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Everything posted by Xwatt

  1. Muh Underwater side missions -The only player in EU1 who enjoys underwater side missions.
  2. Xwatt


  3. Xwatt

    Keeping Low

    looks like one of them dopey arma 2 soldiers 10/10
  4. Maybe im a bit too addicted, clocked 9 hours gametime today...... Ouch
  5. yes I realised anyone in any slot can equip, although you look especially funny if you are a grenadier running around in a jet fighter helmet Maybe the helmet will be restricted in the future we shall see.........
  6. Have seen you around quite a lot these few days Welcome!
  7. for the artillery part, if there is enemy artillery up and you are idle in a position, they will proceed to fire at you. Always be on your toes.
  8. Xwatt


    Ello! looking forward to seeing you around
  9. Me Pwning the AO in a KUMA Scar Having a bad day
  10. Xwatt

    BSAE Mod

    There is also an updated version of blastcore on steam workshop that fixes this smoke grenade issue and various other issues, but as of yet it is not supported by the server.
  11. has to be....... the QUADBIKE I am not serious, I will single handedly set all quad bikes on fire as they are the worst things to ever exist.
  12. my personal opinion on it, On EU1 I play as a full time medic. I find this new system very frustrating. from my observations I would say that 80% of the time when people get downed they are sent straight to the respawn screen instantly, no chance of revival. This frustrates me because its 8 out of 10 times than somebody is insta killed, making me as a medic, my role feel useless. From some of my other experiences, getting downed it is counter intuitive that you cannot message in any of the channels, therefore you cannot make any other medics aware that you are in need of revival. I also dislike how you cannot see downed players on the map, as I used to check the map constantly to find players that need reviving, something I cannot do anymore. Overall I found the old system much more useful and worked fine for the most part, and if possible would love to see it re-implemented, but this is just my two cents on the matter.
  13. Or Use Scars secret weapon.... "Coffee"
  14. For example, if it was a hard side, (Intel!) It should offer a greater reward than an easier side mission, this way it give players something to work for and not just intentionally fail the side mission.
  15. Like I said before, The side rewards might be completely random, I do not think they have a set cycle of what the side rewards would be
  16. hmmmm, have they changed the side reward list again since we first requested to change it? If not, then it might just be a luck thing, I myself have no idea if they use a sort of random selector to reveal what the side reward would be after you complete a side mission, but if that is the case, it may just be you are a very unlucky man. I would Imagine that getting a kuma would be very rare over getting a mora, and the same applies to air vehicles as well. But this is just speculation as I have no idea how the side reward system works.
  17. AW MVP 2015: Raz AW most friendly admin/staff member 2015: Raz AW most helpful admin/staff member 2015: Chon AW most helpful user *Non-staff* 2015: Pepper AW most tacti-cool ARMA player 2015: Scar AW best ARMA pilot 2015: I've seen alot of amazing pilots so..... AW best Teamspeak singer 2015:n/a AW funniest person on Teamspeak 2015: Mykey AW best moment 2015 (can be in any game or on teamspeak/forum): Everytime I get Scar angry. AW best forum post 2015 (please put url in): http://www.ahoyworld.co.uk/topic/4673-is-the-admins-on-this-site-immature-and-bad/ (So Stupid It's funny) AW best drunk member 2015: n/a AW best driver 2015: Pepper AW worst driver 2015: ME AW best baby 2015: n/a AW most absent staff member 2015: Danne
  18. Personally I think its fine as it is, as EU1 isn't the most tactial server anyway, it's nice that you can hop into a tank at your pleasure without being restricted, it works well though in EU3 as it is a tactical server and works well in that scenario.
  19. I find it quite sad really, how people take the time out of their day to complain about admins who are just doing their job, and over a thing like a name? Seriously, I would advise growing up. Accept the fact that an admin has warned you about the name, if you were sensible about this you would change your name and move on or find a different server. but that's just me. If people want to be childish and go and complain about a name, then let them do so, personally I think they're wasting their time.
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