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Posts posted by Mattadee

  1. Hi all- Sorry I didn't put this query in the thread, but here it is. Exactly the same as what kman said here:


    4 hours ago, kman said:


    It seems that after about 15-25 minutes the constant spam goes away. But please see the video for reference if there's any confusion as to what exactly the issue is.


  2. Hi All- I'm sure that I am not the first to notice this issue.

    Last night was my first time back on ARMA and indeed I&A in quite some time so it was great to see that we're not on a beta build of I&A4- oh how far it's come. I had no issues last night but this afternoon I've come on to be greeted by a constant message of 'Removed from role- reason: Idle'

    Thing is:
    1. I'm not being removed from my role
    2. I'm not idle.

    I've linked a video of what this looks like on my end. Lindi has experienced the same issue as have several people who's names escape me but are reporting it on side chat. It's fine for a bit but eventually the noise gets insufferable- like Chinese water torture, whilst trying to shoot people. 

    Hope this can be fixed soon!


    Bug Video

  3. 15 hours ago, Xwatt said:

    Great to see you back Mattadee


    I remembered you and never did forget you, you're a veteran and you've been around here for donkey years!


    Great to see you back man.


    P.S you'd be sad to hear that most the public mod and admins have moved on quite a while back, and while some have stayed liked myself, our public admin team and our playerbase is a fresh new face compared to some of the faces you may have seen a good two years ago!

    Ah Xwatt, long time no see! Good to know that you're still about and kicking it though even if some of the old guard have now moved onto other things. Hopefully I can catch you about at some point and have a proper catch-up :)

  4. Hi guys!

    I'm Matthew, but in game I go by Mattadee (however you can really call me either, I'm not fussed). I'm 20 years old now living in London whilst I'm on my degree programme, although I have high hopes that even once that's tied up and finished around about April/May, I'll have found some form of employment and will be able to stay in the city. I've also been playing ARMA 3 since alpha... so, years.

    Which brings me onto the next thing. Some of the AW admins and veteran community who have been around for years and years now may be thinking 'I swear we used to have a Mattadee around here'. You'd be right. This isn't actually my first forum post, and I'm far from new to AW. I played a lot of I&A right back when the game was in the middle of it's development cycle and we were all still eagerly waiting for the Apex expansion. The future ahead was bright, but alas university caught up with me and the reality of having to juggle studies with a new bustling social life and PC gaming caught up with me, and ARMA had to take the hit.

    Writing this now I still have one year left of studying, and it's arguably the most intense of the three. Therefore, it seems silly that I've decided to reintroduce myself now of all times. However there is one simple caveat which I know will draw me back to I&A naturally. And that caveat is a brand new PC. It's been something I've wanted to do for a long while, but I've never had the financial capacity as a young boy to do a proper computer upgrade. But now I can! And it's great, I'm actually able to fly a helicopter and get more than 10fps now! Isn't that just wonderful.

    So, that said, I hope to be about a bit more and perhaps even try to make my stamp on the game and the specific mission that has been a feature of my gaming years ever since I was 15 years old and technically too young to even be playing. I look forwards to seeing you all around on the forums and in the Teamspeak :)

    All the best

  5. Hey Sniper (I've spoken to you on TS before, I'm sure you remember me!)

    I don't know how much about the ASP you know but it is a unique rifle, and its inaccuracy is also the exact reason that it is so strong.

    The ASP is the game's ONLY subsonic rifle (to my knowledge anyway). This means that when the bullet comes out of the end of the barrel, it is travelling under the speed of sound. The result of this is that yes, that bullet then becomes extremely susceptible to external forces like changing winds and extreme bullet drop disproportionate to range (because below the speed of sound that bullet, which happens to be very large, is loosing speed very quickly). This is why you shouldn't really be operating the ASP beyond 300 metres or so.

    However the fact that it is subsonic is also its greatest strength. It means that when you fire the gun, the crack sound you're used to hearing as the bullet(s) fly over you (or if you're unlucky, into you) are invisible. It means you can get right up close and, because the rifle also has a built in suppressor, the enemy will have absolutely no idea where on gods earth you are if you're suitably camouflaged.

    So TL;DR, the reason you're missing is because that gun is simple not designed to be operated past 200-300 metres (and even at those ranges it is rather inaccurate). Best stick to using it for medium range to relatively close quarters fighting.


  6. Hey guys

    Recently in the EU2 server which now features the awesome landscape of Tanoa, someone very kindly added the new V44-X Blackfish VTOL aircraft. However despite being very new, shiny, and lets be honest, really awesome to see being used, I've seen a couple of people struggle to operate this powerful new aircraft. To aid these individuals in their endeavours, I've pieced together a short video guide on how to fly this thing effectively. And by short I mean 3 minutes long. I hope you all enjoy it and take full advantage of this amazing new aircraft!

    If you like my video and found it helpful, please give it a thumbs up so that other budding new pilots can find it in Youtube search results!
    Happy flying :)


  7. That sounds pretty good Ziss, infact I thought I'd leave my opinions on each regulation here for all to see. Constructive feedback kind of thing.

    1.Thumbs up


    3.While sometimes, large structures can be really cool, in the middle of AOs they really hurt performance. Earlier today I tried a mission using a sciencey-dome thing in the middle of the AO, something about sabotaging a CSAT research project. The mission went okay but because there was so much stuff in the area plus guard infantry PLUS the entire AO on top of that, frames were nasty.

    However, on the other hand, one of my favourite missions that seems to go down very well is stuff regarding an offshore oil rig. Although these involve multiple large parts, the nature of the terrain around it being so abundant seems to make the frames about the same as anywhere else on Altis. The final call is down to you guys as admins of course, I'm just offering my limited experience and what I know.


    4. This is a REALLY confusing issue, seeing as my experience with objectives has been really mixed. Though with more testing there may be a comprimise here, now isn't the time to test it. So for now at least, this seems good.

    5.From my experience, using 'Modules > Scenario Flow > Briefing' has no impact at all and alerts people who are interested. I know for a fact that some people get so tired of the ramble in side chat that they completely ignore it, one being myself. While there may be a better solution to this, I don't believe (personally) that using side chat is the answer.

    6.A couple of aesthetics don't hurt but I agree we aren't trying to make a 3D Monet.




    9.LOL! But yes, of course




    11.I really get this one. Tonight the guy who took lead of the Zeus mission essentially declared that it was join TS of f*** off. While that person will remain nameless, because he's a really nice guy and didn't do anything wrong really, I totally get that the core values of EU#1 are to get everyone having fun, TS or not.

    12.Sometimes this is justifiable, like the example you said. Otherwise yep, agreed.




    14.Yep. Although I would ask, does this include time advancement (so skipping it to night-time if say, for instance, people are saying they want night-time in chat)

    15.Yep. I personally have a lot of fun remote controlling the AI and flanking with them so that the players don't see them coming. Although I usually deliberately miss so that nobody dies, it gives them a shock!

    16.That's a very good idea, I like it.


    17.Mission accepted, solider!


    I don't really hold any views on this as I totally understand that it's you guys who make the rules. It's your server, you pay for it, so you tell me what to do. I'm just offering my insight based on fairly limited experience (bear that in mind, someone like Pancake is likely to know better than me)


  8. I would say on this particular matter that it depends on context. Although, officially, I&A has no context at all, part of the main game revolves around the idea that Altis was evacuated several months ago to make way for military operations. So that said, I don't think EU#1 is the place to be putting civilians, especially when you consider that your 'average Joe' on the server is likely to just gun down anything that moves and isn't BLUFOR. If you consider just how often you're killed by friendly fire on EU#1... It's not like a major problem, but if we're comparing this game to what is truly 'realistic' then it would be a shockingly high rate of fatalities from BLU on BLU.

    For me, incorporating civilians into Zeus missions where you know that the guys doing it are on TS and communicating sensibly is really good though. One of my favourite missions that I place down as Zeus is something involving an Oil Rig which has CSAT and stranded civilians on-board, and the idea is that you board the rig by some means and secure the hostages. In this context, the idea works. But I just can't see civilians working anywhere that there is a newbie to ARMA who, as stated, will shoot anything that moves.

  9. Hello again all

    So, following on from Buglet's post on the subject of producing an Invade and Annex trailer, I would like to be able to organise a night on the EU #3 server (preferably without TFAR) in which the I&A mission file is put up on the server, which would be passworded to stop randoms from screwing everything up, in which I as a sort of virtual cameraman film myself and you guys making your way around Altis, tackling all the missions that lay in your path.

    If you would like to be part of the team of virtual actors that participate in this event, whenever it may be, then please leave your name either below or send it to me in a personal message. I would also like to find a member of core staff to work out when this can be set up.



  10. These are awesome Pancake! Haha :P Although I think you need to sound more gruff in the first 2, the yadaya sappy shit is gold! I'll find you on teamspeak some time and I can record you making some more :D

    Although, that said, we are of course going to need to gather some footage that looks, clean, crisp and exciting which demonstrates teamplay and tactics. I've started working on storyboarding some initial ideas of how this is going to look but to actually gather the footage, I think the best thing to do will be to organise a night where we can stick I&A up on EU#3 (without TFAR just for the one night) and gather together a group of actors. Make the server passworded and have everyone on teamspeak to cooperate and do what needs to be done. Also, it might be an idea to quickly make a new version of I&A in which I am one of the Spartans so that I can spawn in and destroy stuff as we need to, ontop of AO's side missions etc...

    If you would like to be part of this group of virtual actors, then please let me know either here, in a personal message or on a new thread which I am going to make about this night in the very near future.

    Looking forward to seeing you! 

  11. Hello All;

    So, I've been on EU#1 for quite a while now. I&A is one of the best, if not the best ARMA III game mode I am yet to have the joys of playing, however I feel that, as with everything, there is always room for improvement. I felt that in this post I would try my best to convey my biggest bug bear in the current build of I&A played on EU#1, because I feel that if this one issue is tackled, then the whole experience will be made infinitely better.

    Okay, so my I&A pet hate is...... Enemy CAS jets!

    Now, I see why these are in the game. They provide another element of danger on the battlefield which infantry and helicopters must take into consideration when tackling the objective, encouraging caution and taking fewer risks, like in a realist militarised scenario. The thing is, if the jets worked in the way which I think they are meant to, then I wouldn't have any problems with them at all. But they don't.

    The thing that really grinds my gears about the way that the enemy jets work is actually a few things. First off, the fact that they chase choppers all the way back to the base. This isn't too bad, but what is is that when they eventually find the base, they must see some kind of BLUFOR pantomime and circle around, bombing and shooting every vehicle they lay eyes on until somebody has half the brain to use the base AA laptop. This problem wouldn't exist if everyone knew how to correctly use the AA laptop, and if there was always someone on standby to use it, but the fact of the matter is that there simply isn't. Sometimes people do use the base AA but it's either way too early or late, meaning that we (pilots, I usually play pilot) have to tolerate being continuously shot at for a ridiculous amount of time until another guy can have a shot at activating the AA after it comes off of cooldown. And even then, they could mis-time it and we have to wait even longer.

    So that's one thing. The other thing is the fact that they seem to have unlimited missiles. Again, I can see why this is done. It's not like they can just re-arm, they need to be a constant threat right up until the moment that they are taken down. But, that said, there has to be some kind of compromise here. One of the reasons I felt like I needed to make this post was because the other day, I was returning to base in a ghost hawk and the Neophron found me, and tailed me back to base. In the 5km flight, it was able to, in quick succession, launch 6 AASRAM missiles. And I can only dodge so many with evasive flying. Perhaps, some kind of system or script dictating that the CAS jet can only fire x number of times a minute, or maybe just replace the CAS jet with an Orca or something. I actually feel that replacing it with an Orca would be much better, because never have I seen the buzzard actually target infantry over vehicles and choppers. And I have also never seen a hostile jet taken down by any means other than by the base AA, simply because I think that either the average Joe of I&A 1) doesn't think to take an AA launcher with him to the AO. 2) Doesn't bother firing at the jet because it can fly so quickly that it can flare off any kind of handheld rocket with ease.

    So, I really hope that, even if this isn't taken into consideration that someone just hears my cry, because honestly, it's bloody annoying!

    Oh well, thanks for listening *breathe Matt* rant over.

  12. Hmmm, yeah. I guess it is essentially a string of clips put together. Would you be hoping to see more 1st person in game footage then?

    And also, if you have a suggestion for music please leave it for me! I have no idea what I'd use! But otherwise thanks for the feedback Repeatz :)

  13. Hey Guys!

    I've been working on a little project over the last couple of days, this being a trailer for your amazing game mode, I&A. It is of course made by me, so it's not in any way official, however if you'd like to adopt it as your own, I would be honoured. Currently, there are areas for improvement on it. That's not to say that it's bad, but I just haven't found the time to finish it with all my studies and mock exams coming up in college. But, I leave you with this work in progress, a rough draft if you'd like to call it that. Anyway, enough chatter, you can watch it HERE:

    I really hope you like it, and that it pays back for the 1000s of incredible hours I've put into this game mode!


  14. Yeah nice to see you too Dildor. If I remember rightly you were BSM before they decided to take down their I&A server and half the clan revolted. LOL. Anyways, I'm still with BVAR but I take the tags off when I don't need them to be on for the simple reason that it makes my name shorter... #justOCDproblems. Never mind, hope to see you around  :)

  15. Hello everyone!

    My name is Mattadee, and you may or may not already know me from ARMA III EU #1. I've been a regular on the server since beta and have always had a profound interest in flying. Of my 900+ hours in ARMA III, at least 700 are in Ahoy World's Invade and Annex mission, which I believe to be an amazing piece of work. As far as my history goes, I have been living in the southern UK for my entire life so far, and I'm studying in college, hoping for a career in politics. I bought ARMA III in beta and immediately fell in love with the game, and since then I have been part of 3 clans, all of which I was designated pilot for, and got 600+ ish hours in the air. My favourite chopper is probably either a Ghosthawk or the newly added Huron. But anyway, I feel that's enough blabbering for now ;3


    I really hope that by finally deciding to sign up to Ahoy World and coming out of my lurker hole that I can contribute something posittive to the EU #1 server, the mission, and the entire group!

    Hope to see you around shortly! :D

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