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Everything posted by Art3misZA

  1. Well this scenario basically happened tonight with getting to a recently spawned side mission only to have a single player clear it so this point is moot. Players will find ways to get kills and points, especially as in the current iteration anyone can use anything they collect in the field regardless of role. Another point. I wanted to join another squad as a sniper. But in order for me to do this, well I can't. Whereas in I&A3, I could just take the sniper slot of which there are 2 anyway, not upsetting the server balance, and therefore then create a new squad with others in their roles. There is no imbalance as these roles remain static and the server still only has so many of one kind. So, if I want to play sniper for example, I am limited to being in a squad of two. Also, squads and squad creation are bugged presently. I want the fun clothing options in the arsenal, such as safety vests and paramedic outfit. It adds an extra layer of fun. I also didn't pay for DLC's to have limited things offered to me. I don't know. At this point, I will play because there is no option but I am not enjoying it and will welcome a server running I&A3 concurrently should this go live. I will go back to my previous statement and add another thing. Spend time on I&A3 at peak hours. See what players do. What they enjoy. Join in and actually play with us and have fun. The good elements of I&A3 that players love should be preserved and not removed because ultimately you will have no players left and they will seek another server to play on that fills their need for casual fun. To be honest, the general mood in the community since beta has gone up has not been a positive one and you should heed this. And this is the last I will say on this at all.
  2. If I join the armor crew in I&A4 and use my points to get, say, a Varsuk, I am then forced to share that vehicle with whomever else is in my crew because I cannot lock it for just me nor can I leave the squad and still be able to use it. I don’t want other random people in a vehicle I have earned as I simply do not trust just anyone to be competent enough to keep the thing alive. Others are also in the habit of sitting in the commander seat and stealing kills. My killcount is mine and I don’t want someone just sitting there and taking the points. Or someone driving the thing right into ao and getting us killed. I like being solo in my armor or tank. I don’t want to be forced into a slot and squad to do this because I cannot just use a reward I buy without doing so.
  3. I am going to be frank and hope that you see my honesty as constructive and not complaining for the sake of it. If you keep I&A 4 in it’s current iteration, it will change the climate of EU1. I started playing Arma on EU1 and stayed because I enjoyed the relative freedom it gave me to pick and learn a role and also squad up with whomever I wanted to and have my friends in roles that they wanted to play as well. I enjoyed being able to earn reward vehicles and drove them without needing to change slots to do so. It was also simple and fairly idiot-proof. A great place where new players can learn and also feel welcome in the AW community. I feel that while I&A4 does have positives to it, I just am not motivated to play it. I feel restricted and overwhelmed . I do not like the map and that I cannot see all the objective markers at all times. i don’t want to grind a few hours just to get the loadout I enjoy playing with. It is changing what was a casual server into something less so. You have AWE to offer a more serious experience for those wanting it. I also wonder if you, Ryko, have spent much time on I&A3 and seen what makes it so special and also the sort of players who regularly play there and how they approach the game. I wonder if the changes are even being made with the current player base in mind or if these are taken simply from the perspective of experienced and more serious players. So I ask that you conduct a little experiment while the beta is up. See how long your regular players are on server for compared to I&A3. Look at guys like TheScar and Pickle who easily log some of the most hours on EU1. Players that are the backbone of your current community. I personally average seven hours a day playing Arma and had the best weekend this past weekend with a lot of fun and bullshittery. I have made friends and feel part of a great community. I fear these changes will take a lot of that away and it makes me incredibly sad. I am sorry if this comes across in any way badly as that’s not my intention. I hope you will see this as coming from a passionate player who is invested in not just the game but the community too.
  4. True Combat Medics treat their waambulance like a Swiss Army knife.
  5. Might as well revive this thread.
  6. Thanks so much everyone! I am actually considering a joystick because as much as I suck right now, I do enjoy it and think it will be good to have for other games. Also my weak wrist won’t let me down as I have a terrible tendency to drift left when I descend. I had surgery two years back and have some muscle weakness which I have realized affects my flying.
  7. AW MVP 2020: @Stanhope AW Most Friendly Admin/Moderator/Spartan 2020: @Norris AW Most Helpful Admin/Moderator/Spartan 2020: @Stanhope AW Most Active Staff Member 2020: @chicken_no6 AW Strictest Staff Member 2020: @LH5 AW Best Team Player 2020: @Bomer AW Most Helpful Member *Non Staff* 2020: @Gambit AW Most Friendly Member 2020: @Pickle (he has no tag?) AW Tacti-cool member 2020: @TheScar AW Underrated Member 2020: @RiverWolf AW Most Incoherent Member 2020: @Toasted_Bread_Slice AW DAAASSS BOOOOT 2020: AW Best Pilot 2020: @Gambit AW Worst Pilot 2020: @WinterMute just because of his own self-proclaimations AW Best Voice 2020: @Gambit AW Funniest Person on Team Speak 2020: @RiverWolf AW Worst Joke 2020: "Hi back" AW Best Moment 2020 (can be in-game, on Team Speak or Forum): When Bomer tried to aim and failed. Shoot him Bomer! AW Best Forum Post (please put URL in): AW Dankest Meme Post In Discord 2020: AW Best Driver 2020: @Th3Hated AW Worst Driver 2020: @Xwatt AW Best Fail 2020: @Cammobi pushing Norris up a hill with a Gorgon AW Best Ban of 2020: "Uncalled Ban" guy in teamspeak. AW Team Speak Channel 2020: EU1 AW Best Screen Shot 2020: Battlebus! AW Best/Worst Call-out 2020: AW Candidate for the Hague 2020: Probably @TheScar because he just seems most likely to indiscriminately kill pedestrians. AW Role Model 2020: @Stanhope (Missing categories will be filled in as I think of them)
  8. Thank you! I want to do a good job and help out, and I believe being a dependable pilot will add value. This document is awesome and will help a lot! I am using a keyboard and mouse and won’t ever have a full setup sadly as this is just for fun. Though I did want to be a pilot as a kid and have logged my time in flight sims (with fixed wing aircraft - choppers are a whole new game).
  9. So I have been a good Arti and practicing my flying in Editor. I can do the basics ok now I think. I am just battling getting the chopper to land exactly how I want it to. How do I get it to land consistently on the pad each time? Or exactly on the LZ I want? Unless I am basically touching it, it’s out my field of view when I hover. Also, someone did mention some tricks earlier in TS but I forgot to take you up on that offer! I am sorry. I got distracted with pew pew and gorgons.
  10. Favorite Female Player I jest. What about Carpocalypse Now: Player who wrecks the most enemy vehicles in a non-pilot / UAV role. There is also Saving Private Cryin’: The Player who makes the most Zeus requests. “But you ain’t got no legs, Lieutenant Dan”: The player who states the obvious constantly, either in TS or in-game.
  11. Thanks for your time in answering me, Ryko!
  12. Ah one more thing. When running. Betas, you should see how long players stick around. Do they log in for half an hour and then leave or do they stay? How does this compare to the same time period running version 3? This will give the best indication if players are having a good time.
  13. Can you have the markers for all active objectives show like the previous version and not only show when it’s been assigned? I get that we need map awareness and all that but while traveling, if one stumbles across the side mission or something and dies it wastes time and resources. This also helps in objectives being completed more effectively as all players are aware of active tasks at all times. Also I am not a fan of how the map currently works in terms of markers for vehicles and infantry. The previous one feels a lot a cleaner and easier to use. I didn’t even use the map yesterday because it didn’t offer me anything beneficial as markers seem to fade fast and EI are not marked. My reason for bringing these points up is that you have a lot of new and casual players on EU1 and these small things plus the increased difficulty of missions makes it frustrating and will probably result in teamkills, players not wanting to play due to frustration with mechanics and difficulty etc. To be honest, I still have a better, more fun gaming experience on the old version because it’s simpler and I enjoy clearing buildings of EI. Please put EI hiding in buildings again! The aspects I do like are the point system and the more structured main objectives with tasks to complete. Would I play this version instead of the old one if presented a choice, especially as a relatively new player? No. I was frustrated, annoyed that I kept dying trying to get out of the old AO because infantry don’t despawn, annoyed that I kept getting one shot by EI over 700m away.... I think AW need to look at what, ultimately they want from this. Is it for the experienced players, to offer a challenging experience? Is it for the casual players? Will newer players stick around, eduring the more challenging aspects and dying often to master the new version? This is a long post and I am sorry but the TL:DR version is - would players play this over 3?
  14. Netherlands has also tightened up things here again. This is not ideal as we have only been in the country a year and I am basically struggling to find any sort of work due to this stupid virus. But hey.
  15. Marksman (woman :P) for me. I want to try other roles but I don’t like failure so I stick with what I know.
  16. Can you look at having a dedicated place where we can give referrals for players doing an outstanding job in their specific roles? I think this is especially important for pilots on the I&A server.
  17. Hey everyone. I am Artemis or Arti. Been playing Arma 3 on your Invade and Annex server for the last six or so days and having fun. I am new to the game but was the sniper for a few CSGO teams and enjoy long range weaponry in games. i am from South Africa, live in the Netherlands and curse like a sailor. Nice to meet you all!
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