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Posts posted by Chutnut

  1. Coming back to this, I thought of somthing to hopefully solve bad pilots. Add a script which disables a players use of the pilot slot for a certain amount of time, Say a pilot is not doing well, We disable his pilot playtime for a week giving him time to practice. We could also not allow players to fly until a week of playtime has surpassed.

  2. 11 minutes ago, Kullmann said:

    Hi guys,


    I am new into the topic of UAV operation. Everything works fine so far but if it comes to landing i pretty much fuck up all UAV's. So basically atm I am crashing them on the airstrip to let them respawn :-)


    Can anybody here help me out and can give me an instruction on what to do to land a Greyhawk safely?


    Thanks and see you on EU#4!


    Now im no expert, But make sure your flaps are at full and stay at around 90 speed.


    Tbh someone more experienced will reply to this I assume.

  3. So I was thinking about the current repair system for mainly air vehicles and I was thinking of having actual ground staff who would refuel and repair air vehicles, Not A.I Actual players. And I mean completely new slots, Maybe 2 or 3. The idea is that A helo comes in damaged and attempts to land on a designated repair pad which it can then request for Repair and refuel, Same goes for armed air vehicles, It can also request ammo rearm.


    In the event the role isn't taken then the trucks can be used for the pilots themselves.


    I can really see this role working well and gives off dynamic way of keeping the transport flowing, With no operational ground staff in a real airport the aircraft cannot do very much.


    Anyway tell me what you think.

  4. 26 minutes ago, Tolerance said:

    Also, maybe rework the default gear setup, to have a ARCO scope, instead of crappy cant see anything, and have personal points be for the arsenal/load out, while larger assets are always Squad based?


    Not really buying you here, I might want to play AT but how am I gonna afford a titan AT after the server just restarted, I can't play my role until I sufficiant credits.

  5. Oh man, I was about to panic then if I saw the poll say convoy. ;-;


    7 hours ago, TheScar said:

    below is my list of demands,you shall not pass if not all of my "acceptable" recomandations will be met untill ZEUS op. no3 latest !


      Reveal hidden contents

    1. Kavalalalalala

    2. HESCO barriers in city,labyrinth pathing,lots of cover on streets

    3. IEDs

    4. blood,pain,drama and very very little hope


    extra points will be handed out for each AW member captured by enemy forces while on mission

    BHD flashbacks anyone?



    You plan on getting involved in these zeus nights?

  6. Maybe a vehicle claiming system could be added, Say you have a car which you or you and your mate wants to ride and not get nicked, You could have a claiming system to stop people getting inside them, Or you could just leave it public or group transport.

  7. 5 hours ago, Doc said:

    BTW does anyone know how to get the signature system to work?




    It's in account settings, not sure if you have to be a specific rank to get one though.

  8. Just now, Ryko said:

    Your script adds a while loop, which can impact performance. What problem are you solving here?


    Well I was only gonna have it used for aesthetics, But if it impacts performance badly then fair enough. 

  9. Okay, Just for the ghost hawk doors, I managed to fix them into I&A 3. Here is the code


    This code goes into file named fn_vsetup02.sqf which is in functions


    //===== Ghosthawk specific, animated doors, and turret locking system
    if (_t in _ghosthawk) then {
    	_u setVariable ["turretL_locked",FALSE,TRUE];
    	_u setVariable ["turretR_locked",FALSE,TRUE];
    	[_u] execVM "scripts\vehicle\animate\ghosthawk.sqf";


    Next block will have to get a new file located at scripts. It will be like this. I&A 3 > scripts > vehicle > animate > ghosthawk.sqf


    The code in the sqf file will be


    private ["_veh","_speed"];
    _veh = _this select 0;
    while {alive _veh} do {
    	_speed = speed _veh;
    	if (_speed < 10) then {  					
    		_veh animateDoor ['door_R',1];
    		_veh animateDoor ['door_L',1];
    	} else {
    		_veh animateDoor ['door_R',0];
    		_veh animateDoor ['door_L',0];
       sleep 10;


  10. So yesterday I wen't onto I&A 2 files and saw a lot of stuff from that update that we don't have now, Quite a lot. Now I am not talking about bring back altis airbase but I mean some smaller functions that will be really nice to see come back. So lets start!


    Bring back the old billboards 


    So in old I&A 2 we had some billboards that were very good at explaining what to do in situations and also to advertise more of the community. I mean who doesn't like big teddy bears with a shovel e.e










    So there are some of your billboards that I took pictures of, Some are outdated but it won't kill us to change em a tad.

    Next up


    Helo Doors


    Now i'm sure everyone has to remember the old helo doors, When a ghost hawk reached the correct speed and altitude the doors on the side would open and close as such.






    Now I can guarantee if we bring this back pilots will brag about rpg's flying through the passenger area while attempting evac.




    Nothing big, But let the community express our countries, In I&A 2 we had some flag poles, Add em back, Lets see who comes from where.






    Now to be fair I actually cannot remember this but in the map I saw it there, I suppose if it did work, but if not do tell me, we should add it back, Im sure it would make pilots have a reason to get risky and fly into AO's e.e


    Request Supply crates


    So instead of just having these supply crates laying about maybe we can be allowed to request them again, I remember how this system works just not too sure if it would work with this one.




    AO Spawn location


    Okay so the big one and probably most questionable one, We will see, Anyway I would love it if instead of having the AO spawn next to the old one we bring back random AO spawning locations, or at least give the AO's a bit of space in-between them. It completely removes the point of EVAC and I always see people trying to get a lift to the next AO even though its 500m away, Maybe people want this back?




    The UGV (Unmanned Ground Vehicle) was available for use in I&A 2 maybe bring it back as a Base, FOB or Reward Asset, I have never seen it been used once before since I&A 3.


    Minefield around Radio Tower


    Back when radio towers spawned a minefield around them would also spawn, This is no longer a thing and since I have never seen the EOD Specialist actually do the role of mine clearing since most of the time there are no mines.




    Anyway I hope this gives people some ideas of stuff to get back, I'm sure a few of you remember more than me and might suggest some other things, We will just see how this topic works. Also hope you enjoyed the photos e.e.

  11. 13 minutes ago, Kyle Clements said:

    *silently prays and begs for a Stratis server*


    Well as far as I know its being tested but running into some bugs, If it comes out I assume it would soon be changed to malden when it arrives.

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