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Everything posted by DomT

  1. Should be fixed next update. Have made it so rotors aren't spinning before the interaction is available. Fixed in next update. Reference LAMBS, Frontlines only uses its patrol, garrison and camp functions directly, and only for defensive AI. Otherwise its just the normal AI into combat, begin LAMBS stuff, so I can't influence it too much. There are a few CBA settings we can try and change but not sure how fruitful it is. Isla Duala may also not be helping, and will probably be avoided for future runs.
  2. The M240 is not in the arsenal as it has been moved into the supply depot:
  3. Sorry it took a while, but AW Mod has now been updated to have a split air category, and the 'unexpected' behaviour with entering a distance has been altered.
  4. The newest update to AW Mod has the following changelog: [Added] Air view distance is now split into Rotary and Other Air for extra customisability [Tweaked] AW_RESOURCES has been merged into AW_UI [Tweaked] Minimum view distance reduced to 100m from 500m [Fixed] Unusual behaviour on radio channel chart [Removed] UIs for Frontlines have been removed
  5. Arsenal has been changed for the next update.
  6. You can recycle huron containers, its just that they were put just out of range of the recycling point. I've increased its range by 50m to try and avoid this in the future (50m on top of the build radius from the original FOB building). There was a change to make it stop updating with less then 3 characters (so wouldn't trigger on 2m) which should help with that. We could reduce the minimum to 100 I guess. This is do-able (rotary & fixed-wing), although it'd require a UI update which makes everything a bit slower to implement. I think this is more of a player enforced restriction, there was no 'player cap' on Lib that was used, it was just when a good population were on mobile respawns were just not taken out. Yesterday was an example where a small group of 4 people started by using the mobile respawn, but then it grew to 15 over a couple of hours. This would just require someone who is in charge to make the decision to pull the mobile respawn out of the AO and start using the rotary assets to insert troops.
  7. Have pushed the unload point slightly further back to try and avoid this. Found the issue, will be fixed in next update. May have found an issue, worth checking again after next update.
  8. 1. Fixed the secondary mission tab issue, would only occur when you get the full 60. Will be fixed in next update. 2. The mission does scale with players, sending troop carriers depending on player numbers with a minimum of 2. So if you went in with 8 people, you'd get 2 vehicles with troops, but 9 people you'd get 3. So it goes with the logic of players on divided by 4 and rounds up to figure the count and thats how a lot of secondary missions are scaled. It did help that yesterday 2 of the BTR's went straight into all our squads I'll knock the scaling down to 1 per 3 players for all the secondaries and see if that helps a bit. 3. Similar to above, I'll scale it a bit higher but also an upcoming update where I utilise LAMBS further for the defensive missions such as the supply depot + normal sectors should also make it a bit harder, utilising LAMBS patrol, camp and garrison functions. If we still need it to be harder, I can look into adding vehicles then 4. From what I'm currently seeing, there was only the USA faction on Lib, and that was the giga-big faction which was a catch-all for everything Freedom American. Reidy made the USMC as we were trying to differentiate between some of the bigger factions (US, RF) to try and encourage people to use different equipment and keep things feeling more fresh. Just because the factions before on Lib were 'polished', I think Frontlines gives us a reason to change things up, especially as config formats have changed somewhat. Ref the missing items, if we can grab the classnames of them I can add them, I have already got the 2 silencers added which were missing, so they'll be added in the next update. 5. Certainly more complex as I'll have to program specific behaviour into them, so I can look at this more for the long term, the ambient AI that I have going round the map seem to be doing a good job though 1. For me, I often save my loadout with my earplugs in meaning they don't get saved so I'd double check that as I do it more often then not at the moment. The script quite simply runs a command called `getUnitLoadout player` and then just `setUnitLoadout player` so I can't see what it doesn't like here. 2. For me, Taki has also been a bit harder on my FPS, especially when I look at a scene with an oil well moving where my FPS just gets kidnapped. I'll keep trying things to help improve it though. Coyote Carryall has been added to all factions (as well as having the coyote kitbag and leg strap across all factions). My small brain did in-fact miss the fact we do have the spotting rounds already in the arsenal:
  9. The cleanup script for things such as that works with the logic that there is a set cap (10 vehicle wrecks, 30 bodies) and once that cap goes over it will delete the oldest body/wreck, so this behaviour is somewhat expected. I can always reduce these values but at the moment, performance wise, it seems to be ok.
  10. Have tweaked around with various settings, should improve but will get a better view from gamenight tomorrow. Found the issue, this will be fixed in next AWMod update. Found the issue, happened when recycling a mobile respawn. Fix will be in next update for gamenight tomorrow.
  11. As not every op/person uses DUI I would prefer to avoid including this in the AW Mod HUD, however you can be quite clever and change the keybind that DUI provides to disable their UI. If you set this to the same as your disable HUD key (Ctrl+Shift+F by default), it'll do both at the same time.
  12. So this weird behaviour is because it doesn't allow you to have a number less then 500 (as thats what default arma uses) and I update the view distance on the onKeyUp event (once you've released the key) so you can preview the distance. I think a possible solution could be to not run the code if less then 2 characters are entered, which will mean it won't set it to the minimum of 500 as you type.
  13. 1. Makes sense, we'll change that 2. If we have some in-house graphical talent I'd be well up for that, however we want to keep unique and not re-use assets from elsewhere. 3. Was a design choice, PoW's drop their currently held weapon then instantly surrender. Ref view distance, if you can get with me on teamspeak we can go through and see what the issue is, that sounds like your user data may be a bit borked. Found an issue in AWMod. 1. In the old settings, they would usually die off a headshot so this does give them another chance at life. I'll admit even I monged out yesterday, if someone takes a headshot there's a good chance all they need is to be bandaged, then CPR'd to give them a pulse back, if they lose too much blood they will then require a medic so it benefits a buddy system so you're always looking out for each other 2. This may be a combination of pain + fractured limbs, morphine would usually help. 3. Honestly, yesterday was a bit unprecendented to me - we had 42 players attacking 4 objectives simulataenously which is absolutely awesome to see, there were over 300 opfor AI being ran so I must say I am not too surprised that frames took a hit. I've adjusted a few values to try and clean things up a bit better which may help us out a bit. 4. I'll have to look at this, I can't reproduce this easily. 4.5. I'd guess this was a TFAR having an issue - it was also bugging out with radios. 5. Known bug with DUI, a server setting was meant to be forced to turn it off for clients until its fixed (a PR is on their github).
  14. AW Mod has been updated today with the following changes: Fix for double opening of view distance menu View distance will now change if you are driving a UGV (car) and UAV (air) Clear grass action added Inventory management actions added Chestpack actions now client toggle These options can be found in Addon Settings: AW Mod - Client, as shown below.
  15. DomT

    Face of a medic #nofilter

    Hey, that guy looks familiar! Didn't realise you were that close to death, that tiniest bit of proper Gray in the middle.
  16. I signed up, but can't make it after all, sorry but other things came up :/ Hopefully I'll make the next one!
  17. Was great fun, was Vortex 1 and had a great time, loved getting shot down at the end and landing just in front Mouldy as he was rolling up, I also survived; just!
  18. Hopefully I'll make it, seems like a good event! And I can't make it, you guys have a good time!
  19. DomT

    Ghost of Tanoa

    The ghost of speedboat, it went across the whole ocean with nobody on it, at any point.
  20. DomT

    Pawnee repairs 2

    A few hours later, my pawnee gets hit by a missile again, autorotation again, and Lecutius brings along an offroad repair to assist me!
  21. DomT

    Pawnee repairs

    When Muckduck (David) organises your assistance for repairs & refuel after I auto-rotated my Pawnee to safety, AI's driving HEMTT's arrived and serviced everything, and then he ordered them to drive to the base, and they actually made it! Only a few hundred crashes on the way.
  22. As someone who usually likes to take a pilot slot, I really think this is a good idea, this would mean that there is no limitations on the 'publicness' of all the slots, we're just adding a slot to ensure troops actually get to the AO without numerous deaths.
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