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Everything posted by Xwatt

  1. @Stanhope is it a must that it has to spawn on the carrier? personally I don't see the need for the Carrier as to me, its all just aesthetics, a jet can take off on a runway, it shouldn't be restricted to what can - and what can't land on the carrier.
  2. Here's how I see it. I've had many conversations about the role of the wasp with many people since the introductory of the Jets DLC. The role of a CAS jet should be a SUPPORT role. Meaning that the pilot should only fire on request and should be on standby, scouting targets. Sadly this hasn't been been the case. I have seen pilots utilise the black wasp incorrectly, taking it upon themselves the fire without request and 'One manning' missions spoiling the role for those on the ground. Face it, it's a public sever. No matter how hard you try an enforce the Black Wasp as a support vehicle, you will constantly see people taking it upon themselves to fire. There will always be a poor execution on a public server of support roles. It is something that requires communication and coordination to be effective in any scenario. Invade and Annex for me has always been better off without the CAS jets as they are not needed in order to be effective and getting the mission done. The player count is usually high enough that the fire power of jets such as the Black Wasp are not needed. I also feel the Jet DLC has put too much power in the hands of the pilot. the new system allows the pilot to lock and fire without the need for people to lase targets as the pilot can do this as it is in his power, allowing him to engage every target that he can see. Personally I feel the Black Wasp should not spawn on the carrier. I feel it has too much unnecessary power that is not needed 80% of the time. Instead it should be limited to a side reward or a FOB vehicle as that way it can be utilised effectively, as players don't need to have access to a CAS jet that permanently spawns at the carrier that they have 24/7 access to if it hasn't been destroyed My action points are: Limit the Black Wasp to side rewards or to a FOB. That way it can still be utilised effectively in I&A but then players do not have access to it whenever they feel, they must work for it, this makes sense as I feel a vehicle with such firepower should be worked for. Replace The Black Wasp for the AA buzzard, this can replace the Black Wasp at the carrier, and I feel a pilot who is skilled has access to the tools needed to eradicate enemy air such as Shikras and Neophrons, while not ruining the fight for the players on the ground. If somehow you feel the AA Buzzard is 'underpowered' replace it for the Gryphon, it doesn't have all the fancy parts of a Black wasp but it still has more than enough power to be effective at its role, and should be able to eliminate enemy air and few ground targets, as such hefty power that the Black Wasp has is not needed to be effective. The comment of 'The AA buzzard is a air to air while the Black Wasp is air to ground' may come up but that's my point. I don't see the need for an air to ground jet to be accessible all the time, an AA jet should be more than enough to eradicate issues that players complain about, enemy jets, and a vehicle with such firepower like The Black wasp should be worked for, and reduced to a FOB or to a side reward.
  3. I believe this has been done before on early versions of I&A2 but for some reason it seems they were disbanded for a reason that I am not aware of. I managed to dig through some of my very old screenshots and I managed to find a few! Of course the old billboards ( see below ) are very dated, but I am with the idea of updating these to fit in with the more - modern enhanced server. (The screenshots were taken at 2015-06-30) so a fairly long time ago
  4. Xwatt


    Hi Shay! Seen you a lot on the #EU1 server the last couple of days, and its great to see you are enjoying yourself! Teamspeak is a great alternative if you want to hop on and speak to many of the people on the server, Hope to see you around even more - Xwatt
  5. Adding on to this, when re-slotting people were not able to do this from the lobby directly, instead they had to fully disconnect from the server and connect again in order to have the ability to re-slot.
  6. Xwatt

    PTSD Simulator

    powered by @Copey
  7. Xwatt

    Raz does not like what he sees

    +me in the background laughing my ass off
  8. Welcome Fletcher! as long as you know the basics you should be fine, be sure to come to me if you are in need of assistance, I would be more than happy to walk you through some basics and even some more advanced little tips. -Xwatt
  9. Let's see... Correct equipment Following orders from teamleads Correctly Utilising the role you have selected Follow Rules.
  10. Hey Leggy! Welcome to the forums! Hope to see you around
  11. Welcome! Always feel free to ask anyone if you need any help in the server
  12. Xwatt

    'Slight Issues'

    cheaty stingers
  13. Xwatt

    How Not To Vortex

    You learn something new everyday I guess
  14. Xwatt

    Warming Fire

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