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EU3 wednesday weekly game night starting 28/1

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-edit: it's january and not february, excuse me :P

Fellow members of AhoyWorld, 

starting from wednesday the 28th of january I will be hosting weekly game nights on EU3. We will be playing patrol ops just as always but missions that are made by you guys are allowed as well!


Rules for custom missions:

1. Because the game nights are so popular I recommend making missions with at least 20-30 slots.

2.Only the mods that are in the modded repo can be used.

3. Inform me about the mission first by sending me a message or telling me on teamspeak.


Starting time:

We will start at 17:00 GMT but JIP is allowed!


The slots:

Let me know what slot you want so I can set everything up. First come first served!!!

I will be setting up the slots starting 30min in advance of the start of the game night so please let me know what you want to be before 16:30GMT. 

As I already said JIP is allowed!


The rules:

The rules are the same as the general rules for EU3: http://www.ahoyworld.co.uk/topic/3550-eu-3-general-changes/

I will go over them again before we start. And just for you guys to know: being AFK is allowed as well of course, real life is more important, but try to inform your squad leader.



The install guide to install the mods: http://www.ahoyworld.co.uk/topic/3174-how-to-download-the-allowed-addons-the-modded-addons-new-method/

If you need any help you can always send me a message or poke me on teamspeakç ;)




That's it! This is the first time ever that I'm hosting a game night but I'll try to do everything as good as possible and I'll make sure you guys have a good time! 

I'll see you guys on the battlefield!

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Fellow members of AhoyWorld, 

starting from wednesday the 28th of february I will be hosting weekly game nights on EU3. We will be playing patrol ops just as always but missions that are made by you guys are allowed as well!


I make sure to write it in the agenda 


But atleast you gave us plenty of time to prepare 


Like 3 years from now 

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best get my hair and makeup done proper!....would be awesome to have one dedicated "war journalist" tho..going around interviewing troops on downtime and in the midst of battle! "this is ranarick reporting live, for wartime correspondents, AhoyWorld News!" :P

   Ranarick you should def do this on a game night once   


Might need to script in a mic as weapon or so :)


BTW lightning put me down as marksmen/autorifle(HMG) or crewman for cas or tank 

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A friend of mine and newcomer to Ahoy will be participating as well, he's unable to sign up himself becaus of no internett at work :P...Steien is his name in-game, and he would like a Pilot/Copilot slot if available. no preference otherwise, so just stick him where you see fit ;)

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i'll try to be there, but can't promise it due to work.
anyways, i would take any slot needed anyways. ;)
from pilot to medic by At or Truck driver. i'm good with it ;)
Oh forgot Sniper / Spotter / Laserdesignator there ;)



Oh and i would as well take the part of the Cameraman if wanted

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Feedback if wanted ;)

since i got there late, i can not say how it was with the first missions, but the last one i participated in was teh only one as well. It was the one where we had to distroy enemy artilary at the marina.

It was only a little fun for me, since after talking 45 min to set up, we got there and the AI was way to hard configured.

Already after max 10 minutes everybody was ready to leave for the mission, and started beeing annoying.

I got shot at like 5-6 Times and each time their first shot was a killshot to the head. only once a medic was capiple of bringin me back.
No Rallypoints made it annoying, to get back to your squad, sind the enemy flanked us and  you had to get past them before rejoining your squad.

so in total for the next time.

1. do not choose AI Level Ultra.

2. do not remove the Rallypoints

3. do not take hours for planing the mission.

my way of planing would be(after having the squads sorted.)
think of the way to get there(car or Helicopter.)

.in case of Recon Team send it out

assign vehicules to the squadleader.(they can already go grab them and get ready.)
while they equip plan the infiltration Points and mark them on the map.
get everyone in Position 

give it a go

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Feedback is always wanted!! 


1the level of Ai is almost always ultra during game night, the last mission was just a clusterfuck.

2. We choose to not activate rallypoints because they were enabled all the mission before the last one.

3. For this going to let you read this: http://www.ahoyworld.co.uk/topic/3603-gamenight-saturday-31st-jan-2015/


The next game night is going to start 1 hour later, the post will go up tomorrow.


Thanks for the feedback!!!

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