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Everything posted by xSniper1982

  1. To be fair to Scar - I really like the Offroad repair... It's fast and can handle rough terrain faster than any other vehicle available. Unfortunately it's VERY squishy.
  2. Hi Keat Welcome to the Community. Hope to see you in there some time.
  3. Great news. And thanks again for dealing with everything.
  4. Hi guys, I was wondering if it would be possible have someone on EU 2, marked as a dedicated Admin for that server. Mainly because there are times where we have multiple teamkillers or people just trolling the server every so often, We don't like having to constantly move to the other channels to ask an Admin to stop what they're doing and to come to help. Just today we had to call on Chuck multiple times to deal with people just Tking or messing around with vehicles in deployment because they were ruining the experience for everyone else. I'm sure there's a few people who are dedicated to playing almost exclusively on EU 2, as I do, that would be willing to do the work if there's no one available from the Admin team who would want to do that. It is only a thought, but it's one that a few of us have discussed a fair amount in Teamspeak during days where the trolls come out to play. Thanks for taking the time to read.
  5. I don't fly when I play... Mainly because too many people would die if I did. But... When I enter a Helicopter, I treat it like I am entering that persons home. I'm polite, and respectful. If the Pilot asks if I have a preferred LZ, I will either : give them a specific marker, with information about best approach and potential threats, or, tell them that I don't mind where they drop me off, as long as it is safe for them to do so. Whilst en route to the LZ, I will be talking to the pilot/dealing with questions from the rest of the passengers on the Pilots behalf, usually to tell them to stop asking silly questions, or expecting the Pilot to fly them into a hostile area. At the same time, my eyes will be on my Map and I will be listening to my Squad via in-game comms or TS, and that information will be marked on the map, and/or relayed to the pilot where appropriate. And it's the little things, like making them aware of AA near an LZ, or that a Jet is approaching from a certain direction. THEN, there's the Gunners... the idiots.. the children... They jump into the seats and shoot at anything that moves, whether that's in base or on the way to the AO. Me, I will take a Gunner seat if available, then inform the Pilot which seat I am in, and that I will not fire unless either : I am told to do so by the Pilot, or, We have already been engaged by the hostile. I think it might be fun once every 2-3 weeks to hold a 'Training' day, to help ease some newer players into the etiquette/decorum that should be used in ARMA, not just to Pilots, but to Drivers, Medics, Spotters etc too.
  6. I started on EU 1 and enjoyed it there, but I felt it got a little TOO crazy for me with the way some people just messed about, or rushed forward. I moved over to EU 2 for a Luetin Zeus Night, and stayed from then on. The Player base on EU 2 just feels a little more disciplined and polite... For the most part ( It does have it's fools) I do think it would be nice to have EU 2 as a kind of half way point between the Pub style EU 1 and the Tac/Sim style of EU 3. Some people come for the tactical type of gameplay but either don't have space for/or don't want to download all of the Mods/Add-ons. Personally I would LOVE to be a part of a more tactical/disciplined style of gameplay, but without all the EXTRAS. But that's a topic for another thread..
  7. Totally agree... Had a great example last night in EU 2... I'd got together with a couple of guys and put together a Medical HEMTT, that I drove down to the AO with a Hunter Escort. We took our time advancing into the town and stopped twice to give aid and for me to pass out spare First Aid Kits to guys already in the AO. Then... We reached the Tower... 3 guys ran forward and... BOOM. Then more ran Forward and...... BOOM. Then even more and... you guessed it.. BOOM. Only me and 2 other guys were left standing, I was the only Medic... One of them started to move towards the minefield.. So I quickly switched to Direct Chat and told him to stop moving... He stopped. I moved in and helped up the first guy, then dragged the second one out and treated him, at which point I told them to slowly drag the other guys back, ONE by ONE... It went great, everyone listened and did as instructed and within a couple of minutes we'd got every single one of them back on their feet.. In this one 5 minute section.. I revived 16 people... Then we jumped in the HEMTT and headed back, stopping only to pick up 2 more casualties... Then we got blown up by CAS... Totally agree with the Lemmings part.. Unless someone is there to TELL them to stop, they just keep on running in blind.
  8. I think the vehicles I have noticed spawning most regularly have been the Offroad (Repair) and the Pawnee... The last time I saw a Kuma from rewards we immediately lost it due to a griefer in the Base. That was around a week ago. But Side Missions still don't get enough attention, unless they are PRIORITY TARGET missions. Do these have seperate vehicle pools for rewards or not? If they do, I think the Priority Target Missions should have a smaller pool of vehicles, with more emphasis on the 'better' quality ones. Like doing Priority Target Missions and being given something like an Offroad (Repair) should definitely NEVER happen. These Missions are more challenging, and require an immediate response to prevent them from REALLY disrupting the flow of the game, and so the rewards should reflect that. (They may already do that, but if not, it's a thing that maybe should happen)
  9. Welcome to the Community Matthew. Hope you have fun.
  10. Welcome to the Community.
  11. I'm planning on joining you guys soon also. But I've had nothing but problems getting my new 1TB HDD sorted, I finally got it plugged in yesterday and it almost destroyed my PC. I'll keep playing EU 2 until I get it sorted, and then get to downloading the copious amounts of Mods/Add-ons. Hopefully then Someone will be able to show me around. (Yes I meant the player, not just a random.. )
  12. I think the simplest of solutions here is to reduce the cooldown on the 'In Base' AA. The frustrating part is the vehicles in Base being harrassed and destroyed when the servers are less populated. Most Pilots I've been in with are more than competent at avoiding the Jets once in the air, it's the times landing/taking-off that they're vulnerable. Out at AO's etc this can be dealt with by simply changing a LZ location, but at the Main Base everything is funnelled. When there's only 15-20 people on a server, it becomes a nightmare, people get shot down 3-4 times in a row and this causes frustration, which in turn causes tempers to rise and name-calling etc to begin. A shorter cooldown on the AA will mean that instead of slaughter, there will be a short time of a few minutes where the Base will be a kind of 'dead-zone', with all air vehicles grounded until the AA is ready to go again. As it stands, it takes so long for the AA to become active again that you can't even get people out to hit the Towers because no-one can get out of the base.
  13. I had noticed the servers through the Server menu a few times, but obviously, being one of Luetin's Twitch Moderators meant I found out a lot more through his content.
  14. Hello Carl. See you in TS sometime..
  15. Hello Stian - Good to see you buddy.
  16. Some of you will already recognise me. Mostly play on EU #2 - but sometimes around EU #1. Always use Teamspeak, so if you fancy saying hello, pop in. Really looking forward to getting involved in more sessions with you guys. Game/Steam name are the same as in here. xSniper1982 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- June 14 2016 Edited to add: Just a bit of an update - I know I haven't been around all that much over the last week or two. I have a friend going through some difficult times staying with me, so when he's not busy trying to deal with his issues, I've been with him playing some Warframe. Will definitely be back some time soon. I miss you guys.
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