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Everything posted by wok

  1. I always enjoy playing with you Cain.
  2. This would be pretty a nice feature, adding ?view=getnewpost to the thread link seems to take you to the first unread post. I tested it and it works, but I couldn't test it in threads with multiple pages, I guess it should work too.
  3. I don't know why I didn't though about that That would be the best solution, since the player will never lose control of the vehicle if it's moving, any accident will be the driver's fault. Just need to make sure the are visual cues or that the pad is big enough so the driver wont have to try multiple times until he stops to 0kmh exactly on the pad. As I said in another thread, hit me up anytime if you want me to do dialogs stuff. You guys surely know more than I do about arma script hehe, but I love programming and I enjoy helping with the mission, so I'll do my best.
  4. The wiki relative acceleration code using - instead of + does work, but depending on the vehicle speed it takes more or less time and distance to stop. I tried doing the while loop and decreasing a % of velocity, but I was using the velocity on the while condition and it wasn't working well, it seems that using the speed works better. I asked on BIS forums and someone posted this (i tweaked it a little): _speed = speed _veh; _diff = 0.005 * (_speed / 80); while{ (_speed > 1) } do { _vel = velocity _veh; _dir = getDir _veh; _veh setVelocity [(_vel select 0)-(sin _dir*_diff),(_vel select 1)-(cos _dir*_diff),(_vel select 2)]; _speed = speed _veh; }; That code stops the car in the same way regardless of the vehicle speed, It may still need some further tweaking (mainly on the _diff var value).
  5. That's a good idea too, and both ideas can be combined. Arrays could be used to hold different types of rewards and chances for different time lapses. For example: _firstTenMins = [ // minute 0 to minute 10 [ 'O_Ka60_F', '25%' ], // ARMED KA-60 [ 'B_AH9_F', '25%' ], // ARMED LITTLEBIRD [ 'B_Hunter_RCWS_F', '25%' ], // GMG [ 'B_Hunter_HMG_F', '25%' ], // HMG ]; _nextTwentyMins = [ // min 10 to min 30 [ 'O_Ka60_Unarmed_F', '25%' ], // UNARMED KA-60 [ 'B_MH9_F', '25%'], // UNARMED LITTLEBIRD [ 'B_Hunter_RCWS_F', '25%' ], // GMG [ 'B_Hunter_HMG_F', '25%' ], // HMG ]; _nextThirtyMins = [ // min 30 to min 60 [ 'O_Ka60_Unarmed_F', '50%' ], // UNARMED KA-60 [ 'B_MH9_F', '50%'], // UNARMED LITTLEBIRD ]; _afterOneHour = [ // min 60 to infinite [ 'c_offroad', '100%' ] // OFFROAD JEEP ]; The rewards I chose are just to show an obvious degradation on each time lapse.
  6. I looked into that but coulnd't find any way to do it, I though applying the car brakes would be possible from scripts but I couldn't find anything about it. The main problem with the remaining speed is that since you have no control over the vehicle/player while the dialog is up, it may cause some unintentionally accident, like crashing into other vehicles/helis/players. I will keep searching tonight and post an update here if I find any related info. EDIT: I guess i forgot to use the keyword "velocity" when searching yesterday http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setVelocity I tested adding: _veh setVelocity [0, 0, 0]; in rearmVehicle.sqf, right after turning the engine off, it works well, the car stops to 0 speed. Maybe it would be better to make it stop decelerating in a few meters, because it looks a little weird stopping so hard. But I really haven't looked into how the paremeters work. The wiki has an example for "relative acceleration", maybe with that code but using - instead of + would work.
  7. I just finished this (full size): This is the code: http://www.sendspace.com/file/19o4e3 First I wanted to use a slider but I coulnd't find a way to hide the arrows so I just used a simple background and change its size. I downloaded the latest master branch from bitbucket and worked with that code. Added two files: progressBar.hpp and progressBar.sqf, also edited description.ext (to add the .hpp include) and rearmVehicle.sqf where all the progress bar implementation is. The progress bar is independent from the rearmVehicle code, the text and progress is set by calling a function, so this same progress bar code could be used for any other thing besides the vehicles rearm. I found two issues. First, opening the dialog (progress bar) blocks all the user controls input, this added to the engine turning off can cause the vehicle to keep rolling out the area if it arrives to the pad at some speed, a possible workaround woud be using sanbags or concrete barries in an U shape or just at the end of the pad, so the vehicle will stop there and the driver will know he shouldn't approach too fast. The player can regain control of the vehicle by pressing the ESC key, (here's the second issue) this also causes the progress bar to close, the player can drive away and the vehicle will keep getting repaired/refueled. If the player goes with the vehicle to the pad again (while the previous repair process is still running), a new repair/refuel process starts, this cause two "codes" updating the progress bar % at the same time. A possible workaround could be to add something like a boolean var, set it to true while the vehicle is repairing, and to false when it's done, if the var is true then just exit, if false then start a new repair. The bar can still be closed by ESC and the player can drive away while his vehicle repairs and refuels, but at least we can be sure that only one repair/refuel process will run at one time. I think the ESC key thing can be "blocked" in some way but haven't looked into it.
  8. I've been playing a little with this idea, already have something working, but I still have to adjust the position on the screen and make it look pretty . I will post an update here once I finished it.
  9. This sounds pretty good, and it makes sense that you would get more chances of getting a chopper in the chopper sm.
  10. Reading the code mission I've seen the admin has some options like destroy side mission or skip AO, it would be cool if he has more controls. It will make the mission a little more dynamic.
  11. Instead of a dialog box with lots of chat, we could have a progress bar with a title above it saying "repairing", the bar goes from 0% to 100%, then the text that said "repairing" change to "refueling" and the same progress bar goes from 0% to 100% again (maybe using them different colors for both).
  12. Oops my bad. Sorry, i never heard of a mortar magazine.
  13. 4 rounds every 30 minutes is too few in my opinion, talking about explosive rounds, not smoke and flares. I think 12 - 16 (HE) rounds every 30 minutes could be a good number, with 2 mortars that's just 8 rounds each, that way the gunner wont run out of rounds after just a few targets, but will also have to keep on eye on what he fires since 8 rounds can be fired in just a minute, and if someone decides to just spam mortars anywhere they will be able to do it for a very short period of time until they are out of rounds.
  14. I think you can easily do that here https://bitbucket.org/ahoyworld/aw-invade-annex/src/5c67f75da077/gear/config.sqf?at=dev#cl-30 (line 30). Replace it with something like: vas_backpacks = ["B_AssaultPack_khk", "B_AssaultPack_khk_holder", "B_AssaultPack_khk_Ammo", "B_AssaultPack_khk_Medic", "B_AssaultPack_khk_Repair", "B_AssaultPack_dgtl", "B_AssaultPack_dgtl_AAR", "B_AssaultPack_dgtl_Spotter", "B_AssaultPack_rgr", "B_AssaultPack_rgr_AT", "B_AssaultPack_rgr_Medic", "B_AssaultPack_rgr_ReconMedic", "B_AssaultPack_rgr_Repair", "B_AssaultPack_sgg", "B_AssaultPack_sgg_ReconExp", "B_AssaultPack_sgg_ReconLAT", "B_AssaultPack_sgg_Spotter", "B_AssaultPack_blk", "B_AssaultPack_blk_DiverExp", "B_AssaultPack_blk_DiverTL", "B_AssaultPack_cbr", "B_AssaultPack_mcamo", "B_AssaultPack_mcamo_AA", "B_AssaultPack_mcamo_AAR", "B_AssaultPack_mcamo_Ammo", "B_AssaultPack_ocamo", "B_Kitbag_mcamo", "B_Kitbag_mcamo_Eng", "B_Kitbag_sgg", "B_Kitbag_cbr", "B_Bergen_mcamo", "B_Bergen_mcamo_AAA", "B_Bergen_dgtl", "B_Bergen_dgtl_AAT", "B_Bergen_dgtl_Exp", "B_Bergen_khk", "B_Bergen_khk_AAA", "B_Bergen_khk_Eng", "B_Bergen_rgr", "B_Bergen_rgr_AAT", "B_Bergen_sgg", "B_Bergen_sgg_Exp", "B_Bergen_blk", "B_FieldPack_khk", "B_FieldPack_blk", "B_FieldPack_blk_DiverExp", "B_FieldPack_blk_DiverTL", "B_FieldPack_ocamo", "B_FieldPack_ocamo_AA", "B_FieldPack_ocamo_AAR", "B_FieldPack_ocamo_Medic", "B_FieldPack_ocamo_ReconMedic", "B_FieldPack_oucamo", "B_FieldPack_oucamo_AAR", "B_FieldPack_oucamo_ReconExp", "B_FieldPack_oucamo_Spotter", "B_FieldPack_cbr", "B_FieldPack_cbr_AAT", "B_FieldPack_cbr_Ammo", "B_FieldPack_cbr_AT", "B_FieldPack_cbr_Repair", "B_Carryall_ocamo", "B_Carryall_ocamo_AAA", "B_Carryall_ocamo_Eng", "B_Carryall_oucamo", "B_Carryall_oucamo_Exp", "B_Carryall_khk", "B_Carryall_cbr", "B_Carryall_cbr_AAT", "B_OutdoorPack_blk", "B_OutdoorPack_tan", "B_OutdoorPack_blu", "B_HuntingBackpack", "B_AssaultPackG", "B_AssaultPackG_AAR", "B_AssaultPackG_Eng", "B_BergenG", "B_BergenG_Medic", "B_BergenC_red", "B_BergenC_grn", "B_BergenC_blu", "Bag_Base", "B_AssaultPack_Base", "B_Kitbag_Base", "B_Bergen_Base", "B_FieldPack_Base", "B_Carryall_Base", "B_OutdoorPack_Base", "B_BergenC_Base"]; That's the most complete list I could find on google, just make sure you don't include B_Mk6Mortar_Support and B_Mk6Mortar_Wpn.
  15. I also think it was a little OP, I got like 40 kills in ten minutes. Have in mind mortars were just introduced and will probably be tweaked and changed in the near future. We basically had unlimited ammo, once we went out of rounds in a mortar we could just assemble another one fully loaded, When we moved closer to the AO we were only firing at marked targets, since we had limited rounds. So yea, there are things to change. I have to agree that four mortars firing at the same places may have been too much, but think about a few mortar teams moving to different locations of the map and firing only on marked targets, then four is not that much, but I do think 4 should be the maximum. Three may be better, one stays in base and two moving.
  16. I think the custom radio channels are there, but not yet implemented because they are buggy and don't work very well. I though this mortar role was going to be a little boring, but today we had 4 mortars (fats***, liabilities, gral ben and me, and I think bigAI was on the field giving us targets) and it was really cool, we annihilated the enemy.
  17. I know this mod for IPB: http://community.invisionpower.com/files/file/4922-pav32-someone-mentions-you/ but it's a paid one and I am not sure if it will work with the version of this forum.
  18. I couldn't find a thread to share side mission ideas so I am creating this one. Feel free to post your sm ideas here, doesn't need to be a full detailed explanation, a few words to explain the idea will do too. I will start with some of the things I'd like to see: Clearing Buildings : I'd love to see some close quarter combat missions. For example spawning one (or more) of these buildings http://www.antihelios.de/EK/Arma/images/Land_i_Barracks_V1_F%20%28Side2%29.jpg fill it with enemies and send players to clear it. Maybe with the excuse of recovering intel, or destroying a weapons cache hidden in the building, or even spawning a hostage civ in the building that needs to be rescued alive. The side mission could also happen on one of the many enterable houses in agia marina choosen randomly so players will have to find out which one it is. Moving Targets : It would be cool to have one or more offroad trucks (because they can carry a lot of units in the back) moving around the map. The map marker should be just approximated, like making sure the target moves every X time, and update the marker on that interval showing their last known position. This type of sm could introduce new gameplay, like players may want to predict where the target will move and plan ambushes, or place some satchel charges on the road and wait for the target to pass by. Enemy Diver Team : This one is for those guys who love running around with their diver suit and also to put the SDAR to use. We could spawn a squad of enemy divers near the shore, maybe make them deploy a naval mine every X time. Rescue Mission : I think someone already posted something like this, bassically a frienly chopper was shoot down, players must rescue the crew before it's too late. Free Prisioners : Using something like http://www.antihelios.de/EK/Arma/images/Land_Mil_WiredFence_F.jpg to build a simple square prision, put some civs inside and enemies guarding it. Players must kill the enemies without harming civs. Maybe to finish the mission a repair spec (or any player with toolkit) is needed to break the wired fence or something like that. Side Mission Failed : I think it will be nice if we could fail side missions, for example lets say there's mission that involves capturing an enemy team leader alive, or rescuing a hostage. Then if that unit dies, the mission fails and we get no reward. This may force players to plan more before attacking.
  19. I forgot about this thread, I was expecting antiprotestant to bring it up. Anyway my findings on this: the problem wirh I&A in Chernarus is the function BIS_fnc_randomPos, it doesn't seem to work on Chernarus. It may be possible to fix it by editing the Chernarus map pbos and adding the mapSize parameter, but I coulnd't do it so I am not sure. So the fix is to replace BIS_fnc_randomPos with another function, I used this for testing: https://github.com/xyberviri/DayZBanditAI/blob/master/dayz_1.Chernarus/scripts/compile/fn_randomPos.sqf Just add that file on the mission folder, then add this to init.sqf: fnc_randomPos = compile preprocessFile "fn_randomPos.sqf"; Then search for all the places where BIS_fnc_randomPos is used and replace it with this new function, for example: // replace this _randomPos = [[[getMarkerPos currentAO, PARAMS_AOSize],_dt],["water","out"]] call BIS_fnc_randomPos; // with this _randomPos = [getMarkerPos currentAO, random 360, random PARAMS_AOSize, false, 2] call fnc_randomPos; Or: // replace this _randomPos = [[[getMarkerPos currentAO, 20],_dt],["water","out"]] call BIS_fnc_randomPos; // with _randomPos = [getMarkerPos currentAO, random 360, 20, false, 2] call fnc_randomPos; If anyone request it I could build a sample of I&A working on Chernarus, I tested it using this replacement function and it seemed to work fine.
  20. wok


    It looks like this game is going to be awesome.
  21. About the spotters, each squad (or fireteam) should have one, that way the gunner may have multiple request at the same time and he will have to give them different priorities making the task a little more interesting. And now that rarek is introducing custom radio channels, maybe we could have a custom channel just for spotters talking with the mortar gunner (or team).
  22. wok

    R3E Achievements

    Nice game, and well done fergie. I used to play racing sims with my logitech g25 (life for speed mostly, but also rfactor and gtr). Here's an old vid of me driving on lfs: Ignore the way I kick the clutch on curves I did it because I felt the engine rpm were too low when coming out the curves, but later found out that it was making me slower. I've the g25 in my other house, if I ever get it here I'm up for some races.
  23. I think the original DWS mission doesn't have that crew list for vehicles, at least I couldn't find it in the code. That [FRENCH] [2.3] version probably uses some custom script. A few related links: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=20121 http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?152389-Crew-Info-in-vehicles
  24. We could have a key to enable/disable notifications. Or maybe a key to activate "short notifications" which would show the notification title and not the full description.
  25. The only dragging animation is the crouch one I believe, my idea was to just attach the wounded to the player while he's prone, and then play the normal crouch dragging animation once he moved X meters.
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