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Rethinking the Repo

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I have a few thoughts about the content in the repo - given that it's a significant download for new users, perhaps there are some alterations we can make?  As well, there are a few problems in the mix... anyway, thoughts below, comments welcome.


The repo currently contains the following MODs for EU3: my thoughts for each are included.

  • @ACE3_3.4.1 - necessary, no thoughts
  • @ALiVE - necessary for Valiant, but not for Gauntlet, 152MB
  • @CBA_A3 - necessary, no thoughts
  • @Clafghan - every time I mention this map, it gets ugly looks.  Why do we have it in the repo?  Are we ever going to do anything on it? 547MB
  • @CUP_Chernarus
  • @CUP_Chernarus_Summer
  • @CUP_Sahrani
  • @CUP_Shapur
  • @CUP_Takistan
  • @CUP_Terrains
  • @CUP_Utes
  • @CUP_Zargabad - I'd say that we never play regular Chernarus, but all of this is part of the CUP MOD, so I guess we're keeping all 6.4GB
  • @DAC - necessary for Gauntlet, but will it be necessary when we move to Valiant?  It's also something that can be integrated directly into custom missions - 15MB
  • @Fallujah
  • @fsf_al_rayak
  • @hlcmods_core
  • @hlcmods_fal
  • @hlcmods_g3
  • @hlcmods_m60e4
  • @hlcmods_mp5
  • @hlcmods_saw - It's a pity these can't all be wrapped up into one @hlcmods
  • @MELB
  • @MFFA_1.0.5
  • @mrt_accfncs
  • @panthera_a3
  • @rh_pistol_a3 - I know some people will lament the loss of their Golden Desert Eagle but I'm not sure it's worth it given the rarity of pistol use: 170MB
  • @rhs_afrf_0.4
  • @rhs_usaf_0.4 - Yeah, these two are worth the 2.16 and 2.18GB
  • @SMA
  • @SpecialSaus - 2.5MB worth of tactical beards.
  • @st_gi
  • @st_nametags
  • @st_stamina_bar - still contend this isn't necessary now that Arma integrates its own stamina bar.  I know they work differently but why have two places to look: it's not huge, but it's one less thing to download
  • @sthud_a3
  • @task_force_radio
  • @tf47_launchers
  • @tf47_launchers_rhs
  • @TRYK - the uniforms are great but the Vests have not been and probably will not be updated for Arma 1.54, meaning they have no armor value whatsoever.  Pursuant to this post if we want to continue using TRYK we should probably update it according to this thread: it means installing this mod (149MB) and this mod (5KB).


Personally, I'd want to add @RDS_Civ (348MB), which ports at least 8 civilian vehicles from Arma 2 so there is some variety in the kinds of vehicles people can drive.  I'd also think the @Nimitz (143MB) would be a useful MOD given that we now have access to the CH-53 helicopter... I am already envisioning a mission. :)



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