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Posts posted by xSniper1982

  1. The slammer UP is actually heavier, smaller gun but more Armour :P

    but i like the idea, the slammer UP is way to versatile in the current AO setup. basically unstoppable with a good driver and gunner and is anti everything

    When I said Heavier, I was talking about the cannon... :D

  2. starting with a clasic ...can ya tell i aint that young anymore lol


    CCR - Fortunate Son


    but most things AC/DC will work for me 


    back in black 


    gone shootin


    shoot to thrill


    kicked in the teeth


    Led-Zepplin - whole lot of loving 


    Ram-Jam Black Betty 


    Rage Against the Machine -


    Motörhead - Rock out 


    Rammstein -Te quiero


    kein lust 


    feuer frei 


    just to name a few 

    A bit of Creedence Clearwater Revival... nice...

  3. Just a random question,

    as a bit of a Metal Head, I often find myself banging my head to music that isn't playing when heading to battle.

    What are your preferred tunes for entering Battle?

    Some of mine;


    Dethklok - Murmaider

    Dethklok - Face Fisted         <----------- if you don't know these first 2 try looking up Batmetal or Batmetal Returns on YT.
    Dethklok - Awaken

    Disturbed - Indestructible


    Black Sabbath - Paranoid

    Black Sabbath - Iron Man
    Black Sabbath - War Pigs


    AC/DC - Highway to Hell

    AC/DC - Thunderstruck     <--- especially good for Zeus nights.. :D


    or various other tracks from Metallica, Iron Maiden, Megadeath, Slayer...

    I think you get the picture.

    Either that or some J-rock/J-punk;

    Stereopony - Hitohira No Hanabira

    Stereopony - Shunken Sentimental

    Asian Kung-Fu Generation - Haruka Kanata
    Asian Kung-Fu Generation - Rewrite


    or... As a few may already know... a little bit of ;


    Bad Lip Reading - Bushes of Love    <-- I REALLY recommend this one.

  4. Why do you always sound so negative about suggestions Scar...

    I don't know if it's just the way you write things, or if it's you as a person,

    but everytime I've seen you respond to something since joining, it seems that you pick fault with it all.

    I do hope it's just that something is 'lost in translation' as they say.

    I thought we did only have 1 of each HEMTT - Fuel, Box, Ammo, Med,
    and then 2 transports, 1 open and 1 covered.

  5. I partially disagree when its about the hunters. 

    All the other, ... i dont mind.



    and i disagree with the hemt. As a mortar/artrillery operator i always need a hemt loaded with mortar tubes so i dont have to rtb as soon as im out of ammo

    What about it do you disagree with?

    You don't think they should be moved to a more visible location, so more people use them?

    ok.. now I am actually going to go to bed... lol

    it's gone 12 in the afternoon... :D

  6. back in January - Jason - made a comment on a thread about Tank Crews/Slots

    "Rather than adding more vehicles you could replace the (inferior) Mora and the (useless) Panther with another Marshall and/or Slammer, as they are more popular. Personally I'd really like to see at least two Marshalls spawning in base, as it's a vehicle I like to use but very often there's someone else using it."

    It made me think...
    The Panther never really gets used as it's WAY too slow to take you over any distance and doesn't have any really firepower once it gets there.

    It could be removed quite easily, without anyone really even caring.

    And this got me to thinking, the Trucks >HEMTTs< aren't really used that often, same with the Hunters, and I think it's mainly about location in the base...
    People don't want to go looking for them, and instead just wait for (scream at) pilots for transport, even when there are enemy Jets killing them time and time again.

    This combined with the, ever so breifly used - coz issues - new base layout had me wondering if you wouldn't mind me putting together a rough design/layout, or if you wouldn't mind looking into one yourselves.

    A layout with the ground vehicles, HEMTTs and Hunters, literally parked next to the Spawn/VAS in a line behind the small concrete barriers. This will make them more noticable to the guys on the ground, and perhaps improve the chances of people using them.

    HEMTTs -
    A few times now I have taken a Medical HEMTT out to a AO or Zeus mission and found that it came in more useful than even I had expected as when there are no Medics in the area - live ones anyway - people did notice the Marker I had added saying >> Med Station << and therefore pulled their injured friends back to it, and thus were able to get them on their feet themselves.
    The same with the Repair HEMTT, Keeping one close to the AO is really useful when a Heli goes down or a Vehicle gets disabled.


    People only ever want to take the Armed Hunters, but a Fire Support Team with a Armed hunter is pretty much wasting a vehicle, Having the unarmed Hunters right next to the spawn with a few First Aid Kits and Mortar Bipods/Tubes or Static HMGs in the back might give people a few extra choices that they didn't really consider.

    IFV / APC -
    The Panther and Bobcat are far too slow to be of any practical use in the missions. The Bobcat however is such a useful vehicle when AOs are closer to the base, but it never gets used due to it being needed in Base for repairing Helicopters at the Landing Pads.
    Perhaps having a Larger 3 pad area, in a triangular formation, with a Bobcat in the middle could be a nice solution for traffic flow and repair efficienc. (but that's a topic for another thread)

    The Mora and Marshall often don't get used for anything other than a light tank, rarely do I see others using them as a transport option, Perhaps when an AO is close to base, 1 or 2 of the pilots could grab the Hunter and use it to ferry people back and forth to the AO. (same with Hunters for small groups, and HEMTTs for larger groups)

    TANKS -
    Too often the people taking the Slammer just drive it into a field/onto a hill and then sit in it until destroyed...


    Charge into the AO with nothing but Machine Guns blazing slicing through the infantry....

    I think the Slammer (Urban Purpose) should be removed for the heavier Slammer, which can either fight from long range, or as my friends and I do, stalk the outside of the AO looking for Armoured targets to remove before heading back to base. Because the Slammer doesn't have the Commander gun, that the Urban Purpose does have, it is much less effective at attacking infantry. This makes it more role specific and therefore might encourage the use of the smaller vehicles for that purpose.

    I'm going to stop here, as I am currently shattered as it is almost 11am and I have not yet slept.
    I have many more ideas that I will be sharing over the coming days.

    I hope my input is useful, if not always needed.. :P

  7. Pilots should be on TS for better use but i still find that there is not much activity on TS by any of all classes. would be kinda hard with 20+ members in each channel of EU1/2 when everyone would be constantly talking over eachother.


    I think the group management system implemented in the game is a better way for more coordinated communication when playing with a smaller squad


    Come and join EU3 sometimes, i am sure you'll love it ;)

    I agree that TS can get rather cluttered with chatter when it gets a little more populated.

    I also agree that the ingame Group comms are good for use.

    However -

    the ingame comms can be very tempremental, and at times so bad people end up having to type out information during a firefight.

    Teamspeak -

    although it can be cluttered, there is the option to have more than one channel, to split the groups into...

    If you're ever in there, you will see Potato Squad is usually in it's own Channel, if not in 2 Channels,

    with the ingame comms used by the Squad Leaders/Seconds to relay information/orders between the 2 squads.

    I would like to see more people in Teamspeak as it makes requesting support etc a much easier task, (Just look at how smoothly things work during Zeus Nights)

    and once more people begin to use it, they will see the benefit.

    If it cost people money to use Teamspeak, I could agree not to make it a more prevelant feature,

    but seeing as using Teamspeak is free then I think a little more of a 'nudge' would be advantageous.

    I'm not thinking that it should be a must for everyone...

    But at least for Squad Leaders, UAV, Fire Support, Vortex... using Teamspeak would REALLY help with the flow of the game,

    and has proven to reduce the number of Friendly Fire incidents, which will in turn reduce the amount of confusion and confrontation in game...

    further reducing the need for Admin 'policing' of minor infractions.

    The roles I tend to play are Sniper, CLS, Repair...

    and for all of these roles I have found TS to be a valuable tool.

    Others might see more benefit in having it once they experience it for themselves,

    at the moment most people don't even read the messages on the map, or on the screen in the pop ups,

    they just see them as an annoyance, and that's a little heartbreaking.

    Asking in a different 'tone', for example -

    "Could Recon, Engineers and Medics PLEASE join >>Teamspeak Channel<< to help with Communication, this saves time and, makes it more fun for everyone"


    "Could Pilots, UAV Operators and Fire Support Teams, PLEASE join >>Teamspeak Channel<< to be given Transport and Support requests more efficiently"

    It's polite, and friendly, it isn't TELLING them to do it, or restricting their options, it just explains a little more as to why using Teamspeak can be better for the

    flow of the game, and how it can help make things more fun. Waiting for 5 minutes for a Medic to notice that you are down, or to request an extraction is something that frustrates a lot of players, and negatively impacts on their gameplay experience, Teamspeak can help with that, but only if it's 'promoted' in a way that makes them see it's benefits.

    Sorry for the essay, it wasn't intended to be this long, but as I started typing I thought of more to say, and things I thought the Adnim/Staff might find useful, so it became somewhat of a short story.. :D

    Edited to add -

    kman - if you see a locked channel like -Potato Squad- feel free to 'poke' someone in the room and ask if you can join them, sometimes there are spaces, and sometimes the rooms are locked once they reach a certain number of people to prevent too much chatter.

    But it can't hurt to ask.

  8. I've been practicing my flying more recently with the help of John and a few other guys, making small missions that require precise or unconventional approaches.
    And I've found that to be a lot of fun, and a really good learning experience.

    I have flown during a couple of Zues missions, but I agree there isn't much for a pilot to do.

    But what do you EXPECT to be doing.
    The role is there;

    That doesn't just mean people...

    Vehicles - You can always grab a Huron and transport some hunters near to an LZ for people to use - ie Medics/Engineers etc
    So they can get from place to place within the AO more rapidly.

    Supply drops - Had a great experience the other day on a mission made by Mark-T when -Matosh- did 2 seperate supply runs for us during the course of the mission.

    Extraction/Support - in the recent Zues by Luetin - Harald (Someone) ended up having to fly in to an extraction site to pick guys up, knowing that there were possibly still a few guys on the ground, So he had 2 of us jump in the guns and cover the approach.


    If you want your time as a pilot to seem more interesting, just think of ways you can support the guys on the ground, it can be REALLY rewarding.

    Maybe even try out using the Hummingbird to get Medics into really tight places closer to a casualty.
    It's a really good little bird for those low and fast approaches.

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