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Posts posted by Bomer

  1. Hey guys, I'm having some serious issues with ACRE 2. I don't know what it is but I seem to be the only one having this Specific issue.
    The problem is as follows. I can hear people that are on my channel but they can't hear me. To be more specific: They can hear the sound of the channel opening and closing but do not hear me speak in between even though I am talking.
    I have already tried running ARMA 3 and TS3 in and out of admin mode. Reinstalled ARMA, TS3 and ACRE 2 and never get my radio out the arsenal.
    Here are some logs of today from ACRE 2: http://imgur.com/lHBCZ7U


    I really need help with this because this is very much ruining my experience and means that I can't play with you guys properly.


    **Edit: The title is a pun btw. I'm very much done with the problems it's causing.**

  2. I wouldn't mind joining up. this would be more fun with a c130 or other para-drop-capable planes.

    I'm curious how you are planning to stay in contact with command through long range(if applicable).

  3. while browsing twitter I found this:http://kotaku.com/mod-turns-halo-into-serious-military-sim-1690203742?utm_campaign=Socialflow_Kotaku_Twitter&utm_source=Kotaku_Twitter&utm_medium=Socialflow


    which eventually led me to this:http://www.moddb.com/mods/the-eridanus-insurrection


    which eventually led me to consider it a possible mod to be used during a game night. (not regularly since that would just ruin the overall flow of eu#3.


    now of course this is only for the halo fans so if there aren't enough spartan wannabe's this mod suggestion can simply be ignored.


    I still find it very cool that it exists

  4. Hi there, I'm Robin(callsign Bomer(pronounced boomer)).

    I'm a dutch eighteen year old game design student and I'm here to... well... play games of course...


    I have my fair share of experience with gaming and communities. Starting my official life as a gamer with Runescape and my life as a community-man in Minecraft. Nowadays my community work goes into Planetside 2 as community manager and platoon leader of the Phantom Company on the Cobalt server.(Best server of the world confirmed with Serversmash. We cracked quite a few american skulls out there.)


    I mainly play shooters although lately I have gotten more diverse with indie titles, RPG's and strategy games. Whenever I play I generally am the supporting class. The games I currently play most are modded Minecraft, Planetside 2, Skyrim, League of Legends, Civ V and Arma.

    Arma has been in my blood since arma II and I have been visiting the EU#1 server regularly after getting Arma III. A few days ago I discovered EU#3 which after downloading all the mods has been like a Wet-medium-milsim-dream. I decided to dust off the old account I had made and started to use it.


    So here I am your support for pretty much everything.

    Need a medic? No problem!

    Need that marid dead? What marid, that wreck over there?

    Need transport to AO? I'll be your dedicated pilot!

    Need comms person? I'm starting to get the hang of it.

    Need a spotter? Okay... maybe you'll have to look somewhere else...


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