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Posts posted by Cellhawk

  1. That's weird, all services always repair, refuel and rearm. Be it planes service, helicopters service or vehicles service.





    I shot this vehicle's fuel tank, serviced it, it got repaired. Worked with random Ural off the street once before as well. It's just... Some of them get repaired, some of them just don't.


    If I ever come across a leaking vehicle again, I will try to specifically ace-repair the fuel tank, but I just have doubts that there will be such interaction available after I'm done servicing it.

  2. On 5/6/2018 at 2:12 PM, Joebillibob said:

    I tried to partially repair the truck as an engineer. After it failed, i did a full repair with the repair truck. The truck continued to leak after this. So i moved it to a repair spot in an FOB and did a servicing.


    After this, the truck still leaked heavily. Maybe it was a isolated incident. I will continue to check this to see if this bug reappear.

    I can now confirm this is actually an issue in the end. Not even Ural, but also KamAZ and who knows what else. Stole one from a roaming civie (looked like insurgent, not sure), serviced it (FOB), went to nearby town to gather intel, returned back and the fuel was almost empty. Freshly serviced and refuelled vehicle.

    Edit: Even after refuelling it again, by the time I wrote this post, lot of fuel has leaked already.




    Also, there's a small bug on Stratis - middle bridge of Agia Marina periodically spawns a vehicle underneath it. They don't explode, but they get damaged as hell every time, since they are stuck in the bridge. No tires and smoking.

  3. Vehicle request


    We need something like CRV-6e Bobcat aka Nemmera ARV (as it's actually and truthfully called within our modset) with the bulldozer shovel to actually push stuff around, like unlucky plane wrecks off the airfield runway or tragic helicopter wrecks around the base (yeah, that shit happens).


    Thing is, we have no way to despawn them other than through the actual vehicle spawn, but you have to push it there.

    I can only use tanks right now, but their hitbox usually causes them to flip themselves, so I have to spawn yet another tank to unflip the previous one and try to finish pushing the wreck without flipping again. Since I changed my gameplay to first person only, it's now even harder to control the tank in a way that it doesn't flip when pushing stuff. From what I've tried with Bobcat (also seen on the server with Zeus assistance), it works just fine, without flipping.

    Or... this script.



    I know that a base cleanup script for wrecks could work (or just interaction menu to remove the actual wreck), but then again, whitelisting an existing vehicle and using that vehicle to clean the stuff seems more immersive and interesting.


    So in general, it might be a good dedicated Logi vehicle. It can also refuel other vehicles as well, through the ACE interaction menu.

    You could also implement a script that makes it spawn a "rampart" (least that's the name of it in Logi structures menu) in front of it without needing any "resource points" crate.

    The bulldozer shovel can be actually animated via scripting (source: wiki), so there could be a possibility of maybe creating a scrollwheel option to raise/lower the shovel.


    Found this

    DFUNC(isBobCat) = {
        private _veh = vehicle CLib_Player;
        if !(_veh isKindOf "B_APC_Tracked_01_CRV_F") exitWith {false};
        if !(driver _veh == CLib_Player) exitWith {false};
        "Lower Plow",
        {call FUNC(isBobCat) && (vehicle CLib_player) animationSourcePhase "MovePlow" == 0},
            (vehicle CLib_player) animateSource ["MovePlow", 1];
        }, ["showWindow", false, "ignoredCanInteractConditions", ["isNotInVehicle"]]
    ] call CFUNC(addAction);
        "Raise Plow",
        {call FUNC(isBobCat) && (vehicle CLib_player) animationSourcePhase "MovePlow" == 1},
            (vehicle CLib_player) animateSource ["MovePlow", 0];
        }, ["showWindow", false, "ignoredCanInteractConditions", ["isNotInVehicle"]]
    ] call CFUNC(addAction);


    Also as seen in Remnants of War campaign, the turret can somehow be removed, which would repurpose the vehicle to a true Logi vehicle and reduce the likelihood of it being misused as actual fighting vehicle.


    Found this, not sure if there's anything better than this and not sure if this can be used with the vehicle spawns. 

    if (local this) then  
     this removeWeaponTurret ["LMG_RCWS", [0]];  
     this lockTurret [[0], true];  
     this animate ["HideTurret", 1]; 


    As a bonus (or actually the main purpose?), it could be used as EOD vehicle, as it appears to be working very well with removing unexploded AP mines and with the shovel lowered (script), it should be able to disable AT mines as well. (Honestly, I started having trouble with replicating the removal of AT mines without taking damage. I am not into scripting, especially not in ArmA 3, but general idea would be - if plow lowered AND moving forward then disable damage from AT/AP mines.


    That could lead into more interesting missions (I know that's currently on hold)...



    ...where you have to get rid of unexploded ordnance like minefields and so on, to either finish the objective, or to actually get to the objective itself.

    It would provide a choice:

    - bring a slow but armored vehicle for clearing the path in the minefield (+ have to set up FOB if the base is remotely on an island or a ship) which will take time,

    - use the actual engineer at hand, which could be faster, but actual defusing might take longer time and there is a risk of losing the engineer in an explosion.


    In either case, there should be something that prevents destroying the mines by just shooting at them or throwing explosives. Basically true minefield - spacing large enough that a single grenade will explode 1, max 2 mines. And some kind of cover, so you cannot just snipe them from a distance.



  4. 9 hours ago, Joebillibob said:

    Stiletto 0.59


    When driving ural spawned by the server (civillian, enemy), they seems to be in a constant state of fuel leaking. Even after complete repairs, the trucks still leaks. The truck also loose fuel when the engine is turned off.

    Looks like the Ural we brought to FOB still didn't leak since I parked it the other day. Seems like it was probably either really busted fuel line with "Fuel" indicator white, or it has worse comsumption than a tank. Either way, doesn't seem to be an issue after all.

  5. Hmm I didn't post here yet?


    So, I installed ArmA III and went to search for random EU server to play on. AhoyWorld looked decent enough, so I tried it. I was happy with it, so I looked it up every time I played. After some time, I went to the TeamSpeak to check it out, visited the website, introduced myself, got some nice welcoming aaaaand ended up on EU#3 as well.

  6. Now sure how much is VAS moddable, but if it is, restricting available VAS content in vehicle to backpacks (including static launcher parts), ammo (including nades, misc items and all of those) and attachments would be enough. Maybe primary weapons as well..?

  7. Well, I never turn down a good mod and this one might have potential. It's about the current development priorities though.

    Developers are busy developing those 2 mods I mentioned earlier. Not sure if they have time to be bothered with debugging and adjusting this mod on EU#3. This might come to question once the main mod for EU#3 is out. Which, I think, is not going to happen anytime soon, I'm afraid.


    But that's enough of my opinions, we might need opinion of admins themselves.

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