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ACE3 - Official release!

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oh my god, yes! +1 on that! :P...imagine having to fly MEDEVAC in that! :o


In a sandstorm? It'd be kinder to shoot the medevac crew and the injured if you were to try that, sand and engines don't play well together, not to mention the rotor blades would get eaten away. at least that's how it should be. No doubt the effect for that will just behave like smoke

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So bandages don't really matter, though some do not completely stop the bleeding. Bruises can't be fixed *for now?* but here's a bit of knowledge on the 3 different needles you can jam into yourself or others.


To stabalize the vitals and to counter for example pain' date=' a player/medic can use medication. Advanced medical has 3 different medications available: * Atropine * Morphine * Epinephrine

Atropine is a vagolytic and anticholinergic drug which in low dosages reduces heart rate but in high dosages increases it, countering effects of organophosphate poisoning (in NBC scenarios; anticholinesterase poisoning) and symptomatic bradycardia (in post-ROSC care and resuscitative medicine).

Morphine is used to alleviate large amounts of pain. Has an effect similar to Heroin due to its opiate properties. Must only ever be given once, and only when bleeding has been reduced to a minimum. Morphine must never be given to a casualty with a low heart rate, as it can stop the heart.

Epinephrine is used to increase heart rate and blood pressure and alleviate unconsciousness. Epinephrine is a synthetic form of Adrenaline, which is naturally produced in the body. It can also be applied to counter-act the effects of Atropine. Be careful though, as it may only be given once.

Epinephrine must never be given to a casualty with a high heart rate or blood pressure.


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So bandages don't really matter, though some do not completely stop the bleeding. Bruises can't be fixed *for now?* but here's a bit of knowledge on the 3 different needles you can jam into yourself or others.



Basically your saying -


Morphine reduces pain but you need to be careful of low heart rates.

Epinephrine increases heart rate and returns people to conciousness but you need to be careful of high heart rates. 

Atropine is a useless piece of shit that likes to contradict itself for no reason. 


Correct me if I'm wrong.

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Basically your saying -


Morphine reduces pain but you need to be careful of low heart rates.

Epinephrine increases heart rate and returns people to conciousness but you need to be careful of high heart rates. 

Atropine is a useless piece of shit that likes to contradict itself for no reason. 


Correct me if I'm wrong.


Well, the documentation on ACE3 is still pretty shit. But that's sort  of what it comes down to. Although there definitely are uses for Atopine.

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Well, the documentation on ACE3 is still pretty shit. But that's sort  of what it comes down to. Although there definitely are uses for Atopine.


The use I think I get for Atropine is a less deadly version of either morphine or epi (depending on if you use one or two) to lower or raise heart rate without the death risks associated with the other ones.

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The use I think I get for Atropine is a less deadly version of either morphine or epi (depending on if you use one or two) to lower or raise heart rate without the death risks associated with the other ones.

Think of it this way, epi and morphine are now one use per life medication, but atropine can be used as much as needed. So if you have just woken up someone who had passed out and don't want to waste the one morphine he can take to lower the heart rate you can instead use an atropine. The same also applies in reverse, but I guess two or more doses of atro are needed

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