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Liru the Lcpl.

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Posts posted by Liru the Lcpl.

  1. No name shaming here guys. (because I know exactly where this might lead to)


    As a Zeus and someone that's seen Zeus operations done from 15 different people over the past few years, I can honestly say that it depends on the Zeus and mission circumstance. Most Zeus gamemasters can pull any sort of attack or defense mission out of their ass within 5-10 minutes (especially with the Ares mod), and throughout the rest of the mission spawn is additional units and vehicles to make the mission enjoyable and a challenge. Some Zeus game masters (like me ^_^) prefer to spend a good few hours of pre planning a mission and making sure every little detail is covered so the mission is enjoyable and/or challenging for everyone. Whether or not it becomes a success or a flop depends on personal preference in the end.


    It also comes down to whether or not the Zeus is balancing the mission according to the player's playstyles and skill levels. If I'm hosting for a group of 20-30 people that play ArmA casually, I'm not going to make them take on a full battalion of mechanized CSAT because that's way too much, and vice versa for giving a skilled group of 40-50 players a few squads of infantry to take care of.


    TL DR: It varies on the Zeus and what the players want to get out of the experience. :D

  2. Operations Begin

    This SUNDAY June 5th at 2:00 pm EST (18:00 GMT) I’ll be hosting a Zeus Operation. It’ll be first come first serve and you MUST be on Teamspeak to get the server IP and password

    The map will be running an I & A build and we’re allowing the optional EU 1 and 2 mods, and for this operation no mandatory mods are required.

    Special rules include: Only use NATO based weaponry, no Armored vehicles or tanks, and standard AhoyWorld rules apply. CobaltCat and I, Lcpl. Liru, reserve the right to kick anyone breaking these rules (but come on guys, just play smart and use common sense and we can all have a good time!)

    Also, Pilots, you’ll be doing 2 jobs: ferrying people to the AO AND flying AA jets! I hope you’ve practiced your dogfighting, cause you’re going to need all the flares you can bring!

    Alright, onto the mission details:


    Greetings Badger-1

    We have an interesting assignment for you today, gentlemen. We have a CSAT HVT making some rounds in Altis. His name is Colonel Faj Abdul, and he’s one of the CSAT’s top brass for CSAT operation worldwide. He’s currently touring the island and inspecting CSAT military positions in order to write a report for CSAT’s military council, and up until yesterday we had no idea that this was happening or his exact location.

    Thankfully, we have eyes and ears everywhere.

    Faj is keeping himself locked away with a massive security detail in Kavala. He’s expected to stay in town for a while, but to ensure he does not escape we’ll be having the major roads guarded by snipers and AT as well as fast movers on standby in case he goes airborn. However, your specific mission is to take down that SOB. We have no idea where he actually is within the town, but we have a few areas in mind for where he might be. Try the administrative buildings, the hospital, or even the castle. Look for large amounts of security and guard infantry, which should point you in the right direction. Just remember that Kavala has a large garrison already. Also, be careful in the city, there’s bound to be a lot of CQB style firefights, and enemies garrisoned within the buildings. Keep cool and don’t get surrounded. Kavala is still a civilian center as well, so we can’t allow CAS or armored vehicles within the city. That being said, try to keep the civilian casualties to a minimum. It’s just more propaganda for the enemy (and there will be consequences within the op!!!).

    Objective: Locate and eliminate Colonel Faj Abdul

    Secondary objectives: Limit civilian casualties and find and eliminate any ground AA threats in the area for local fast movers.

    Time limit: None (why the heck would you want one?)

    Enemies: large amount of infantry, possible armored vehicle contact. Expect enemy choppers and fast movers on stand by

    Allies: friendly fast movers for counter operations to enemy air assets and allied infantry covering major roadways

    Good luck Badger-1

    -Badger lead


    Available NATO weapons:

    MX series



    M320 LRR series

    MAR-10 series

    MK-14 series

    MK-18 ABR series

    Mk 200

    Navid 9.3 (Tan)




    All titan launchers

    Any handgun

    This is an AhoyWorld event and we are following the event hosting model found here in the AhoyWorld forums:


    Breaking News!.jpg

  3. 9 hours ago, TheScar said:

    why is there no specific vote for CQC ?

    best combined with hostage-rescue and some assasination :blink:

    then again,im propably the last one that cares on heretic gods missions anyway :lol:



    Of course there will be things I did not add for the sake of I tried to recall everything I did in the course of the 10 minutes it took to make the post, but you're right, a CQC style mission in a place like Kavala or LARGE military outpost is a great operation to do.



    So I've been around AhoyWorld for about a month now and I have to say, I love this place! I want to bring all of my talents to this community and show everyone what I can truly do, aside from being a kick *** AT gunner and vehicle commander. In my other outfits before Ahoyworld, I was also one of the members in charge of Zeus operations and game nights, and I would love to bring this talent to Ahoyworld!


    Above is some poll data for what people want to play. It's just for me so I can start making some outlines via the Ares mod through loading and saving scripts. I want to know what you guys want to play :)


    This is something that I would be hosting later in the week (I'll make another post about it in time) and I'll be following the following forum post about event hosting for this:



    I know EU 4 and Spartans are normally used for this, but I've been told EU 4 is mostly reserved for Luetin and I'm no where near being able to ever be a Spartan (But I can dream, right?) so ColbaltCat has been setting up a dedicated server to be used for these Zeus Operations. And no, they're not affiliated with any other clans and we won't be advertising anything (It's against the rules!)


    But like I said, this is just for some poll data. I know Lt hosts these every week but I just want to bring all of my talents to Ahoyworld and show you guys what I'm capable of B) There's a reason I always bring a truck filled with AT...


    I look forward to hearing your response and replies, and be on the lookout in the coming days for the official post announcing the specifics for the date and time for this game night! And as always, keep it civil!



  5. 3 hours ago, xSniper1982 said:

    TL:DR version -


    Full version -

    If there isn't a Repair Spec around, ask someone if they'd mind switching for a moment to help you out.
    It works, not everyone is selfish, some people are more than happy to change role for a few moments.

    As for it being quicker to demo a vehicle than repair it...
    Sorry to put it bluntly but, Bull....

    10min respawn timer - Vs. - 5mins moving a repair vehicle to the pad and back.

    once the Repair vehicle has been dropped off, the one that moved it is back in action... 2-3min.
    The Helis that just repaired from said vehicle, can then move it back to where it was, or just move it off the pad... 1-2min.


    The only issue comes when people refuse to leave their slot because;

    a. Someone else will take their slot. (Especially frustrating for UAV, Sniper, Pilot roles)

    b. They're really good with their current role and busy. (Usually Medics)

    c. Are a total douche. (Most likely in common slots but unwilling to help team)

    This is just another one of those situations that require a little effort from the Community, not just in doing these things themselves, but in showing OTHERS how to do it too.
    Leading by example, I hate giving up my Sniper/Pilot slots to deal with repairs etc, but I will, because even though someone else is going to take the spot the second I step out of it, and usually be bad at it, it's not about the individual but about the team.

    I know people want to find easy solutions to the problems of bad players/unfortunate situations, but the reality of it is simple...
    Take the time to teach others how to be a part of the Community and ASK for help... not just once, not just in your own group... but EVERYONE on the server.


    I can counter this with 2 letters and a Number: EU 1 :derp-min:


  6. Alright, let's see what we've got...


    Brandenburg, I agree, but that's not the topic I'm getting at here, if you want to discuss how to deal with bad pilots, do so here like we've already been:

    Also Branden, the vehicle would be orientated the same way as the fuel truck, lined up in between both pads, so it actually would not be much of an obstruction as you think.


    Sniper, as others have said, there isn't always a Repair specialist or Engineer on, hell, I've been on EU2 with 20 other people and not seen a single person take one of those slots in favor of other slots, so in those situations a repair vehicle at the pads would be appreciated.


    Jason, 100% agree with everything you've said, thank you!


    Cebi also brings up a good point on the pros and cons, and in the instance of towing vehicles into the helipads, yes I think that's a doable solution CURRENTLY but it's stuff like that that would cause what Branden's already mentioned: cluttering up the helipads so no one can land. Also, to have 1 or two downed choppers and then to use a third to have to sling in a repair vehicle is just adding more temporarily unusable choppers and by the time you get them all repaired after organizing the tow, it might just have been faster to use a vehicle's AP rounds to demo them and let them respawn.


    All I'm recommending is a simple vehicle be added into a specific place to make life much easier when problem #243 occurs because the solutions to the problem aren't always available, even when you have a decent amount of players on. Sure, there's pros and cons, but, at least from what I can see, the pros outweigh the cons 10 fold. But hey, that's just my opinion, and it's up to our AhOverlords to make any decision on the matter.  Besides, Apex and I and A 3 are coming out soon!


    Keep on discussing B)


  7. I've seen so many choppers get grounded on the pads via a mix of fast mover strafing runs, friendly fire vehicle incidents, and bad piloting. Sometimes there's a competent repair specialist who is able to get to spawn and give the chopper a new main rotor but sometimes you end up having to demo the chopper because it becomes a liability. So I was just thinking, what if we just add a permanent repair vehicle within the landing zone at base in the same way as the fuel truck?


    Just a suggestion :3

  8. 8 minutes ago, D.v.Brandenburg said:

    I think white listing 2 or 3 pilot slots would be a great idea. 

    Adding another slot not so much a good idea. 


    We have enough pilots most of the time or at-least people willing the fly.

    Having 5 slots, already means 2 or 3 pilots idle. When ao is fought for. 

    Refer to what Zissou already said.


    If you really wanted a change that did not infringe on the community standards that AhoyWorld strives with as dictated by Zissou, you have to look for ways to make changes to add to I and A while leaving the original integrity of I and A to keep said standards.


    But it's up to our Ahoverlords...

  9. 18 minutes ago, D.v.Brandenburg said:

    I do get your point, Yes  there are a ton of admins. But he is obviously talking about night time true the week and not about weekends, It's the days where people work and sleep at night more admins could be used. 


    Allot of people including me have experienced issues with noobs trying to learn and fly people just trolling about, While there is a small group of people that want to play the missions. These trolls make it really hard to enjoy the game and server to it's full potential. 


    Yes, there might be an admin in ts online playing a different game, but what you just need is one of the regulars that play at night. To have the power to kick people just that nothing more. 


    I know it's a shit process to get more admins but i think it's worth it.


    Just do a test run. If it doesn't go well you can say you have tried. 





    Lemme break this down so I can address everything...


    Paragraph 1: Yes I know, and getting different admins in different time zones can fix that, but as I have stated that process can be very long and its up to our Ahoverlords to make that decision


    Paragraph 2: It happens every other day, I run into someone of that caliber that brings the server to a stand still, but normally there aren't that many people on anyway, plus there's always the report and ban feature. there are also 2 servers, so if something is happening you can always hop to the other. Honestly, unless you were to fully organize a time schedule, it's extremely difficult for an administration to have multiple servers with 24/7 coverage. I say that with experience >_<'


    Third: Kicking usually isn't enough, especially if they realize that's all you can do. In fact, trolls would just use that to their advantage. Plus, giving people the ability to kick isn't the best idea, think about it...


    4: that's up to our Ahoverlords


    5: Why don't we just give the Spartans and field ambassadors more power...?


  10. There are already those on TS with the Field Ambassador and Spartan titles that allow for some special perks, such as temporary channel creation, and utilizing those powers effectively, you can easily bridge not only yourself but others away from any trolls who come onto TS, but you're absolutely right Shadow, there are times where there are no admins on and there is no one awake to administer punishments such as kicks and bans. However, adding more staff is a long and tedious process. Sure, I don't know how they do it in Ahoyworld, but based on my experience in different administrative positions in different gaming communities, it takes time to find people trust worthy enough to give people any sort of administrative privileges because of the possibility of any form of abuse or misuse of said privileges. And look how many people we have already as AhoyWorld Staff:


    From the core staff to the mods, there are 30 names listed. A whole 30 people!!! That's already quite a lot, but understandable for the sheer size of AhoyWorld's community. And this is not even including the Field Ambassadors and Spartans!


    You're always going to have grey areas where there are no staff members on, and I encourage you Shadow to report anything you see when no staff are available with photo or video documentation, or poke a staff member in the TS to tell them something is going wrong, but adding even more people with these privileges might not be the best course of action. I can assure you, if these people are properly reported, you'll never see them again on AhoyWorld.


    Thank you for reading and your time, and I look forward to reading the replies. B)

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