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Incendiary grenade

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As it is in the game atm the incendiary grenade (AN-M14 TH3) is of extremely limited use, while many times infantry teams find themselves surprised by BRDMs, BTRs, MBTs etc creeping up on them and getting at ranges 5-30m where there is no countermeasure : too close for LAT, too danger close for HAT/MAT or CAS ...


I think that the incendiary grenade tweaked to mimic its real-life effects  would be the perfect weapon for such rather frequent situations ... (atm throwing it even precisely at a wheel of a BRDM has no effect whatsoever even on that particular wheel, in spite of its thermate (even bitchier than thermite :) ) burning temperature which would normally weld steel or burn all the way through an entire engine block) ....




what say you my friends ? :)

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30 minutes ago, D34TH said:

As it is in the game atm the incendiary grenade (AN-M14 TH3) is of extremely limited use, while many times infantry teams find themselves surprised by BRDMs, BTRs, MBTs etc creeping up on them and getting at ranges 5-30m where there is no countermeasure : too close for LAT, too danger close for HAT/MAT or CAS ...


I think that the incendiary grenade tweaked to mimic its real-life effects  would be the perfect weapon for such rather frequent situations ... (atm throwing it even precisely at a wheel of a BRDM has no effect whatsoever even on that particular wheel, in spite of its thermate (even bitchier than thermite :) ) burning temperature which would normally weld steel or burn all the way through an entire engine block) ....




what say you my friends ? :)

This you need to put forward to the mods makers we have nothing to do with tweaking weapons 

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@D34TH Are you sure about that engine block? In the link, you can find information that it will burn through 0,5 inch (12,3mm) of homogeneous steel plate. While this is plenty to damage vehicles, or weld turret in place (under ideal circumstances). I think that burning through typical engine block is somewhat harder due to its structure and heat capacity.


Also, the area of effect of thermate is very limited, while it burns you can stand almost next to it without much discomfort from the heat (we are talking about 751 grammes of filler here). You would need to place the grenade right next to or on top of the tire in the case you described above. This thing was not designed to act as AT grenade in any way.



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@Cebi hmm, you know your stuff don't you, you devil ... ;)

Well, maybe the quantity of filler in 1 incendiary wouldn't make it burn through the entire engine block and reach the cranckshaft and oil bath , but it would go through the engine block cover  and do some engine disabling damage ( foul the oil and make it spill, reduce oil pressure to ATM pressure anyway, mess up the camshaft, bend some rods, burn some valves, melt one injector or even bend a cylinder head causing a rapid engine stall). As it is it would however disable a MBT main gun (or exhaust pipe) should a brave soul stick it up in there ...

I agree it is not designed to be a wide area outdoor air heater, but I still wouldn't like to stand close to one of those while burning, given the "sparky" nature of the chem reaction going on in there...


 To make it a more efficient sort of AT throwing tool would require some stickiness which some good old neodimiums could provide, not to mention the already battle proven sticky field socks "mod" ... :) 


As it is, not even damaging a tire while placed right next to it maybe too much of an insult towards the tiny creature who inspired its filler's name.


Whether or not tweaking the already existing incendiary grenade is a solution for the 0-30m range inf engagement with armor is, of course,  debatable but the only other option i have seen is an AT grenade in the IFA 1944 mod and that only has an impact (1 will disable, 3 will destroy) on ww2 tanks ...

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For this sort of close encounters with armoured species, I would recommend using smoke grenades. Obscuring vision of AI operated armour will give you far more options then blowing one of its tires with "enhanced" incendiary.


Also worth considering is the fact that to my knowledge no AT grenade is being manufactured right now and last was Russian RKG-3EM which was replaced in the 1970s by RPG-18.


As image (or video) is worth a thousand words here is some example, so we can all see what is being discussed.



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i would hate to have one of those in the video burning on the hood of the humvee or brdm i was in...

yes smoke is useful, still ...


" Due to improvements in modern tank armor, anti-tank hand grenades are generally considered obsolete. However, in the recent Iraq War, the RKG-3 anti-tank hand grenade has made a reappearance with Iraqi insurgents who used them primarily against U.S. Humvees, Strykers and MRAPs, which lack the heavier armor of tanks. This has in turn led the U.S. to adopt countermeasures such as modifications to MRAP and Stryker vehicles by the fitting of slat armor, which causes the anti-tank grenade to detonate before coming in contact with the vehicle "

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