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ARMA 3 NATO and CSAT Jets Update!


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News has been released on the new Arma 3 campaign episode and with it come the two long awaited aircraft for NATO and CSAT. 


The CSAT aircraft seems to be a typical, fighter style jet while the NATO jet (don't get too excited Raz) is an A-10 variant named the A-164.


Along with the jets comes a 6x6 transport truck which is described as "Mine resistant". 


All 3 vehicles will come with the campaign episode "Win" which is slated for release on March 20th! Assets coming to Dev. branch this week possibly.





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Still nothing useful for dog fights, they're all pretty much low speed armed to the teeth air to ground combat aircraft. The csat is based on the yak, looks like all other they done to the A10 is skew the tail fins 10 or 15 degrees and made the engine pods more aero by giving them a horizontal ventral fin /elliptical shape and the truck thingy is a copy paste of the hemmtt's with bulky armor plate on the cabs

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Might be Mine Resistant,


but you accidentally bounce a Kerb and "BIG-BADDA-BOOM-BABY!"   


insta gibs that make Doom look PG-12


Along with the jets comes a 6x6 transport truck which is described as "Mine resistant". 
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All they had to do was give us a nice interceptor or fighter-bomber for both sides, like an updated F-16 or F/A-18, or even the F-35 for Blufor, and some equivalent of the SU-35.

But noooo, we have to get a shittily-modelled A-10 that looks like it should belong in Battlefield 2142, and some terrible kazakh attempt at building a MiG.

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I agree with cain, a multirole such as the F35C (CATOBAR version) with a carrier would be an awesome multirole.

CSAT could have a SU33 for a multirole CATOBAR with their own CSAT carrier


(Catapult Assisted Take-Off But Arrested Recovery)


These are nice toys BUT what would really be the icing on the cake is a ground supporting aircraft like:



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I agree with cain, a multirole such as the F35C (CATOBAR version) with a carrier would be an awesome multirole.

CSAT could have a SU33 for a multirole CATOBAR with their own CSAT carrier


(Catapult Assisted Take-Off But Arrested Recovery)


These are nice toys BUT what would really be the icing on the cake is a ground supporting aircraft like:



If only we knew how to mod, we could make our own spartan!

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