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Everything posted by Dingo

  1. Tank, because the F14 (LEFT) and F15 (Right) look similar when looking head on they sort of share (Mr Grumman and Mr McDonnell Douglas were looking over each others shoulder on examday) the same shape cockpit fuselage and engine intake sections,
  2. Maybe have the camera go to the nearest medic tand base respawn view rather then the rest of the squadies if the medic dies and it doesn't switch to the next medic then you know it's time to respawn Protip #3 you get the idea by now
  3. Want one in game so much Trying not to wake the neighbours Contemplating threading the needle, don't think the Tomcat will fit through though Toys Toys toys, F14D Super Tomcat (VF103 Jolly Roggers), F15E, SU-34, L-39C, OH-58D Kiowa Paradrop & bombing run anyone
  4. It's not vehicles it ammo boxes and creates and missalaneous objects like traffic cones near the vehicle spawn some if the barrels nearby are on fire and damaging them slowly as repair special all you see when you look towards base is green red and orange items to be repaired clutters the screen and you can't see anything, also the slowly burning items may be causing lag on the server too as they each take damage and eventually explode / despawn
  5. Easiest fix for this go to main menu do following select - configure - Game - General - Layout and drag the Hint panel to the left of ammo counter, it saves to that location for future so you don't need to move it each time you play
  6. It sucks when you have to go out to put 50p in the meter during a raging fire fight
  7. Going for the full bean immersion, Oculus and an omnidirectional treadmill, hike across Altis in Fatigues, boots and fully loaded backpack with the heating on full, you'd be totally jiggered can't wait
  8. Just a quick tire change and we'll be off I knew those concrete barriers were there for a reason
  9. It's a Vas issue, should be a fix update soon hopefully,
  10. We need this back in A3 it a beast, fully walkable interior, cargo slings & fastrope, working ramp & loadmaster hatch, can carry 2x atv's or 2x rhibs internaly and can airdrop them from 25m+, the HC version can midair refuel too http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=18052
  11. Elcour on aproach for evac at Kamino Lighthouse Like ducks in row
  12. Liabilities, Stuffedsheep & Ross showing off in spawn Dolphin Dancing Gaurd of Honor
  13. Hey welcome You have to be added to the .xml to use the squad url Join in on TS make yourself know, throw you UID here - http://www.ahoyworld.co.uk/index.php?app=core&module=usercp and on this post http://www.ahoyworld.co.uk/topic/1049-i-want-my-aw-patch-in-arma-3-please/ Raz or Kam usually get around to adding names to the .xml when they get a chance.
  14. @0.34 ger outta that garden!!!!!
  15. Script kiddie last night about 21:30 / 22:00 on EU2 (John Mc Clane restarted server Thanks John) couldn't tell for sure from user list who it was too many people joining and disconnecting before and after the hack. Just a note after the script had finished teleporting and before restart I was unable to leave Spawn area i could take 3 steps and then i was pinned to the ground from what i could tell i was the only one effected by the pinning, I was also the only one on the server with AW .xml tags, everyone else seemed to be playing normally i tried respawning a few times but still got pinned, went back to lobby and rejoined still pinned, logged out totally from game rejoined pinned, then changed profile no .xml and all was ok, changed back profile after reset and was ok.
  16. Gliding is good fun bit weird at first if you go from powered flight cause there's no engine sound if you're anywhere near Naas try here http://www.dublinglidingclub.ie The Dublin Gliding Club, Punchestown, Naas, Co.Kildare, €99 for an intro flight if you want to try powered flight / helos i used to fly at (albeit 20 years ago and with a somewhat disposable income, and before it was the NFC) the National Flight centre www.nfc.ie it's based at Weston Air - www.westonairport.com in Leixlip €140 for 30 mins on SIM and 30 min intro flight in a Cessna or Ralley 100 If money was no object i'd go back and finish / restart lessons and try for a license, it was expensive in the 90's can't imagine how much it would cost now considering i used to pay £50 to £70 Irish pounds a lesson, I ran out of funding after about 14 hours of lessons back then you needed 19 hours before to get a student / provisional pilot license and be able to take exams etc.
  17. aka The Sims (Cranberries Mod) - With the tanks and the bombs and the bombs and the guns ... zombie zombie zombie-ie-ie , not so much of the zombies though
  18. Very nice indeed, confused the crap out me a bit earlier when i was on the forum i could hear David and Bambi i think it was talking but they weren't on the same TS channel as me, took me about 5 minutes tinkering with headphone and sound settings before I noticed the live Twitch feed at the top of the page where they were playing Truck stimulator
  19. Must get some shots up been playing about with the All in addon too, loads of the cool old stuff looks coolerer in A3, although having problems with dl's from hollic the pbo files seem to show as corrupt when extracting them it getting annoying anyone else experience this,
  20. when the game went beta some classnames changed so your saved kit from alpha might not work anymore you'd have to create a new one when you chose the sniper spot from the lobby you are spawned with a default sniper kit with the m320, the Lynx is an Opfor weapons so not available from the creates on the servers there has also been a glitch the last few days where occasionaly you don't spawn first time with a sniper weapon if you return to lobby and join again you should get the weapon back
  21. Want it now how long til September, looks like they've put alot of thought into gameplay this time online looks like it might be a bit of a cluster *expletive deleted* (redacted so Kam' doesn't have to )
  22. On your marks , get set, Arma :]
  23. Excellent, AW succeeding in doing what Pinky and the Brain strived to do week after week Altis is bloody huge can't wait for that,
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