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Posts posted by Chutnut

  1. So for a long time now Command chat has been open for Microphone use however this feature is very annoying to 75% of players, I would like to suggest we block this VON communication as it is technically the exact same as Side chat just only squad leaders can hear it. Since it requires you to join a squad to not hear it I think this is why we should get rid of it. Tell me what you think

  2. Since I&A 3 was released I saw the hunter system being placed in which allowed hunters to be spawned. I also saw how many you can spawn bringing me straight to my point. The hunter spawning system really needs to have a limit as it lags the server and if one individual decides to spawn in 100 of em and blow em up I think the server will have some issues.


    Anyway, My point is that we should fix this by adding some kind of limit like say only 10 can be spawned at a time and I am sure that less than 10 are even used so it probably could be lower. If it escalates badly enough you could add a blacklist to people who cannot spawn them in case they repeatedly offend this issue.


    Anyway tell me what you think about this and if it should be implemented.

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