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Everything posted by laforte

  1. Welcome nice introduction
  2. Because the previous mod pack was not getting updates/support I decided to replace the modpack with a version of Feed The Beast. Current mod pack: FTB Infinity 1.7 Everybody is added to the whitelist and the how-to on this forum is edited. This feed the beast version contains less mods what should also reduce server lag. I would like to hear from you guys if this mod pack is fun to use or maybe we should switch to a other modpack or version of feed the beast. So if you vote on the poll then please also give a short reaction why you voted yes or no. This post has been promoted to an article
  3. bump, anybody has an answer or solution for this?
  4. *FEEDBACK* - Can the briefing be filled in when opening map? I somehow think it's easier than the text thingy on the north side of the map. - Had the same mission for 3 times in a row, only the location changed. - firing at base is possible, sad thing but we still need base protection - base looks really empty for a base what is in enemy territory - AI spawns really close to each other. *IDEA* - spawn AI in vehicles and let them disembark. This looks so much better just spawn them here and there. - Does AI move towards the crate in the crate mission? Or are they just spawned and patrol, maybe it would be nice to let one squad move to the crate?
  5. Got a call 5 min before game night so had to run, sorry!
  6. Video removed now lets go back on-topic
  7. Oh yes forgot that, my bad
  8. We have a pvp server? I should open my eyes
  9. Hello and welcome
  10. https://youtu.be/cpGVH3g7lmU and this is why we clear black blast
  11. Everybody is welcome here we don't care if you are bi,gay, straight, blue, green or red . Its about having fun, so welcome and seeyou on the battlefield!
  12. I feel a pegi 3+ coming up! ps: where is the game about anyway? Just killing?
  13. Congratulations, on behalf of the ahoy world community I offer you a free gift of choice. A. Ban for a week B. A clip of ammo in game C. A guaranteed pilot slot in eu1 for 5 min. Please let us know ASAP
  14. Just look for German speeches on YouTube, should help a bit. edit: make sure they are from 1945 or later else it might get weird.
  15. Because of a some small communication error we failed on replying you within reasonable time. Your ban however was legit, you teamkilled. But you admitted you were wrong and we believe you wont do it again. Therefor your ban will be lifted today and you should be able to connect within 24 hours from now. See you on the battlefield!
  16. Just got my invite, downloading alpha now
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