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Everything posted by Bruce

  1. and they go and release footage ahead of time http://satellitereign.com/pre-alpha-gameplay-demo/ lookinf smart !
  2. I'll slap up some screenies when I finally get Beta access. or mebbe I could finally subscribe to a streaming service and let you live vicariously through me
  3. Forgot to add - Backer for Syndicate Wars 2.0 errmm Satellite Reign !! Its building up to look awesome so far
  4. I'm sure a LOT of folks are as excited about this as I am ... but I'm guessing there will be questions about how it affects AW missions ! So i'll try to verbalise a few so that folks can add thoughts and hopefully Core Staff can give us an idea of what to expect? For me : I'd like the new Flight Model to be optional at first, only for the sake of the sanity of most casual players who just want to actually get somewhere alive.! and I really can't wait forthe new Helos' hope they can be added to the roster straight away, But I understand there will be implications. for example I'd suggest / request some changes : 1) Much respect to whoever is responsible for the new base layout / location... But ... all this may need more space to play. I'd ask if we can move back to the airport lounge ? at least for a while of practice. You could leave the vehicles at their location currently with a stock of quad bikes / hunters at base and a VAS box at vehicle depot. 2) a side mission that is transporting supplies in a TEMPEST Ammo or cargo container (Essentially a VAS box) that can be taken and delivered to an AO ... but is destructible. 3) more aquatic side missions so that a BOAT full of troops can be delivered near to it for insertion. 4) Can we pretty please make enemy jets a little less able to spot low flying helos ?? there needs to be some way to avoid detection especially when there are multiple jets in the air with infinite missiles and flares. OR 5) do the AI not have the ability to land and refuel / re-arm ? set them up on the dust bowl air field as their own base that they need to return to re-arm a few times. .... That's all ... can't wait till November now, crashing has never been so much fun ! Bruce
  5. happens a fair bit lately across all roles (especially AT when it robs me of all my Rockets!!!!)
  6. is it possible to restrict the distance that New AO's spawn in accordance with the derver population ? i.e. IF=serverpop =/< 20 then new AO is within 15 KM (driving distance)
  7. ELITE: DANGEROUS ! CIV: Beyond Earth SPACEHULK: DeathWing (Was waitng, am no more) Wasteland 2 - yep, 'tis awesome !
  8. Man ! seriously .. the guy had a meltdown over a year ago,, and only really resurfaces every few months to have a hissy fit and throw his toys in the corner cause "someone on the internet" might be using something he made of his own free will in his spare time ? there's a whole BAG of meme's I could throw down to express my disbelief at the insanity of this scenario. Butthurt .. that word sums it up
  9. Congrats ! now pop off and get EU2 up and ready for saturday, there's a good chap !
  10. not as bad as I imagined My Steam Profile (from http://steamdb.info/calculator/?player=76561197972551464&country=uk'>SteamDB) Worth: £767.44 Games owned: 64 Games not played: 11 Percentage: 17% Hours spent: 2,091.6h
  12. Firstly let me say this is possibly the most stable version and the cleanest in terms of consistant performance. that we have had, some of the changes are great and long may it continue to be developed BUT, there are still a few niggles and I'm sorry I don'tknow if it's BIS / Server / mission / connection From Last nights play, I encountered the following : Stable frames for about an hour or so after mission restart, then eventually the frames drop by 40% to around 15 fps map markers begin to freeze in place (player and vehicle positions) and soon after playability drops below acceptable levels (for Arma ... this is below 10 frames) it seems like a buffer somewhere just gets full then overflows and kills it ... a slow process with a sudden flood of errors. and eventually "Connection Lost" for everyone involved, like I say .. no idea what it is but if I'm on I'm happy to help stress test or run any kind of error reporting etc. if you want us to
  13. +1 coin for being 11 days late to your own funeral
  14. Might be Mine Resistant, but you accidentally bounce a Kerb and "BIG-BADDA-BOOM-BABY!" insta gibs that make Doom look PG-12
  15. Bruce


    PLEASE is making mohawk with tank going faster ! is lifting difficult with slow tank sow than drive at AO for 70KM/H is promise sacrifice of first born son for go faster stripes on mohawk ! .... maybe only up to 150 KM/H Is more bad than play Farm Sim 2014 in Mohawk now, slow like Combine Harvester!!! PLIZZ ! .. is on knees begging for life here ! .. PLIZZ !!!!!1!!ELEVEN!
  16. never more than 20 frames... but you'll go from STD/HIGH to ULTRA as long as the CPU can handle it. and until BIS fix the MP Framecapping thing in multi-play
  17. Nice, I almost went for the GTX770, with a view to sticking another of them in later, SLI for higher resolutions but a 1440p monitor is a bit expensive yet, so I'm waiting for one that has G-Sync in a year or so. has that i7 got more OC in it ? was always tempted by the Corsair Hydro series H110..
  18. So I got some Amazon vouchers from "somewhere" and have decided what I need is less GPU's so out go the three 5870's in comes ONE .. yes singular Gigabyte GTX 780 3GB OC Windofrce Should arrive tomorrow, I need to do some serious re-plumbing
  19. Not going to make it either, so I'd like to add my two cents here as well 1) Bring revive back ! the current mode would be fine in a perfect world but it doesn't play well on a public server. due to the following actions : a) asshats that can't fly griefers that range around the AO in a Kuma TKing c) action menu that glitches out and drops explosives next to helos d) Medics that have ZERO clue how to do their job e) Players that don't stand still long enough to be medicced f) any other factors that cause mass death when it's not down to your own action means you repsawn ? that's just a waste of anyones time, on a dedicated and controlled server .. fine, perfect even, love it .. on a public server where Core staff and admins are getting fewer and farther between visits. it's a time sink that is NOT FUN ! 2) Can we have ONE stable server ... that has the best known build consistantly and take any test revisions to another server Cheers for listening .. peace out Bruce
  20. How'd it go ? Am you an Rockstar Game Develpoer yets ? srrounding by monies, Ho's, fast cars an legal substances ?
  21. I think you guys will appreciate the sheer artistic beauty of thisd particular piece ! This public service announcement, bought to you buy JOSH SMITH and the letters . D E & I
  22. Didn't we all agree at the time to blame David for not being on hand to sort tyhe server out ?
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