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Everything posted by danne

  1. danne


    Take a look how the side missions are done now. Each side mission has its own script in a simple modular way. It's quite simple to add new side missions once they are made. You know quite a bit about scripting in arma yourself. Why don't you try create a side mission set at sea. I'm certain it's going to be added when it's done :-)
  2. What is his reasoning for this? Well, yes, he is the creator. But as far as I can see he more or less put it in public domain with no other license than (paraphrasing a bit, don't remember the exact words) "do whatever you like with my scripts. You don't have to ask me for permission". You can't really take that back, can you. What would it look like if Linus suddenly decided that; nah, you cannot just use Linux any way you want any more. I don't like its use in mobile phones, so stop doing that or else. His general attitude doesn't make me want to be nice to him either, good coder or not. From my google searches it seems like he is supporting his claims from steam workshop agreement that states that you may not use derivative work. Do we even have i&a on steam?
  3. danne signs up for testing! :-)
  4. Did all the guys from last test pass? Or am I the only interested in taking the flight test so far?
  5. No more flight tests?
  6. Is it possible to calculate how far from a road a vehicle is? The further away and the higher the speed is, the bigger risk of a random breakdown. Also, towing damaged vehicles to a safe spot for repairs would be cool. Edit: That way there's no forced speed limit. Drive as fast as you need, but at a risk.
  7. I would suggest removing the protection for objects in the area. At least if it's a separate area from the one at spawn.
  8. It seems like the UAV:s are slowly taking damage where they spawn. Not only the greyhawks but if anyone is standing nearby will take damage as well and will die if not moving away or using FAK. I've seen the actual hangars gone a couple of times as well. Not wrecked, but completely gone. I do not know the source of damage, but it is there and that's why the greyhawks are exploding and also why you cannot connect to them sometimes. It seems you are unable to connect if they are damaged and they start taking damage as soon as they spawn. If you are fast enough you can take control before the damage is too big though. This is also why there are reports that the haymaker dies with no apparent reason....they are standing near the hangars. The damage zone is quite big. I've attached an image showing that the actual hangars have disappeared and I was taking damage on the spot I'm standing. Not much, but by the time I'm at this point writing this post I needed to use FAK. Edit: Another observation. Suddenly the hangars appeared again. They were not invisible before, I could move freely without hitting walls.
  9. Wok and Rarek: you are great guys. :-) I suggested asking in the ahoy forums the first time berezon needed help with java and I couldn't help him. It worked then and it worked this time too. Makes me feel good about the community :-)
  10. danne

    I'm back

    Welcome back. I've missed you. I really hope everything is alright now. :-)
  11. I don't feel creative mode is for me. Collecting resources and be wary of monsters is part of the fun for me and the main motivator for my designs.
  12. So...GTA V is sort of sims?
  13. Well. We usually remove obstructive players as soon as possible. But we can't sit in a server and just wait for stuff to happen. Even if we are almost properly staffed, we all have a life outside the computers and there will come times, like the last few days, when most of us happen to be busy with other stuff (like sleeping, being at work/school, vacation, having a party, or just taking a break for a while). If you are playing and no admins seems to be connected when needed, try teamspeak. Also, when "hackers" are attacing a server, there might already be one or more admins on it and tries to identify the culprit. We don't want to tip the script kiddie off by announcing our presence. A restart isn't effective either as the script kiddie probably is still around and even more hidden or he could just leave and make it impossible to identify. When we get a report in TS of someone misbahaving, we try to get in to the server in question as soon as possible (we still have to wait for open slots). Then we will observe the behaviour and depending of the severity take an action. We try to warn or kick as a first resort. If the person come back on the same or one of our other servers and continues with his bad behaviour he will be banned. We don't ban people on hearsay from people we don't know and trust, there are obvious reasons for that.
  14. danne


    The evil entity is the space station itself as far as I know. Failing systems and lack of vital resources like food, water, air and power (light/temperature/etc) are the the things you'll need to fight for to survive. Noms have said no aliens.
  15. danne

    Take on Mars

  16. There you go. Wasn't that hard was it? :-) You are very welcome to this part of our community too.
  17. Woohoo! More Swedes. Took you long enough. :-)
  18. danne

    E3 Livestreams

    Well, EA may suck. But I think dice is a fairly good game studio. But their games would probably be even better without EA's strict control and bad ideas.
  19. It's not on any of our servers. :-(
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