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Posts posted by Stuffedsheep

  1. As the Admin who banned you, I will lift the ban. You where banned for supected hacking and teleporting (the name indeed didn't help much to prevent this). After you where banned, three hackers where found and banned. There for I will remove it.

  2. Hey. can u update the pw6 repo? for eu 1 and 3? 3 months since last update


    I can not update the existing one, but I can give you the link to my collection (which is  up-to-date(most of the time), since I maintain the repo's)


    Having said this, I do prefer that you use the Arma3Sync Repo. The reason for this being, that we use parts of AGM, not the entire mod. And when you download AGM using Pw6, it will installs the complete mod. You will have to manually remove some of the .pbo files to make sure you don't get any compatibility issues.

  3. it it updated in the repo, or would one have to download manually and just remove the old jsrs? (reason i ask is because me and manually installing mods = not good :P )

    For now, manual. I'm still uploading the mod to the repo, and I ran into some issues which delayed the process. Should be on the repo around the end of the day.


    JSRS 2.1/2.2 are still usable, and will stay usable.

  4. I realy like Stratis, but here is some feedback for you to work on at the mission:

    1. The base is great, i like its layout.

    2. There are too many vehicles (Helicopters!) I think just about one Hummingbird, and one Gosthawk should be enough, and i would take away the Marshal and the IFV and put them as a side-mission reward. Instead you could make one or two of the unarmed hunters to HMG-versions.

    3. What abbut UAVs? Like a Side mission at the Airfield where you capture two of them (no rearming!) and one UAV-operator that has acces to the pocket UAV (forgot the name) it could realy help in the terain with the hills.

    4. AI-Skill is to high! Im getting laserbeamed from 1.5 kilometers!


    What are your thaugts on this?

    Oh and name is wrong, it says pvp.


    1. I'm happy to hear that, I spend to much time on it  ;)

    2. Helicopters will stay like this. There are only two pilots, so there can only be two helicopters flying at the same time. Why the four helicopters you may wonder, two MH-9s for the quick insertion in hard to reach places, WY-55 for air support while dropping of troops and the UH-80 for a larger group of people. 

    3. currently there are no UAVs. There are however two UGVs. These are controlled by the mortar assistant, he is the only person who can use them. The mortar gunner has the possibility to use the mortar with arty computer, where as the other people can use the mortar without.

    4. Indeed to high, will look into this.


    And for the server name, will try to get that sorted.

  5. So its still a bit unclear: can we use HC with I&A 2.79 out of the box, or we must edit the mission and change the way spawning of AI works?


    You must change the mission a bit for HC to work. We are currently running tests with HC on EU#1, and my average fps went up from 19-20 to about 29-30 at base. In the current version only the main AO is working with HC, so it may increase a bit more.


    It shouldn't take to long before the mission is released. If you are running an older (and/or modified) version that you what to use HC with, join teamspeak and we will see if we can help you implement it.

  6. I'm sorry, AMD has let me down to many times for me to believe that....

    AMD wasn't there when I needed him the most....  And all the other times AMD just ignored me, I will never forgive AMD for that.



    Nvidia has been a good and reliable friend to me. We've been through rough times together and we've has some wonderful moments. The only thing I feel for AMD is disappointment...

  7. The reason that we haven't added HLC AR15's is simple: its a large mod and the only weapons it adds are the weapons out of every hollywood movie every produced. Most of the weapons cannot fit a suppressor, sight or rail attachments and those that can add them are solely for looks and would never actually be used in the military.


    The MP5's is another story, but also with this is the question if it is useful. It may look nice but remember, if you need to engage a target at 300 to 400 meters away with a 9mm sub machinegun will you be able to take him down without using a whole magazine? I don't think so.


    To conclude this, HLC AR15's will not be added, HLC MP5's is a maybe. The chance will increase significantly when we move to a more CQB orientated map (guess which one)


    As for the requests other people have put in about adding sniper rifles. There is no mod which adds those to our current modpack so those will be added in the future.

  8. First of welcome to our forums.


    Second, it seems like you have a problem with something specific and I cannot really make out what it is (clan tags and covered map?!?). I also get the impression that you are not playing on one of our servers since we don't have rank tags and clan tags in our names. It would be helpful for us if you clearly specified what problems you have and also mention on what server you are playing, because it may well be that it is not one of ours.





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