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Everything posted by FrOzT

  1. will this be regular gauntlet, or a custom mission of some sort?
  2. done, cya out there lad's!
  3. also gives som pointers in my opinion to forward air controll as well on how to select and set up a good lz, but yeah..i've watched ALOT of Dslyecxi's videos and they have certainly helped me alot...
  4. sorry, but due to real life happenings, i will be unable to atend...sorry for the late notice
  5. +1 on recording as well as streaming to twitch if everything goes as planned..
  6. signed up, exciting to see a new place in the world...
  7. signed up..never a bad idea to train, no matter how long or short you've played
  8. sweet man..still JSGM compatible i presume...can't wait to get home and try these
  9. cant wait ...hope to be getting some more DCS action going on ahoyworld as well
  10. no go for me this saturday sadly..irl stuff is going on, have a good one and make sure to record so i can watch later
  11. signed up and ready for some action!
  12. im def getting me some x-plane 10 after seing you can do friggate landings there!! i'll show all who doubts me!.haha..hahaehahehe..haheHAHHEAHEHHAEH!!!
  13. stand aside kids! i'll show you how it's done, just get me some mods on EU#3 with the ships, helo and weather conditions, and i'll show you
  14. signed up and good to go
  15. submitted and looking forward to it
  16. or old man Mini with his warstories
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