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What's Up Gents :D


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Hello everyone! I'm brand new here (well, rather, new to the whole Arma Community scene as a whole after 500+ hours) and just want to say a few things about myself :D


I'm Tristan, but you can refer to me as that or Ravager, either is fine

I'm 19 and in university

I'm from West Virginia, USA

I speak English primarily, but also a good chunk of Norwegian and some Swedish ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I'm in my second year of Army ROTC at my university (Reserve Officers' Training Corps, if people aren't aware) so I'm not entirely daft when it comes to tactics and such

(Concerning the above: yes, you can roast me over that, it's plenty fine and we're accustomed to it)

And I'm down for playing Modded A3, if you'll have me (As soon as I refresh myself on TFAR, that is)


Any questions that anybody may have for me, feel free to ask away! I'm open to taking them all!

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38 minutes ago, PiranhA said:

Welcome and have fun here. Familiar with the ahoy-rules?

I've not got them down pat, but I'll have them tabbed as a reference when dealing with the community.

I'm not one for breaking rules, so you'll have nothing to worry about from me :D

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Guest EnragedTeddyBear

Welcome to ahoyworld! 

If you like modded arma feel free to join us on the enhanced server and we will happily help u get started ^_^

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