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Equipment for DCS


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I'm looking to get into DCS, I'm wondering what equipment is essential and any recommended pieces of equipment, Joysticks, throttles full hotas, pedals etc.


I'm looking to get a trackir second hand as a christmas present to myself (or maybe a bit earlyer).

I currently own a logitech attack 3 (witch i doubt will cut it) and a very primitive DIY 3 degree headtracker(which broke down recently).

All of which I use to play Warthunder Sim.


Thanks!  :)


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One note on trackir, be prepared to get the pro clip new as they break very easily, I'd say over half of users have it covered in tape!

Several members have the Thrustmaster HOTAS, it's of good build quality and allows you a lot of function at your fingertips which is really good. Pedals are a good addition but I wouldn't class them as essentials.

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One note on trackir, be prepared to get the pro clip new as they break very easily, I'd say over half of users have it covered in tape!

Several members have the Thrustmaster HOTAS, it's of good build quality and allows you a lot of function at your fingertips which is really good. Pedals are a good addition but I wouldn't class them as essentials.

Thanks for the response! http://www.amazon.co.uk/Thrustmaster-T-Flight-Hotas-Joystick-PS3/dp/B001CXYMFS/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1446315500&sr=8-1&keywords=thrustmaster+hotas+x < is this it? Looks good, any of your pilots have any DIY headtrackers etc. (freetrack etc.) and how were there experienses?

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Buy this instead of the expensive and weak trackir product.


I use this with Trackir4!


As for a HOTAS, dont buy the Saitek Hotas, I own the X52, X52Pro and X55 Rhino.

I always have USB issues with them, their driver/customer support is not the best to say the least...

Their cheapest rudder paddles are good enough.


If you can spare the money, go Thrustmaster.

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Errr, no, it's this one: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Thrustmaster-Hotas-Warthog-Joystick-Throttle/dp/B00371R8P4


Built specifically for the A-10 in DCS but of course you can use it with other stuff too. Any joystick would be fine for it but I'd suggest one with throttle controls and rudder on twist. The Saitek Fly 5 is a good one, it's been out a while though, it was first called the Cyborg X. It's got a hat switch in the centre so that would be useful for targeting pods etc. I think most joysticks come with hat switches though!

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Errr, no, it's this one: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Thrustmaster-Hotas-Warthog-Joystick-Throttle/dp/B00371R8P4


Built specifically for the A-10 in DCS but of course you can use it with other stuff too. Any joystick would be fine for it but I'd suggest one with throttle controls and rudder on twist. The Saitek Fly 5 is a good one, it's been out a while though, it was first called the Cyborg X. It's got a hat switch in the centre so that would be useful for targeting pods etc. I think most joysticks come with hat switches though!

Yea thats what I thought at first. Completely out of my budget, the saetek one looks good but id like to have a throttle aswell

That looks awesome solex, how much did you spend on that XD

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I personally think that I act a bit like a cheapscate compared to some people (the ones that own the Thrustmaster Warthog)...anyway I say that because I run the, as some people call it, "plastic ripoff of the Warthog", the Saitek X55 Rhino. I personally think its amazing but it can drive people nuts sometimes, what I mean by that is the ghost buttons activate anywhere at anytime; i dont know any other way of putting it, so lets say youve got a button assigned to Engine On/Off, so youre flying somwhere and the X55 just decides to "RKO 'Outta Nowhere" the heli/plane as it presses the button "for you". Its a bug, yes, any fixes, no clue. Its a good piece of kit if you want a cheaper H.O.T.A.S system but the Warthog is highly recommended if you have money to spend. Im actually saving up for one now. My opinion on TrackIR is: from what ive heard its awesome and worth every penny + you can use it on Arma but it just doesnt feel right (how do I know = ive used freetracknoIR {i know i shouldnt be comparing the two}) but other than that I havent used TrackIR myself.

PS: I have to do a Macbeth quote there "Is that a X55 I see before me?" and that quote goes to Solex.

The Saitek Fly 5 is a good one...

Im gonna have to cut that one short there David...what I want to say is that the FLY 5 is SHOCKING!!. That was the joystick that I had before the X55 and guess what happened...the rudder axis snapped clean. Ok so here is the context: I was flying on FSX quite a long time before joining the A3 Community, I was about to take off in a Bell-206 Jet Ranger and hey I needed to make a coordibated turn (using the X-Axis, Y-Axis and the rudder axis at the same time) and *snap* the joystick does a 180° turn on me - the rudder snapped. I still have it somwhere - I saw it the other day when looking for the X55. Ill get a picture up tomorrow. Itll be on the Gallery under darkstar1426.

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So you say thats normal? I dont want to argue but "abuse" isnt the right word, high extent of use would be the one. :D I mean I was using that on a FSX military community where I had to fly helis quite a lot, meaning that the rudder was used a LOT.

But this on the other hand is worth the £175. Thats my opinion.



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I started out with a logitec attack 3! fantastic stick to start into the world of flight simulation.


Your build priorities (IN MY OPINION) are:

1.Joystick with twisty axis and throttle slider (essential for rotary flight without pedals)

2. add track ir (essential if no HAT switch)

3. add pedals 

4. consider better stick, twisty action not required

5. consider HOTAS (Hands On Throttle And Stick)


Try to get a stick that will sit comfortably between your legs, sounds daft but trust me you get so much more control.


My Setup

Thrustmaster warthawg HOTAS

Track IR + on my third clip pro

Saitek Rudder pedals, very old, i want MFG crosswind

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I'll add a few cents, pretty much as Raz said, 

the Logi is a good starter or the Thrustmaster X, stay away from the pos Saitek / Madcatz cyborg fly 5 / x they break as quick as you look at them, had 2 and both had dodgy trigger wires and rudder twist only registered half of a left turn 


Add some pedals at a later date (although they are a must have for Helo's in my book, twisty just doesn't cut it will never go back)

then upgrade as you go, The TM Hog is a hefty investment but worth it too and you can get it between your legs for stability or exten it to the floor


I've sourced the parts to do a similar to below mod just need to get the time and courage to break apart my €400 piece of kit to do it :D



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Thanks for all the replies, I'm probobly gonna retire the attack 3 XD and get a fly 5 or other stick with a twist axis and hatch switch, one more note any recommended aircraft for dcs (pretty sure im gonna get a-10 straight away) and servers/communities? does ahoyworld have any servers?


hope to see you guys in the sky in the near future thanks again!!!

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