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17-12-2017 Meeting


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Ahoy people, here the announcement for the next meeting we are going to have. Its been 31 days since i took over (on the 17th) and would like to announce some things we have been working on. Subjects:


Start meeting

-Introduction and motivation for the takeover.

-Agenda points 

-Recap previous meeting


Future of ahoy

-Long term

-Short term



-Games *EU1 EU2 AWE AWE+ & other



-Recruiting/staff roles



-Behavior and attitude

-Promotion and responsibility's


As of now, everybody who is having a forum account with introduction will become a member right away. If your forum name is diffrent from your teamspeakname, please let us know. Everybody with a membership-tag without forum account and/or introduction will have time to do so before januari 1st.

If you've got any questions now or later on please send them to this doc and we'll answer them in the meeting.   

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