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Everything posted by S0zi0p4th

  1. Hello as per title We are opening up our spartans to applicants iff you intrested read below and also read the included Link Hello everyone, This is just a quick notification that we will - next to admin and moderator - also be opening up the Spartan program1 for public applications, which means that you can apply for this role now; though we still might hand pick candidates.. 1 = Spartans are the players with Zeus access on our public servers (EU#1 & EU#2) We’ve set up a couple of requirements you have to meet before your application will get considered, these are: No minimum position required. Must be a forum member for over 3 month. No warnings or kicks within the last 3 months. No bans in the last 6 months. Should be composed and trustworthy. Should be considerate and respectful, while this is not an administration role you will be representing the community to the public. Successful applicants must pass a Trial session and a 1 month probation period. As we would like to have an insight in what skills and creativity you already possess we would like to see some pre-built missions from you. As we would like to see the stage itself as well as what’s behind the scenes we urge you to include a “.pbo” next to some screenshots or video. We want to make sure you’re a trustworthy person and won’t just use the powers for your own benefit. This is why next to the couple of missions we would also like to recieve a small essay about your motivation behind your aspiration. After you have been accepted into the program we will also have a certain evening in the week in which you can try out your powers while an admin will be there to lead your first experience to good ends. APPLY HERE
  2. Hello AhoyWorld Member, Are you considering becoming a Spartan (public Game Master (Zeus)) for our EU1 server? If so there are a couple of Requirements to be met before your application will be considered, which are: 1. Be a Member of AhoyWorlds' Forum for over 3 Months. 2. No Ban(s) in the last 6 Months. 3 Be Composed/ Trustworthy/ Considerate and Respectful towards ALL Players. 4. Have knowledge of our Invade & Annex Guideline and Rules. 5. Have a STRONG Teamspeak & In-Game presence. Successful applicants must pass a TRIAL session of a 2 Month probation period. AhoyWorld would like to have an insight towards your Skills and Creativity shown in a Pre-built mission that you have created in Editor in the format of a ".pbo" along with some screenshots or a video. We want to ensure that you are a Trustworthy individual who WILL NOT use the powers entrusted to you for your own benefit. Also included in your application should be a small essay about your Motivation/ Desire and Aspiration for applying for the Spartan position. If and after your application has been accepted into the Spartan Project the First Months PROBATION will consist of a Moderator/ Administrator or Core Staff who will have to give you permission to your Spartan powers and will be monitored closely to ensure no abuse of your power (If any Moderator/ Admin or Core Staff is present on the Server). The Second month will consist of you being monitored but will have access whenever you connect to AhoyWorld Public Servers without permissions from Moderator/ Administrator or Core Staff. AhoyWorld thanks you for your application. We will contact you if you have been Accepted or Rejected with a Direct Message to your Account. APPLY HERE
  3. Iff you read that the way you should it how you thing colsta but it should be the way how amentes thinks and to my knowledge we are enforcing it that way We are still in the process to clarify the rules even better Iff you want Taxi what you could do it make us a nice diagram about how you would like to see this worded or shown in the rules and PM it to me copey or Ryko and we look in to it further
  4. they ran with the price money never to be seen again
  5. And EU#3 repo done and released Make sure you read the EU#3 thread about version 48 off gauntlett
  6. EU#1 and 2 Repo updated and released
  7. I am back Due to the Databasehack we have decided to try agian on the server switch for the repo means atm The repo is down and all old links are Invalid we are trying our best to get the repo back in working state during this weekend
  8. We tried hosting it that way its Even worse then Worse You need a dedi for Space engineers and still its a pain and unstable yes even the stable version What does work and is some what stable however is hosting it on your own PC true multiplayer ingame but this means the One hosting it always needs to be online Whitelisting is alo a pain due to you need to shut down the server every time or use a Special steamgroup Agree on the astroid only map but then whats the point I love the planet's Also you cant Build insane stuff on Dedi's because off limits in the engine and the game whould be going so slow after a while
  9. Repo Updates are done around major Mod update's or server updates That means we cant make a schedule because we roughly dont know when those update's come true (beside gameupdate's) but even a small game update might break a mod On the otherside with the repo update is its not always going the way we want straight on thats also why we never realy gave a heads up when we are updating The server needs to be up and running before you guys start to spam the living shit out of the repo otherwise it will break. So iff you notices a server shut down and a repo change wait dont instantly go and smash that update button but wait untill the server is back up, or go to Armaholic and download the bigger mods yourself
  10. The decision still hasn't been taken in anyway there more things to consider then just the vote I am sorry staff hasn't been talking on this on the forum more but we are trying to restructure multiple things ( ore about this in the future) About the 80 vote your semi correct but we also cross ref uid's and ip's and we noticed in both camps people who never ever set a foot near eu#3 Asoon we got more info I will come back to you guys ( you are always welcome to poke me on TS if you want info and if I can give it )
  11. Hej guyzip sry that it took a bit longer but after talking it over with Chuck i Decided to give you another change and trust your end PLz try to setup your mic before joining our server or try to fix it in a separate channel Ban removed
  12. Hi LegitBlazer Thank you for you appeal So you only think it was a risque anime pic I dont know what your standards are but that avatar had no place on our TS We area big community with people in All the age category's And P*** Just has no place in this community We will look in too your appeal and will come back to you with a verdict
  13. I am sry for you Shadow but this post Is quiet old and didnt just apear
  14. Hi Could u plz Supply us with your arma UID
  15. Hi Guyzip i went over it after chuck checked it and you aren't telling us the whole truth We Do Appreciate the Truth so you gonna get 1 more change to come clean or the ban will stay
  16. Thats imposible after you got married your stuck to limited play time trust me
  17. Iff you realy dont know why you got banned could you then explain that your IP address came up with a guy who was Trolling on or TS Please as truthful as possible in your appeal.
  18. EU#3 back to normal dont forget to read about the new repo link's
  19. Good Afternoon All Good and bad news We were trying to switch things around to make it more easier and stabler but atm Technical difficulties are nagging me Means the switch isn't happening the good news tho is i Reinstalled our old system and made some newer links you can find them in the following topics Install them like the old ones and you can update again We did remove Several addons from the repo on the public server Keys are still there but we wont Support any mods atm Witch aren`t on the repo Use them at your own Risk the keys might or might not work A soon as we got a new system up we will rethink the Public mods EU 1 2 and 4 EU#3 Have A nice weekend Greetings AW STAFF
  20. Due to some more technical Issue's the repo's will be done for a bit longer
  21. wich mods are you talking about CCIP got removed because its implemented in ARMA3 vanila now JSRS APEX key isnt loaded yet on the server
  22. For now EU#2 is running I&A on Tanoa For adding Tanoa to the modded server We still havent figured that one out by adding it we are locking people out to play who dont want or cant buy Tanoa But yeah by not adding it we are missing a decent map. Well have to see in the near futher
  23. Due to some mod issue's and a not working DNS i cant do anything to speed it up before tonight
  24. For CBA we are running the latest Version off it 3.0 wich for now you got to manualy download on https://github.com/CBATeam/CBA_A3/releases for the other mods could you tell me wich they are so i can find out Repo should be up and running for the public servers soon
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