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Posts posted by BorderLive

  1. 3 minutes ago, Joebillibob said:

    personalising gear is one thing, but why could i pick US assets on British faction? if i would complain that i can't fly a SU-25 while being US army, will it get unlocked? where is the line here?

    The line is common sense. US and British factions are apart of NATO where they commonly share assets. Where as the SU-25 is Russian and would not be used by BLUFOR.

  2. AWE's Arsenal has always been relaxed and personally I prefer it that way. This is because it allows people to personalise themselves and makes them different. Gamenights have always been the way for people to play as a set faction and quite frankly we don't have enough of them. Admittedly the arsenal is jam packed full of stuff, And from what I have seen majority of people pick RHS assets over CUP assets, With the removal of CUP it would not only reduce the mod size but also reduce the amount of stuff in the arsenal.

  3. Personally,


    I prefer to take a teamlead role when there is an active SL, This makes it easier for me to focus on what I have to do as a teamlead. However, I feel as if most people do not want to step into the SL/TL role when one is not active as they do not want the responsibility to fall onto their shoulders.

  4. 3 hours ago, Stanhope said:

    Yet i managed to reach you on LR.  So you must have had one right?

    You probably was able to contact me when I got back into the server after 10 minutes of me joining and rejoining due to ACE.


    3 hours ago, Stanhope said:

    No, no he didn't.  He knowingly took the SMAW even though i told him to take the MAAWS.  Again wouldn't be a problem if someone, anyone asked me.  It's more the principal.

    When I got into the AO, I saw my specialist using the SMAW, I asked him and he said that he heard you say to take it. I then said that you asked for the MAAWS and left it at that. The two do sound very familiar.

  5. I was FSG Squad Lead at the time.


    With the weapons system, My Specialist misheard you and had taken a SMAW, I did not find this out until I got into the AO and had managed to regroup with him as I was having issues with my game.


    Secondly, The reason FSG couldn't contact you on long range was because they didn't have one, As again, My game was having issues so I had to restart so was not there.


    As for the vehicle being destroyed, To my knowledge it was engaging Alpha and my Specialist had taken it out to save lives. This is also why Alpha was not able to push ahead of us as they were constantly in contact by either Infantry, Motorised or Mortars.


    As for the weight issue, We had nothing to move the ammo box around, so we had to carry it instead of leaving it in the church.


    This is from my point of view what had happened in this situation.

  6. Also, A lot of the players on AWE will happily help you if you wish to know something, Myself being one of those people :)


    Any questions, Feel free to find me in game or message me on here :)

  7. I don't know whether this has been previously said, But probably the best way to learn to fly helicopters is in the Virtual Arsenal or Editor. This way you can learn how to fly without it being on a public server.


    Another thing that someone could probably do is jump onto one of the servers and maybe ask someone to run them through what they do, I have seen a few people do this and the people they were asking were happy to help, It never hurts to ask.


    I personally would be happy to help anyone with anything if they come and speak to me.

  8. I recommend the way we do it is how game nights are set.


    - Plan in advance on what the training is going to be

    - Set a date and time

    - Make a post outlining what the training will be about and any other necessary details. ( Maybe in a new thread? )


    This way it stays organised and people can see exactly what they're getting into before it actually starts and see if it's worth them attending.

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