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Posts posted by xSniper1982

  1. " The mods we were thinking of using would be a Weapon's pack, Weapon Attachment pack, Uniform pack, Some form of a vehicle pack and less intrusive form of acre 2"


    How can you fit that in 2 gb?

    I do not see that in this thread....

    It was mentioned earlier in the first thread, but was revised later in that thread...


    If you have no input on how to help make this work, or you are not interested in it..


    It only leads to the topic being derailed.

    I would like to ask the admin to remove any negative comments that do not help in a constructive way or that will lead to the thread being derailed.

  2. So, to be clear, EU3 players are not entitled to express their opinions in this thread?


    - R

    Not at all, you're welcome to express opinions, as long as it is in a constructive manner, and on topic.

    This is about giving EU 1/2 players a more engaging experience, and it's frustating for them when EU 3 players come on and tell them that they shouldn't get that.

    We more than welcome the advice of EU 3 players, so long as it doesn't derail the thread.

  3. Topic has been Locked



    This thread is a rewritten thread concerning the idea of a Stepping Stone Server, first proposed by Giddy.
    And will hopefully remove some of the off topic/non-constructive posts therein.

    How do players of EU 1/2 like the idea of a Server with light Mods enabled.
    ACE and ACRE are the current proposed Mods to try.

    It will be a more immersive experience than EU 1/2, but without the heavy load or complex structure of EU 3.

    To be clear, This WILL NOT affect EU#3 players, so please do not derail the thread with comments about how;

    "it's just a lighter version of EU 3, so why not promote EU 3 instead...."

    This is a thread for players of EU 1/2 to express thier views on having a little more from their ARMA experience in AhoyWorld.

  4. Giddy lists a "less intrusive ACRE", but not ACE.


    I'm no expert, but I don't imagine ACRE's gonna get a whole lot less "intrusive" than it is on EU#3 in its current form.


    The general gist I'm getting from talking to people on TS, both recently and in the history of EU#3, is that ACE and TFAR/ACRE have been the mods keeping people off, as they can be somewhat overwhelming to newbies.


    So no, it has not been said multiple times that people want only ACE and ACRE. No offense, but that's just factually incorrect.

    Perhaps you should try READING THE THREAD then.....



    I also think that this is the best approach to the situation, and is not as demanding in maintenance. There might even be a regular gamenight in this fashion to periodically remind people of EU3's way of doing things. If they like it, there's more of a chance that they download 20+ gigs of mods.


    Mod this gamenight extremely lightly. ACRE and ACE only, no show, just the manners.



    I agree here. I've made the trip down to EU3  a couple of times, and although I like the mods and stuff like that, I can't get comfortable on there. I'd like a night or two where we can have a light mods sort of game night where we can have a bit of ACRE2 or something that won't be massive in terms of download.




    The Answer to Zissou's Questions :)


    Which Mods: ACE/ACRE  

    Who decides which mod's to use: Mission Developer/Community (Limit 2GB)

    Who is going to Build it: (Needs to be Decided) 

    Who is going to maintain it: I am willing to maintain the server. 




    I have a feeling that players are "intimidated" by EU3 and they can't just hop and play to try it because they have to download 20+GB of mods.


    A gamenight with just ACE and ACRE is a really good idea that would show players the basics of EU3 without downloading much. 



    I would say that its ACE and ACRE that probably intimidate more users to come towards EU3 than anything,


    I was fortunate that the first time I went on, a couple of the players on there showed me the basics of ACE without treating me like an idiot.


    As you've said, we don't want to drive the community apart, and some of the guys I play with are a little bit unsure of what effect ACE and ACRE will have on their gaming, so this sort of thing is something I would take part in.

  5. If there's a demand for a server running weapon and vehicle mods, I have no issue with that. Just don't call it a "stepping stone to EU#3" if it's basically just the EU#3 modset without ACE and ACRE.


    It's called a 'Stepping Stone' because it is SOMEWHERE in between the 2 servers, and some people could use it as a way to test themselves and their hardware for possibly moving onto a Modded Server, or just prefer that MIDDLE GROUND.

    The Title doesn't say 'Stepping Stone to EU#3'....

    just Stepping Stone Server.

    Also -

    again, people from EU#3 need to STOP being negative about this....


    This is a thread about players from EU 1/2 wanting a little more from their experience that isn't as demanding as EU#3.


    John has made this fact perfectly clear to anyone who READS the thread, and yet people from EU 3 still keep posting negative remarks.

  6. So much negativity...
    I don't get this mentallity at all.

    Promoting EU3 isn't going to help those of us on EU1/2 that want a little bit more from our experience.....
    What part of this are you not understanding, as has already been pointed out, this is about EU1/2 players....
    NOT EU3.....

    If you open another server with a middle-ground modset, it may create another sub-community, and from general experience, dividing a community like that is never a good idea. It potentially could create more problems than solve. 


    On top of all of that, openining another server may bleed players from EU3, which already is suffering from low amount of players on average compared to 1/2. I would prefer if AW focused on promoting EU3 instead of opening new servers. 


    I have a feeling that players are "intimidated" by EU3 and they can't just hop and play to try it because they have to download 20+GB of mods.

    This right here 'YOUR' reason NOT to have the server ..
    This... IS THE REASON WE SHOULD.....

    EU 3 is struggling for players, because people aren't comfortable downloading all the Mods and then not get help learning how to play,
    or just don't have the hardware capable of handling it.

    The only reason there seems to be a DIVIDE in the Community is because most EU3 players don't even attempt to engage with the players of EU1/2,

    us EU1/2 players are more than happy to engage in conversation and discussion with guys on EU 3..
    However, few of them seem to feel the same way.
    I count myself lucky that I've been able to chat with some of the EU3 guys and have a fun conversation, not everyone gets that chance, UNLESS they play on EU3.

    Having that MIDDLE GROUND would be a good way to help ease players in to the way EU3 works/runs, and might allow for a few more people to move over and populate that server.

    I don't see any negatives to this idea, only positives...
    But I guess that's just because of the way I view life in general....

    It can't hurt to test it out, if it doesn't work out, it doesn't work out and things can go back to the way they are....
    If it does work out, then everyone wins.

  7. I have to say I do not agree with this idea.  I played the original OpFlash and Arma many years ago, missed Arma 2 and got Arma 3 only 6months ago.  I played EU1/2 for a few weeks whilst reading up on the rules and many helpful forum posts of information for EU3 - I got along just fine and now play regularly on EU3 without breaking the rules.


    In short, I feel that your idea is a 'get out' from actually learning the rules and play styles for EU#3.

    I think you're missing the point of this thread -

    It's not about the rules, it's about the idea of a step between an (relatively) unmodded server, and something with as many Mods as EU 3.

    Your post completely side steps the point here.

    Which is that some people don't want to, or can't (due to hardware or other factors), play on a server as heavily loaded with Mods as EU 3.

    But they do want a more immersive experience.

    I wish people wouldn't jump at this the way they have and actually read it and take some time to understand it before posting.

    Giddy makes a really good point.

    He just wanted FEEDBACK on the idea of something inbetween the 2 types of servers.

  8. I would love to play with some of the EU 3 mods,



    It's a lot of Mods to get just to TRY out a playstyle.

    It will TANK my FPS, and therefore my enjoyment of the game.

    A slightly LESS modded server or regular gamenight would really help me to 'test' how my system would run with Mods,

    and also whether or not having those more STRUCTURED mods (Mainly Radios) would improve or ruin my experience of the game.

  9. Did you not co-ordinate a charge to the vehicles? You could have ran them over or used their weapons if they work in base. Failing that plop down some BLUfor automated HMGs, they work well but they will shoot at teamkillers as they aren't classed as being on the same faction

    They had surrounded the spawn area and were shooting over the H-Barriers...

    As soon as we were spawning, we were dying.

    We did manage to deal with it, but it took around 5mins just to reach a vehicle, we ran in seperate directions, and also worked with a pilot to spawn and go for some armour from the other side of them.

  10. Today something happened that 've only seen happen once before.

    Enemy ran from the Side Mission all the way to the Main Base, and began slaughtering us as we spawned in.
    This wouldn't be an issue if we could fire back at them...

    Instead we died multiple times just trying to get to a vehicle so that we could shoot back.

    Can something plz be done about this...

    Like an in base Anti-Infantry defense.

    When there's no admin around... like European Mornings, it's  so frustrating trying to deal with things like this.

  11. Video link to show the flight.


    After taking some pretty heavy damage during a slightly bumpy landing, I repair the Hummigbird and return it to base.
    I'm posting this up as I think most Pilots should start trying to learn this stuff.

    The Anti-torque was still damaged after repair (as is usual) and so the Helo continuously spun to the right when raising the collective (increasing throttle/power/upward lift), to counter that I had to use constant left pedal (left rudder/yaw) until I was able to gain enough momentum (Forward velocity) by pitching the nose down (pointing down/tilting forward).
    This stablised the aircraft enough to fly back to base, and then it was all about repeating those steps to keep it going to where I wanted on the pad as my velocity/speed dropped below around 100kmph.

    1. Left Pedal during lift

    2. pitch nose forward

    3. fly straight until deceleration

    4. apply left pedal during decent


    This is as simple as I can make it sound.


    Hopefully other, more experienced, pilots will be able to offer better/more advice as needed.


  12. as far as respawn times for the Helos go...
    I feel the Hummingbird should have the shortest respawn, seeing as it has NO COUNTERMEASURES an can be taken down so quickly.

    Also, i'd like to suggest that it is used mainly to ferry Medics/Repiar specs to other areas as needed, before being used to take Ground Units into AO's.

  13. You don't need to keep trying to promote it by posting again and trying to make it sound better...

    You already made it sound pretty good in your first post.
    The only thing you're going to achieve by posting multiple times in your own thread, is making people think you're a bit pushy,

    or needy.

    Just give people some time to actually get around to reading your thread, and wait for a few comments,

    I'm pretty sure people will have some questions about it.

  14. I will post here, simply to state....

    I actually like the game, it's a fun break from my usual stuff.
    If you don't enjoy the game, then fine, but there's absolutely no need to post something so negative on a public forum.

    Just simply accept that it isn't for you, ignore it, and move on.

  15. allowing an enhanced movement Mod in EU1/EU2?

    something like this...

    that allows for more fluid interactions with the environment,

    and allows you to climb over obstacles that in reality you would be able to climb over.


    I was just wondering as it would add an extra dimension to some of the missions, instead of being stuck trying to fight through a choke point, smart players could use the enhanced movements to locate new ways into bases etc.

  16. TL:DR Version-

    I'm not saying I don't agree with SOME changes to the rules, however, I think what has been proposed is a little too harsh, and will negatively impact the better/more patient players more than the bad ones.




    Full Version.




    Also how will all this be enforced? 24/7 admins watching the pilots,i dont think so... maybe add some community element, regular players can vote to kick a pilot out there slot? 


    there is my essay, hope my opinion counts for something


    Cyrus Wolf II

    There already is a Vote to Kick system in place.
    It's just that most people either ignore it, are unaware of it, or spam it.

    It's been used quite well in EU 2 on a number of occasions, however it doesn't prevent the removed player from immediately returning.

    The only people I can see really being affected by these changes are the Regulars who are good at what they do.
    Poor pilots will often be asked to give up a slot after a certain number of mistakes/faliures, and better pilots will replace them.
    However with the new rules, the good pilots will have to wait longer to get their vehicle back, whereas the bad/troll pilots will just leave when there's none left.

    We've all seen it, someone jumps into the server, grabs a helo and rams it into the next one, then respawns and does it again.
    With a longer respawn time on them, all it is doing is rewarding trolls.

    I do love he idea of improving the Teamplay/Community aspect of the game, but as was said in an earlier post by raz,
    "Instead of adding rules, lets encourage a change of attitude."

    This isn't just something for the Admin to work on, this is something that the Community as a whole are trying to help achieve.

    Let's teach people how to use the Vote to Kick system, let's inform them of what's acceptable, and work together to improve the situation.

    These rules could potentially prevent players from improving in a role they might be interested in.
    It's all good telling people to go somewhere else to practice, but where are they going to go, that they would get the same experience as actually flying in the combat situations here in Ahoyworld?

    I practiced on my own for a while, and it bored me to death, then I chose to practice in Ahoyworld servers a little later on when it was quieter, and have become a much better pilot.


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