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Posts posted by ranarick

  1. Got a thing to add about the friendly fire accidents (as i was victim of one yesterday). People should check their targets in the case that i was involved in i was actualy on my point guarding the way i was supposed to look till i got shot from behind by other squad. (to give you more insight Alpha was inserting from the east side of town and Bravo (wich is what i was part of) was dropped in the west and guarding west till Alpha moved closer. While Bravo was engaging enemies on the city limits i thus got shot in the head from behind by a member of Alpha...)


    so long story short : Check targets be it radio, visual or map the only one that can prevent you from making a teamkill is none other than yourself

  2. Ingame Name*: Hellspawnednl

    Why do you think you were banned?: Debug tool for UE4 was running in background wich i forgot to close down before starting arma 3 and was beeing seen as a gamehack by BEC

    Why (in your personal opinion) should your ban be lifted?*: Was a honest mistake to leave that running

    Which administrator banned you (ArmA 3 only)?: BEC (auto system)

    When were you banned?*: 26-08 around 5pm UTC+1

  3. ohh and btw just a fun little fact the us army is making the m3 maaws more widespread for light infantry units


    Defence and security company Saab�s man-portable weapon system Carl-Gustaf has been chosen by the U.S. Department of the Army to be a Program of Record within the U.S. Army. This means that the world leading shoulder fired weapon system, with a long service record with the U.S. Special Operations Forces, will now become standard issue to the U.S. Army's Light Infantry units.
    The Carl-Gustaf system will provide the U.S. Army with a capability that units using disposable shoulder fired munitions currently lack. This system has been a key component of the U.S. Special Operations Forces for over twenty years. 
    "The fact that the U.S. Army has now elected to designate Carl-Gustaf (M3 MAAWS in the U.S.) as a Program of Record, thereby enabling it to be broadly fielded to its light Infantry units speaks for itself. The Carl-Gustaf has repeatedly proven itself in the world's most demanding environments as a versatile, powerful tool for the infantry soldier", says Jonas Hjelm, President of Saab North America.

    Source : http://www.deagel.com/news/Carl-Gustaf-Selected-as-Standard-Equipment-for-US-Army-Light-Infantry-Units_n000012406.aspx (among others )


    not that this should have any impact on this discussion :P 

    now back to the topic : I would say HAT/MAT has to use what their situation allows them to use depending on terrain, mission objective and engagement ranges (for example a tight city would cause a javelin unable to support in the case of ground forces not having any AT4s left.) Though i am for HAT/MAT sticking more to the rear as support and maybe keep a supply vehicle for the other forces with them (though the FOB system on gauntlet should make that less needed directly)

  4. Well part of the reason why eu3 is more serious is because it takes teamplay to stay alive and get the job done and in some cases this means shortening the leash so to say. By doing this you can get people to work together better while others still can joke around and get the same job done with same level of serious as soon as contact is made. 


    For example i mess around a bit when i can but not for example when command is making a plan or someone is talking to their team/squad and as soon as i am in the AO the funny stuff goes away and the mission becomes priority.


    if you would use all the mods and settings like we have on eu3 but without the structure that is given to it by experienced players and admins it would be very hard to complete a mission and thus will still scare people off because then its too hard for them.

  5. pilots : Whitelist based on a small training required to see if said person can make a flight plan that is logic and can fly reasonably (as in doesnt have to be perfect but just to make sure the person knows how to decend, land and get out as safe as their skills allow them to) and to know what are clear distances for holding patern etc. this is what i would like to see but takes a lot of planning to get to the point (see it like getting a license to fly with trainings like once a week or such).

    though on a more realistic way at the moment would be the three strikes system but back it up with training sessions maybe so those players can improve their skills under guidance of people who fly better/more to see their mistakes and correct them.


    Thermal : just a short remove them


    Tanks : yes it would need to communicate with command and take orders/ask permission to move into target. If this permission is denied maybe get the tank to patrol the rear guard of the ground forces making sure that lz and the rear of forces are clear of enemy threat.


    Well thats my thought on it :P 

  6. Ingame Name*: hellspawnednl

    Why do you think you were banned?: Apearently insulting channel names on ts (wich i made 1 raz warned and removed it and i didn't make anymore afther that)

    Why (in your personal opinion) should your ban be lifted?*: Because i didn't make anymore afther that so i don't see what i did wrong afther the warning.

    Which administrator banned you?: not sure

    When were you banned?*: 1/june/2015

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