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Everything posted by PERO

  1. PERO


    Let`s make a deal. I`ll lift the ban and you never get in trouble again. If you see someone teamkilling, you could drive him away, but it is not suggested because the game might flag you as a teamkiller. Best thing to do, join TS and look for an admin or file a player report on the website, with evidence attached. Ban appeal SUCCESSFUL. Pero Community Referee
  2. Pure advertising. According to your forum signature you don`t like playing around here. Goodbye. Ban appeal DENIED. Pero Community Referee
  3. Well, I have info that you did say something "stupid". Any reason why I have been told that? Sent from my phone
  4. Have you used any foul language on TS at that time?
  5. I was about to propose this yesterday, but somehow forgot. I agree with the push back. Thanks Josh.
  6. I need to speak to some people to get more info about this whole event.
  7. Ye, it's the engine/game issue. Sent from my phone Edit: verify the game cache via Steam
  8. Any more foul language, you will get removed from our servers again. Ban lifted. Ban appeal SUCCESFUL. Pero Community Referee
  9. Correct? If it stops working, the only fix for it is either you try to reboot your game or mission restart.
  10. If people decide to stop being childish about this and still want to race, let me know via Telegram till 18.30 UTC.
  11. PERO


    After speaking to the banning admin, I`ve come to the conclusion that I will lift the ban. In future, we don`t see you destroy any assets in base. What you did was wrong and you should have seeked help from a Spartan or Admin, to help you remove the heli from the pad. Ban appeal SUCCESFUL. Pero Community Referee
  12. You`ve been banned twice (2x) in the past, for the same stuff, teamkilling at base and being a knobhead. Good luck playing somewhere else. Pero Community Referee
  13. The future @ Ahoy World you are talking about is very distant: https://forums.ahoyworld.net/topic/7034-robert-partridge-uid-76561198094388304/ Try again in 6 months, I`ll reconsider it then. Pero Community Referee
  14. I won`t sign up, because I am not 100% sure I`ll be there, its usually my lunch time. I`ll try to make it in time.
  15. Its a engine feature, a BI made interface. If it bugs out, nothing we can do about it. It usually works for me, but if the mission has been going on for a long time, it does tend to start working slow.
  16. I wouldn`t mind starting @ 19.00 UTC, but anything later, might be to late for me.
  17. For the Xth time, don't use Workshop mods on our public servers. Sent from my phone
  18. See this: https://forums.ahoyworld.net/topic/3174-install-download-the-public-addons-the-enhanced-server-addons/
  19. DO NOT use CBA from Workshop. Our servers will only support the one from our Public Repository.
  20. I am in the same situation as Danny, I am looking at the cars, I already have a favourite, but I`ll be waiting with the signup a bit, see what others take, so we won`t all be driving the same car(s).
  21. I am interested, I got DP 1 to 3 and the 1st Porsche pack.
  22. I need to speak to the admin that banned you, but not before weekend. Sent from my phone
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