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My appologies for what just happend.


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So I'm new to Arma 3 and just joined EU #3. Not fully aware of the consequences I pressed 'G' on my keyboard in order to open my inventory. (A habit from Arma 2) Unkowingly I trew a granade in the middle of spawn and I accidentally killed a shit ton of people. Before I was able to apologize, because I didn't know how to type in chat, I was kicked of the server, rightfully so. 

I'm sorry if I just killed you. I didn't do it on purpose. I hope you understand.  :unsure:

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Before I was able to apologize, because I didn't know how to type in chat, I was kicked of the server, rightfully so. 

The chat is disabled (Com/Side/Glob/Direct Chat to be exact) you're to use TS3 to communicate.


"ts.ahoyworld.co.uk" Once you join EU3 you'll be moved into the channel if you have TFAR working.

If you need any more help I'm sure someone on the TS3 will assist or post back here.

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The reason i kicked/banned you from EU#3 wasn't only the grenade you threw but also the fact that you weren't on TS at all at that time.


I removed the ban so your welcome to come and play again  


But i urge you to log in to Team speak every time before you join EU#3 its mandatory to use TS because all the communication on the server goes true TS.


Also plz read the following topics so you know what going on on EU#3







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