i posted it. For the public its maybe not really feasible to add anything that requires more mods than already are in use. Ah well, i just got carried away when i saw it. 


    @Miczils I didn't know that. I have added it to my game so that i can play with it a bit to see it in action (locally in editor). Based on some comments i read on the workshop page regarding this mod, it does seem to be a bit unpolished. If i can get it to work though on some of my own custom SP Zeus games, it will be enough for me.


    Cheers everyone.


  14. Thank you @Noah_Hero, that vid was informative and fun to watch. I will take it's contents to heart.


    As for you @Stanhope... damn you for showing me this video :D:D:D. Who ever said anything about me wanting to be marksman. I want to be a sniper. 


    On a more serious note though, that video actually kicked ass. It has answered many questions I had, and made me drool at the realism for sniping from longer distances. Many thanks for sharing that link. I have watched it so far 2 times, and a few related vids on the same subject. Heck, i even watched a documentary on snipers after your vid. 

    It's all your fault now that my end goal has changed to me wanting to become a sniper. However, i also realize that this goal is still very far away. I will continue and master the marksman role, but after that, I will expand towards becoming a sniper.


    Thank you everyone for your input/links/advice. That's what i love about this community, everyone is so helpful. I have spend a Long time trying to figure out stuff in Arma, but never found the right place to try/practice/ask-questions etc.... until I came to AW.


    See you all in-game,


  15. Hello everyone,


    just wanted to throw show you somthing like:





    Which can be found here:



    Any comments on this? It would be fun to transport vehicles across bodies of water instead of having to always drive around (from FOB to AO etc)... might be interesting.

    Or for Zeus missions... I could come up with multiple scenarios/ideas where this would be fun and useful.


    Pros: Sounds like a fun addon.

    Negs: An additional mod for players to be able to play.




  16. Just now, Karate Pyjamas said:

    Why calculate? Just memorize the range table for some defaults. No need to do work twice. If you grab a different gun, there'no shame in using the rangetable, so just use that.


    Yes, sorry, bad choice of words i used, that is what i meant to say there. I will use a default setup on ranges for specific combinations of weps and scopes. The calculation only comes in to play if the target is too far away from any default.



  17. WOw, thanks for all that info. It is very helpful, so in other words, i should stick with a wep, start making some default calculations on the default scope (100/300m etc), and from there try to have a default range setup between 100 - 300m for a fast default. From there on, its practice practice practice. The advice of estimating a range based on size of enemy viewed through the scope is something i will need to practice a bit, but it sounds reasonable, so I will go in that direction most def.


    Thanks alot for all the provided info, it will make life easier :P.


    1 hour ago, SiegeSix said:

    If I'm not there, I'm sure almost anyone else would love to assist you. We're all open armed, don't be afraid to ask questions, just don't take it too hard if you get a "no".


    No worries about that, I've been on the internet since 1995, and have had my fair share of experience with people saying yes or no to things. I believe as long as i follow my mentor's advice ( I will teach you how to catch a fish, not how to cook it ) the "nos'" shouldn't be too many and judging by the willingness so far of the community to help out, its going to be a pleasure to learn more and more here.


    Once again, many thx for help and advice, its all deeply apreciated, and hopefully i can become useful to my squad/unit in the near future.




  18. Good morning everyone.


    First off, some mumbling on my behalf.


    For years now I have been watching various youtube videos on arma gameplay, and I was always keen on the ACE games and the large scale co-ops and I was always so very fascinated by them. Damn, i even lay at night trying to fall asleep dreaming about these scenarios. All the depth and realism involved makes this so addictive.


    So far I only knew how to play the public servers that one finds online, which is littered with trolls and solo-heroes. 

    I then finally took the time to download and install all the mods required for AWE, and when  I logged in the for the first time, I was in heaven :D.


    Going through the arsenal the first time was intimidating. All the small gadgets and tools, and various "thingies" in there. Sure, on youtube it all seemed to simple and easy, especially the med stuff, all the different bandages, shots, etc...


    I then went on to setup and customize a loadout and play style for a marksman (my fav class on the public servers). Offcourse all i knew at that time was from my experience on public servers, as in pull out rangefinder, get range, click on PageUp to get the range, and just start firing at targets, with good hits most of the time.


    On AWE though at first (without the great help and support from the people here) i saw that after a few hours of gameplay, i actually didnt hit a SINGLE target :lol:.


    So after asking some of my nice fellow players and team-mates (who were really all very friendly and helpful, thanks guys) i learned how to aquire the range of a target here on AWE, how to use the range card to setup the scope, and how to calculate wind effects on long range shots. I went out far away from base solo and just tried to experiment a bit, getting a range of a tree or a rock, using the range card to help me adjust the scope, and then finally getting the hang of hitting a target with the wind calculations. I was so happy and proud that i finally manage to hit a target (a tree at 500m).


    So i go out on a mission again with a team, and look there, few hours later, i come back to base, with 0 actual hits on targets:lol:.


    Please do not get me wrong, by no means is this post a rant or complaint. I really love it, its awesome. But there are some questions that arise.


    Example and question 1:


    I was running down a hill with a small squad (me being a marksman). At some point an enemy technical came racing towards us. My SL said: Marksman, take down gunner.

    At first i didnt even see or find the technical. By the time i saw it it was closing in fast. I took out my rangefinder, and for some reason, i couldnt get it to give me a range ( is there some limit on how many uses, or if its too far away, it won't give a range? ), and by the time i got the range and hit the keys to get out my range card the technical was already taken care off.


    So my question here is:


    First i need to get a range, which doesnt always show or work.

    I then have to get out the range card to see what i need to set on the scope.

    I then need to adjust the scope.


    How can all this be done the moment the team comes under attack, or a target needs to be taken out asap?

    Thers not time to go through all these steps. By the time i get the range, or the range card, its already too late (either we are dead, or target is already gone/dead).

    And me in a moment like that asking my team whats the range, is not right either (makes me sound like i can't wipe my own ass)....

    So am I missing something here? How does someone using a marksman role get ready for a shot within seconds of sighting an enemy?

    Are there any tips that you can provide on this?


    Question 2.


    I would love to also try the vortex role, but before I take a vortex slot on AWE and become fudder, is there anything I need to know (compared to the normal public servers) when flying? Is there any difference? Any surprises or extra knowledge needed? I don't wanna jump in blind and get my team killed in mid air)...



    All in all, my experience so far on AWE is really nice, im loving it (although I suck really bad so far at it) but its truly everything I was looking forward for years. I just hope you folks have the patience to put up with me till i get sorted and learn all the stuff required for AWE. Im going daily through a ton of vids, tutorials, guides, reading a lot of forums and so on but in the end, I need to be able to accomplish all that in the field too.


    Also thanks to all the folks who helped me get sorted this far, I really apreciate it.




  19. On 5/9/2017 at 11:07 AM, Miczils said:

    Count me in.

    Also, As i can see you guys saw the Ready or Not too. Im riding it's hype train since the trailer.
    Also, there is some gameplay footage on the developers blog, looks pretty well made.



    Forgive me for asking, I have failed to find that footage on the dev's blog.... or even the blog itself for that matter. Could you provide a link for that ingame footage please?




  20. I used to LOVE swat 4 and the syndicate DLC... One of the best tactical games i ever had back in the day.

    While the normal swat 4 is now available in steam, im eagerly waiting for the syndicate dlc to make it on there too.


    This trailer for the "ready or not" definately peaked my interest. Will keep an eye open for it.



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