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Posts posted by Jochem

  1. The 5.56 vs 7.62 has long been a topic for debate on military forums. But since the arguments made their don't translate well into arma, I'll just say what I think about it.

    First of all, I completely agree with that 7.62 is overkill against insurgents. It's like firing the abrams gun at a t-34. 5.56does the job just fine.

    Against Russians however, I feel 7.62 is superior. Yes you won't have as many rounds, but your rounds are more capable at penetrating a bulletproof vest and killing then a 5.56 round. So when playing against Russians, I might take a scar-h (before you bring up the play your role post, both scar variants are allowed). But I won't hide it and if my ftl tells me to grab an m4 because he needs me to carry extra ammo or something, I'm totally fine with that.

    One last thing, this Belgian loves his Belgian weapon so I might me a bit sided on this. But if ever gets decided the scar-h can't be used anymore, atleast I'll have the scar-l.

  2. _mission_designation  ="";
    if (!alive Gauntlet) then {
    _name = _basename - HMS ;
    _mission_designation = AW_ + _name ;
    if (!isNull _mission_designation) then {
    runMission _mission_designation;

    Translated in english:

    If Gauntlet isn't running then:

    variable baseName = HMS Valiant

    variable name = Valiant

    variable mission_designation = AW_Valiant


    If mission_designation is something (code checks if variable exists, although I think it should be isNil instead for variables) then:

    run the mission with the given name (AW_Valiant)

  3. Really good guide , Minipily! Tahnk you so much for it . :)

    Could you add something like how to zero in with the BLUFOR tanks?

    I tried the M1A1 on the last weekend on EU3 and the zeroing was like completely broken..

    I guess I made some terrible mistakes , back then.. :D

    For the Abrams: press 'T' while aiming at your target. It will get the range (only works between 400-4000 meters) and lead the target so the only thing to do next is press the fire button. Press 'G' afterwards to clear the lead and you good for your next target.


    For the Bradley: press 'Tab' to get a range, leading you'll have to do manually. (btw, MG ranging is broken)


    Very nice guide.


    BTW. Is there possibility to swap optics in bradley. I mean to swap that poor thermal optics for nvg's one ?

    Nope, sorry man, wish there was a way cause thermal doesn't really work on desert maps, but you'll have to improvise. What I tend to do is orientating with optical and then scanning with thermals.

  4. While it certainly isn't as usefull as it is in WoT, it has some use. First off all I found an amusing AI bug, being that AI only shoots if it has a clean line of sight to the center of the tank. Also the tracks tend to get destroyed rather then taking hull damage, atleast on the first shot.


    Generally the best tactic to use in vanilla tanks is stay at a distance and don't go into towns without good infantry support.

  5. Why not throw these on instead? Doesn't have any mod dependence and looks pretty slick in the flat camo scheme

    http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=24899 - Kuma in Nato camo

    http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=25166  - Mora in Nato camo


    Second link should work now, no clue why it broke


    I think it won't be the best thing to do. If we plan on keeping it on vanilla stuff (wich I don't really like to begin with, it's like adding a new camo for the mx imo) just slam in the slammer. It works great with RHS and g-has cargo space. The reason why I would add the challenger(after it gets updated ofc) is not because of physics. They are only slighty better on vanilla vehicles(I think, I'm not a driver). The reason why the chally stands out is in it's full interior, special smoke shell, loadout selector, excellent visibility,....

    But yeah, if the chally isn't coming back I would prefer the slammer over the kuma. 

  6. Mini, its op as fuck. That's why

    Well, thats kinda the point of a tank, isn't it?


    And I know back in the day you couldn't destroy it and it was indeed a bit silly, just give it a try once it's updated to use ace functions and the damage model is nerfed. Not complaining you guys took it out, it was over the top, but it will be amazing once updated. And yes i'm biased casue it's my favorite tank of all time, and no nothing will change that. Oh yeah, one more thing, I remember it stating it was never intended to work with vanilla armor, it was made with RAM(an armor mod) in mind and will have a ridiculous amount of armor if used without this mod. 


    Again, if the only reason you hate the chally for is the armor, just wait for the update and you'll love it.

  7. *RANT TIME*


    Why doesn't this suprise me?


    Oh yeah, maybe because all other US vehicles are just not that good, most of the time buggy and a pain in the ass to operate. I.E. tank/car physics, blackhawk pilot door staying open, tank gunner view staying zoomed in in all zoom levels and ground vehicles not giving a sh*t when you blow up 3 satchels next to them. Wich is a shame 'cause I want to like RHS.




    But that aside, I guess it will get fixed in the next update, wich should come out not that soonTM. And Rave also expierienced the problem today.



    Srry for the rant btw, I know you guys can do anything to fix it, but I'm just so annoyed by RHS and I'm sure I'm not the only one.

  8. Now first of all, amor values of the abrams and other medern day tanks are classified and (almost) nobody knows them. This is the reason why things like "this should never penetrate" can't be verified. 


    Secondly, AGM. AGM doesn't make any changes to the way armor protection works. The only thing AGM does is preventing instant explosions and implement a burn-out effect (and then "detonating" the ammo, read as "exploding the tank"). So everything that happens is entirly the RHS system.


    Poin three: I don't agree on your statement that an RPG shouldn't disable an abrams with 2 shots. One shot from the rear or in the side of hull will penetrate (or should do considering unknown exect values) and I can assure you the tank won't be operateble after a hit like that. Only the front of the abrams is thick enough to ensure the RPG won't penetrate (except for some weakspots, i.e. driver viewport).


    Point four: You're completely right a modern tank should (almost) never explode (blow-out panels, safe ammo storage, etc.) but this isn't implemented in RHS. 


    Point five: If you want realistic armor protection, you'll have to use Real Armor Mod (RAM). RHS is using a part of the code from that mod, but not all of it. RAM should also get updated soonTM and should be compatible with RHS, according to the developer. Really looking forward to that.


    Bonus point: yes I tested everything in the editor.


    If some things still need clearing up, ask me and I'll try to answer them, the tank geek I am.


    -Jochem "Waffles", Bomb 1-1, 2nd Armored Division

  9. last time i brought this up i  was told to go play red orcestra,


    you can do it with the ironfront mod but you need to buy ironfront, i think it looks good.


    You don't actually need to own Iron Front, you can just download the lite version. (Some lower res textures and no SP missions included)


    Would love to see this because this is alot more skillful then modern day *cough*Thermal and guided munition*cough*.

    -Jochem "Waffles", Bomb 1-1, 2nd Armored Division

  10. First of all, I love tanks. I think they're amazing machines. So in this post I'm gonna talk about the tanks on EU3 and give some opinions about them.

    The first tank I actively used on EU3 was the abrams. At the time, it was the best tank mod out ther and I really enjoyed playing in the thing.
    After some months, the Challanger came, and that thing made my day. It has everything what I want from a tank: a good gun (with two special roundg hesh and smoke), an interior, thermal sights, accurate display, and good view for the commander.
    Yesterday, we switched again and brought in the RHS abrams.
    It's a beautiful tank for sure, but I'm personally not happy with the change. First of all, the gun has a weird zoom in system that's not very usefull. Secondly it's lacking features that the Chally has(smoke screen, custom callsign, INTERIOR,...). And the ladt thing is that the commanders view is horrible because the commander gets an MG.
    Now you're probably saying: "Why is that a problem? A bit less view but a MG. A MG is always better right?" Now believe it or not, me (and mini) actually don't want a commander MG. Why that is you should ask mini. My conclusion of the new abrams is thus: looks good, but plays impractical. So that's why I'm asking you guys: can we please get the Chally back? Please?

    I hope this doesn't sound selfish btw and if you're not gonna add it back in, can I please get the reason why it was removed? Thanks.


    And to make armoured warfare in ARMA even more enjoyable, please consider this mod: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?171586-Real-Armor-Mod

    It basically deletes the hipoint system and replaces it with a penetration system.

    Jochem, Bomb 1-1, 2nd Armoured division

  11. First of all, Patrol Ops isn't made by AhoyWorld, so the script isn't property our property. You'll have to contact the maker of PO and ask him if he wants to share his script with you. 

    Second thing is that, imho, disabling spawn protection when the base is attacked is not a good way of doing things. I find that just not letting enemy's in the base is a way better solution. (Just because the one asshole who thinks he's funny when he throws a grenade at base).

  12. Conceptually, this would be great! And from a developing standpoint, this would make things (atleast that's what I think) easier. You don't need to spawn in ai, give them waypoints, etc. You just need to create a task at a location and tell the player what to do.


    The problem right now is that we just don't have enough players to offer an enjoyable experience to everyone. 5vs5 on a map like Altis isn't (imho) very enjoyable. I asked Josh about PvP and he told me this was the exact reason why we don't have such a thing right now.


    Another thing that might give problems is team balancing. Because you're playing against players who (most of the time) can think intelligent, one team can be way better than the other one. This will cause players switching teams, making the balance even worse. 


    So yeah, for gamenights this could be fun, but for normal play during the week, give me those stupid A.I soldiers. ;)

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