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Everything posted by TheScar

  1. fixed# Also,..it has approval of the new prez of US of Awesomecountry!
  2. One picture to rule you all ... The topic ... stay on it
  3. Then why have 4 different choppers too? Cause variety matters (to some) ... Usual topic point was the countless AIR rewards resulting by side rewards and finding a suitable solution balancing it equally usefull ... Now settle your vendetta,will ya? Its getting out of hand
  4. Did you really had to take that shot at the guy already on the ground? #ontopic When it comes to admins for the servers - in a perfect world - you had for each server 4-5 core guys/players that are online at different times over the day/night to react to problems/issues that occur. But,lets do the math quickly (ARMA only) - EU1 x4,EU2 x4,EU3 x4 - thats 12 guys being able to make decicions in behalf of AHOY and all of em should have a decent sense of justice/rules/problem solving/representation of AHOY. The Staff need to make sure those very admins are trustable and dedicated - you r not looking for 2month admin,you want long term relations with your game admins,in order to keep the machine running smoothly. Then you d might want a different rcon access pw for EACH server,so one game admin cannot corrupt all 3 servers,but thats just a tech. thing aside... I m only talkin game admins here,dont forget the staff thats required o keep the servers updated/restarted on regular base/etc. Basic point is,even the staff likes to play ARMA at times,they should not suffer due continues monitoring of servers /chat,too So,everyone on AHOY (members and regular players) should take some responsibility to assure AHOY servers stay the way we enjoyed em in the past ... friendly,helpfull and a fun time to be had on em #end #work_calls
  5. Yes,there s a fair truth in this statement,but the issue cannot be solved by changing the side rewards all your offtopic belongs to me! Talkin about the trucks that are 60% of times parked anywhere on base,35% damaged @ base or 5% of times end idling on any of the main roads? Or the Repair Specs that give a fkk when u need one 8km away from base/AO when CSAT rocks jumped your car and backstab you with a plank? The Offroad Repair offers a alternative,faster and simpler way to add to the uptime of vehicles/choppers/etc. And this is what side rewards are about,a alternative addition to existing equipment - can be used,doesnt have to be used.
  6. Simply not gonna happen,because if you cannot manage to keep your jet armed and serviced "on time" aka "in between when RT is down and you killed the last remaining enemy air threat" then you shouldnt be called a jet pilot. Do you know how many hours repair/service time come on 1 hour flighttime? Now compare this to the "5min" wait time you have now ... Just my 0,02$
  7. INTEL missions = hard? Mostly some comon sense and a bit of plan beforehead should do the trick Got your point,none of the less side missions "should" be randomized in rewards,there just has to be a check/script that doesnt award a AIR reward after a AIR reward after a AIR reward ... Btw,we can all agree that Mora or Slammers should not be in the list in the first place,as they spawn already comonly in stash. I kinda disagree on the blasphemic critic of the Offroad Repair - clearly you never thougt of vehicle convoys/tank columns/FOB trucks that might make use of such a tool ! As for the picture i usually post to support my belongings ...
  8. srsly ... the skill of one pilot is not the deciding factor here I+A is setup as COOP mission meaning your team should work together in order to achieve the goal. Adapting enemy count/force to the casual gamer to make them even think less and get easier transfers is not what I+A should achieve ... And like the Fish mentioned before,taking away challenge is a bad thing for everyone,the AO enemy count is already on a low,less jets means making the pilots life easier so they can fly a few more dozen halfempty/+1/+2 flights more,shipping even more canonfodder in illiterate LZs On a side note,the script adapting the enemy count to player count seems to be working good for ground forces,but doesnt seem to affect the jets that get spawned per AO (always 2 once playercount is higher than 4) - this should be checked and tweaked so the 2 enemy jets will only get spawned once playercount is over 20 (example),under 20 it decreases to 1 One may think we should add a script opening/closing pilots slots according to playercount too I see your point,dont get me wrong there - but giving the pilots even more toys or a easier life isnt what i m aiming at - pure darwinism
  9. ... since a few weeks and by now i m getting sick of the biased Side Reward list Out of 10 sides its min 6 times a Pilot only reward and the usual stock Mora and Slammer - its been ages since i got my hands on a KUMA early and by all means adapt the reward list asap! Dont make me complain here every 2nd day again ( i will and you know it ) Resistance is futile,so change the side rewards on the nxt build to a proper niveau!
  10. the source of all evil isnt the "respawn/rearm time of the jet" - its more the absolut ignorance of Priority objectives,in this case >getting the radiotower down< ! As you shown in your example,if you manage to shoot 4 enemy jets in a row that proves your ground team has no clue on how to execute their operation. I recall I+A when jets were side rewards only (AA+CAS Buzzard),the pilots were focused mainly on transport only - these days you see pilots camping the jet spawn regulary and give a fkk on their main role which still is TRANSPORT in all sort and forms. Everyone and their mom wants to reenact their inner Maverik and the Buzzard isnt good enough once a Fake10 gets rewarded ... Getting back on topic,there s several solutions to this issue and none of em requires a change of mission/script : insert EoD/Demo teams nearby tower quickly once AO starts,allowing em to take tower down have a Forward Team laser designating the Radiotower for the UAVop and his Greyhawks ask for AT soldiers to do base protection with Titan AA´s when Base Defence is unavailable make use of side reward Cheetah´s for base protection In conclusion,all your base belongs to me ... !
  11. Arma gameplay is what you invest in - its all about making YOUR gametime a well spend investment. #ontopic missions well,we never had much love from the dev side with missions and such,every good MPmission was made by players FOR players! Kilgore´s EVO @ ARMA 1 Xeno´s Domination that DESTROYED small coop servers by the 100s,similar to the Gayland and *shrugs* the cursed mission i wont name here do today - i recall similar talks dizzing Xeno for "inventing" Dom and wiping the so called "elite" coop servers After all,I+A is nothing but a further developed and executed port of Domination as Xeno didnt want anyone to port Dom over to A3 - but look where we are now players i can recall times in any game i played on the ARMA and before series that there s a good chunk of assholes coming with it,depending on timezone/country/server - so nothing new here There s a fine saying in one of the "german" community forums im stalk...reading that goes like : "Come for ARMA,stay for drama" DayZ having played the "mod" back in the time,it was a ridicoulous small community that grew DAILY by the 100s - updating your modfiles daily to match the newest build and checking out the new features that been implented (the good,the bad and the ugly),waiting forever to connect to a server - in the first 3-4 weeks i played there was VERY LITTLE PvP and we shared groups with 20 people all fighting for the same goal by coincidence - it was one of the greatest gaming experiences i ever had! New,intense,unforgiving ... Nowadays - and you may already guessed that - i never bothered to purchase GayZ cause after quite a few years in MPgaming you grow a "nose for upcoming BS to stay out of" or maybe just got older and less the killing godess in PvP i was back in my glory nights but i enjoyed my time in the (mod)apocalypse in Chernarus #my 2 Cents #clowsneednoluv #TWDs6
  12. EU1 all the way ! I recall EU2 as "I+A Stratis" server and ever since i try to stay away from it (unless EU1 is down) - also i came for the game but i stay for the drama ... Tactical / realism gameplay is what you make out of your gametime and i never face issues when walking from Kavalalalalalaaa back to base cause i got the skill of imagination to keep me busy But i wouldnt mind setting a server to VETERAN diff. to spice things up (3P only for vehicles/choppers) ... Then again,addicted to EU1 - so why would i care for EU2 or the mod infested EU3 that would take away even more from my limited playtime ...
  13. could not resist to voice my support for harsher treatment of Wannabe-Maveriks on EU1 - lets start burning the Lobby fanatics!
  14. *cough* better watch Was Venkman ever wrong? You be the judge of that ...! *smoke cloud* *runs off laughing insanely*
  15. *cough* why not replace the Fuel-Truck with a Bobcat that has fuel and ammo removed/blocked entry ... *cough* Once again the whisky-god strikes with pure,magical wisdom send via smartphone from his toilet-break! TAAAAADAAAAAAAAAAA! *no picture yet,to lazy to seach my 18,5 GB collection of pro ... pictures* COULDNT RESIST !
  16. ... basically this and 18,7% of what J said
  17. drive Bobcat near wall > double tap "ALT"key for freelook > Repair + Refuel k thx bai
  18. quick FACT CHECK : EU3 cookies EU1 cookies The facts,gentlemen,are on the table - therefor ... << << Uhm,on topic i agree with what the jobless english patient that plays to much GTA above me mentioned,no changes or this kitten will die! You´ve been warned
  19. Officer ran vs car > death > side mission fail what the fookin ... screen of evidence got accused of "not having announced setoff charge @ Radiotower" and stupid inf got hurt - and there is this very screen 10sec BEFORE i pushed the trigger ... gg Mortenfail
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