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[EU6][MSO] Operation Einherjar


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General Info


This mission is a multi session operation or MSO for short.

If you played MSO in A2 you will know what the general idea is, if not: MSO is a mission that is designed to take multiple sessions to complete.

How multiple session is handled is that after each event I hold, the server\mission state gets saved to a database.



Mission Specific Info



This time we are going to Afghanistan, see warning order for more info.


Player squads

1x CMD element: CMD,TAC

3x Infantry Squads: SL 4xRFL MED 





Time of event(recurring): Fridays @ 1800UTC


Signup form[SQUADLEADS only]: HERE



Modset link( separate from AWE ) :  ftp://mods.ahoyworld.net/124TH/.a3s/autoconfig


Warning Order




Insurgent forces in the region of Badghis,Afghanistan have stepped up their campaign to spread terror and halt the rebuilding of the region by NATO forces.



AW forces have been tasked with doing deep recon of the region and if any enemy installations are discovered,take these out. Further orders will be given at order meeting.


3.Time and place for order meeting

DTG:xx0545 at 2nd floor at base HQ


4. Earliest time for troop movement


5. Administrative/Supplies

  1. Ammunition: Procured from the depot if needed

  2. Supplies: Any specialties needed i.e sandbags,mine detectors is to be requested of command.

  3. Medical: Each team has 1x Medic to deal with any injuries sustained in the field. If any injuries occur where a doctor is needed HQ has a medevac on standby at base.

  4. Catering : NIL

  5. Transport: Each team is given 1x MRAP or 2x MZR to use during the operation, it's up to each team lead what is used


6. Recon

Updates at time of o-meeting.


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So trying out a new style of debrief for this session. The OPorder for the session will be displayed first then the AAR afterwards.





1. Situation

  1. Enemy: Insurgent forces armed with soviet arms. Enemy will mostly do ambushes and hit and runs against friendly forces.IED’s are also a factor to consider when planning movement.The enemy will most likely stay and fight to the last man.He does not have any supply chains setup to keep him supplied and will mostly rely on recruiting combatants from the locals.

  2. Other friendly forces: Local garrison of US Army patrolling perimeter of Kinduf Airfield.

  3. Attached friendly forces: NIL


The overall mission of our forces is to recon the area and find any enemy installations we can find and neutralize them. Any insurgents met during this operation are to be neutralized.


Standing march time after this briefing is 15 minutes.







My intent is to gather intel about enemy installations so that we can cripple the enemy's function to destabilize the region.

My goals are to deal critical blows to the insurgents means of recruitment of civilians and also their ability to procure arms and also produce IED’s.


The endstate is that the insurgents are left with no choice but to move more openly against us since we will take away their means to use more hidden means to strike against us (IED’s,civilians etc).


  1. Plan:

I will send the troop out scattered across a somewhat large area to cover most ground. I am doing this cause the overall danger of hitting large contact is relatively low and our troop has better gear and training than the opposing force. We will use long range observation of towns and choke points to gather intel for any strikes that are going to be planned in the future.

  1. Sierra-1

Move yourself to the FOB located in GRID 109075 and perform roaming patrols in the local area to talk to the locals. You can also look for any elevated areas to establish a OP to look for any suspicious activities in the local towns.

  1. Sierra-2

Move yourself to the FOB located in GRID 158056 and perform roaming patrols in the local area to talk to the locals. You can also look for any elevated areas to establish a OP to look for any suspicious activities in the local towns.

  1. Sierra-3

Establish an OP overlooking the intersection at GRID 010052.

  1. Common Directives

ROE: Return fire only.


  1. Ammunition: Take what you feel is needed from the depot

  2. Supplies: Take what you feel is needed from the depot, if there are any shortcomings in the depot,relay to command and he will see if it can be acquired.

  3. Medical: Medics attached to each team, if there is anything that can't be dealt with in-field, medevac is on standby at Kinduf hospital.

  4. Catering: NIL

  5. Transport: Each team is given 1x MRAP and 2x MRZR at their disposal.


5.Command And Control


TroopNet[LR] : 45

Sierra-1[SR] : 200

Sierra-2[SR] : 210

Sierra-3[SR] : 220


b ) - Main command is located at Kinduf airbase

- My place will be either with Alpha or                           Bravo,dependent on the situation



AW Command

Sierra Troop Chief






After receiving the OPORD Sierra quickly geared up and set out to their respective objectives. During this some OPFOR facilities was destroyed and 50+ insurgents where neutralized. Half way into the OP a VBIED came barreling towards Sierra-3's VCP and detonated as the driver had a dead-mans trigger on him,this event cause Sierra-3 to loose their Squadlead as he was closest to the blast, they also lost a couple of more in the event.


With their MRAP severely damaged a cTab message was sent out by one of the surviving members of Sierra-3 to Sierra Actual that they needed immediate help. With Sierra-1 returning from one of their patrols they where immediately dispatched to Sierra-3's position where they provided security until the MRAP was repaired.


Sierra-1 and Sierra-3 then started the drive towards base as Sierra Actual sent a message to Sierra-2 to RTB also.




During Sierra-2's drive back they suffered a IED strike where their MRAP lost all its wheels but saved them from the blast. Sierra Actual then tasked Sierra-1 and Sierra-3 to mount a rescue mission to bring back Sierra-2. While Sierra-2 was waiting for the rescue, OPFOR activity in their region picked up as they where stranded and they saw alot of contact during the wait for Sierra-1\3, loosing 2 players to gunfire.




Then Sierra-1\3 arrived and they succsessfully retuned to main base where the mission state was saved and I held a small de-brief for the players who hadn't disconnected fully.



I know some pinged me on ts for a reconnect\JIP but I didnt see the pings before we where finshed witht the session and take note that I fucked up and somehow turned off respawn when compiling the mission before it went live as I had been experimenting with some respawn options.

This will be fixed for the next session so that you can actually respawn and not be stuck in spectator. This error was my fault and I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.


I will also be adding two more teams so that in case there are more players than it where this session we can cater to them too.

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  • 2 weeks later...

AAR 28/7-17


Forces where tasked with patrolling two towns then pushing up the green-zone clearing out any insurgents that they may have come across.

Due to heavy presence in the towns, forces where halted from pushing towards the green-zone. In-Transit Troop Chief Christiansen was taken hostage by a 3rd unknown party. Negotiations are seemingly falling for deaf ears.


-High Command,Kinduf Airbase.

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AAR 28/7-17


Due to the troop chief being captured AW forces had to make a plan on the whim to find and retrieve the troop chief. When the compound was found a significant number of enemy combatants of a 3rd party in this conflict was found. Seemingly heavily funded sporting the latest gear they put up a significant fight against our forces, but we prevailed at last and secure the Troop Chief who had been subjected to advanced interrogation techniques.


AAR 28/7-17



Due to what seemed like a more sub par session than the latter due too a couple of factors that we discussed in the debrief held after the session, I am proposing that I can hold a lesson in squad-leading for everyone who wants to come. Seeing as the main factor for the failed push was when the squadlead got shot and taken out that there was no next sucsessor for 2 of the teams and that in turn halted the momentum drastically. If you as a player is interested in said lesson just send me a pm and ill start organizing it.

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3 hours ago, kennychr said:

Due to what seemed like a more sub par session than the latter due too a couple of factors that we discussed in the debrief held after the session, I am proposing that I can hold a lesson in squad-leading for everyone who wants to come. Seeing as the main factor for the failed push was when the squadlead got shot and taken out that there was no next sucsessor for 2 of the teams and that in turn halted the momentum drastically. If you as a player is interested in said lesson just send me a pm and ill start organizing it.


It's something we're looking to do in regards to the enhanced training sessions. If you'd like extra hands or to integrate the events somehow I'm sure we could work it out!

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