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Everything posted by Gambit

  1. easy fix, don't die. On the topic of limited ammo boxes, if you don't see the 6.5 200rnd belts in the box, thats probably because all taken, by calling Overlord and actually getting the ammo in the box would be defeating the purpose of limited equipment. Btw there was a full fledged ammo resupply in the hidden cave this week, you could have easily resupply there, just need some more communication (AR informing TL or SL that he needs ammo, SL asks around command if resupply is possible, Command would have told you that we kept the ammoboxes captured from NATO available for that specific reason or get vortex on the resupply) Would have been much more involving for everyone, and much more immersive than asking for the hand of god to solve it for you. Not picking on you, just stating that from my point of view, even figuring out how to solve these needs-do we have ammo on the field, can we share inter squad ammo distribution, can we get vortex on it, and lastly, if all else fails ask for zeus help (altough this process is much more time consuming than instant hand down from a zeus but) is much more enjoyable and engages more players. I hope you see my point how this limited arsenal system can and should improve player involvement if we as a community get behind it and instead of going the easy way buy into it and adapt to the situation that arises. There is no default loadout, everyone prefers different things even in the same role. You can always pre-pack backpacks and vests (known as go-bags), drop em down somewhere and head out. Maybe separating the ammoboxes by type would be beneficial in this case, so if you need NVGs you run to the equipment box and you dont have to scroll through countless weapon and ammo types. I dont have a better idea to keep your searching and re-gearing time as low as possible in this current system without defeating it's initial purpose. Make do with what you have. It would have become a mission for your team to go get your gear back or capture appropriate combat gear for you to be more effective. Save/load would instantly defeat the purpose of this, hence no reason to have a zeus think about what should be in the box and how many of em. Let alone tediously pick the items and make the box in the first place. So no reason to keep the limited equipment and waste time and effort making them, so why not default back to arsenal then? I dont see the point in this, still prefer the current system. Maybe it will make you value your life virtual life a little bit more. To lessen the burden, everyone could spawn with default radio and uniform, thats it, so you dont have to drop gear and pick up on respawn, just pick what you can from the box, even if its not the most preferred gear thats left in the ammoboxes. I hope this description demonstrates how little things can create developing situations and requires less creative input from zeuses yet still giving goals to the players to work toward as a unit. I know, we as a community can get better at these things, amongst many other things we should get better at. Give it time, facilitate those aformentioned player involving moments by communicating, maybe in pre-mission wait times, pack multiple bags for the appropriate role you have to save time mid mission.
  2. But the idea of limited items in the ammo crates would be useless in that case. You die, you lose the gear in the field, unless somebody picks it up. I know its a minor inconvenience, but logistically more challenging to live with the current iteration, all the while providing smaller team objectives for example retrieving a mission critical gear from a previous ambush position, which facilitates zeus built skirmishes to further enhance the whole scenario with minimal creative capacity overload. Not to mention this current setup without the ability to save/load the gear encourages players to actually value their virtual lives a bit more. I'm in favor of the current setup. In my experience on the friday and sunday missions mostly as TL who goes down first is as follows. I've been downed more times than i care to count, but i can count on one hand how many times i had to respawn and go gear up again. As i've said, minor inconvenience, a sacrifice on the altar of exciting gameplay where every peak carries the risk of losing the gear and the opportunity for support assets (like medics, engineers, vortex, maybe someday a full LOGI squad) to participate more often.
  3. One last reply. I have one word for you. TrackIR I see no point continuing this, i saw no point when i made my last reply. Please dont tag me again.
  4. You need proof? As you constantly say (shall i say brag?) that you've met only 2 better pilots than yourself, i refer you to Misconduct's (you said he is one of em) and his signature out of trim (pedal turn to opposite side) and pull back half J turn, or in short: out of trim cutback landing. For a video to prove it; You can find it in his videos, if im correct he even explains it in one of his videos how to do it with control visualization. Need more? You want to see me do it? Im not your circus animal to make tricks for food(or forum posts). Im not a one trick pony, the circus cant afford me. Im not here to compare myself to you, you started bragging and still keep on bragging, trying to establish some hierarchy. I told you im not picking on you, im merely trying to help transition your experience in koth to large scale missions like I&A (you admitted yourself that those two are different and some of your practiced moves arent much use on this server), yet you still want to make this a digital dong measuring contest. If you think you are soo good, then why bother recording proof and arguing about, trying to convince us(me?) that you are the best ever pilot that graced us on this server with his presence, when clearly us, lesser beings dont know jack shit about piloting skills in your opinion. Its useless to compare koth to I&A, nothing alike as youve said it (then why post koth videos as proof when you know that doesnt compare), and ive told you, im not the one you should persuade about your skills, but you keep uploading and showing off videos from koth, like its the epitome of arma piloting, and all should bow down for the regular top 5 finishers. I'll rarely be on the ground to be your passenger, to be frank i dont really care how well you do in koth, or in whatever you do elsewhere, i care about AW players and their goals. But you still want to make this a contest, you are still being arrogant, even hostile, and im not going to waste more of my time to try to help you. I mistakenly thought that your attitude is just a defense mechanism when questioned or genuine misunderstanding of banter. Your asnwers prove me wrong. Clearly you think you dont need advice, especially from me. Therefore, my offer of atually putting in time and effort out of my free time to help you, is withdrawn. Just one more thing. If your attitude, "you are the star of the show and if anybody questions your skills you refuse to believe it" doesnt change, you will not be a great pilot, ever. You will not know what self sacrifice is, you will not know that the greatest pilots are in the background, they are never the stars, because a pilot must be responsible, selfless, striving for perfection, not for applause. A good pilot is the most happy when he executes the perfect landing and the fact that he helped his fellow soldiers to reach their goal is enough for him, doesnt need anybody else's cheering roaring voice to validate him. A good pilot knows, and thats enough. For you, clearly it is just some kind of a leaderboard thing, trying to prove that you are the best, no matter what, and anybody that disagrees must be an idiot. Between you and me, i know im not the best. But i can strive for more, ive been doing that since OFP trough every single arma title, thats why im practicing constantly, looking where can i improve. You dont even want to improve because in your mind you are already there. Thats the difference between you and me. And that is why im gonna leave this conversation as is. Have a nice day, and clear sky. Surely we will meet on the servers.
  5. dont you worry, i wasnt asking how you do it, rather asking for the why. A lof of the situations you describedw can be solved with out of trim cutbacks, and it is even faster. Sadly, no. First off, you dont have to meet my standards. Being on top of a leaderboard in a ranking system that has absolutely no correlation with the scenario we are playing on AhoyWorld sadly doesnt prove anything. Im not the one to be convinced here. FYI, ive been flying on a 2.5-3 hours zeus op, without losing a heli. Does it matter? Sadly, no. Gotta do it a thousand times, then it might start to matter. your opinion, but here is mine : give it time my friend, just give it time. In regards of your 30 min video, i watched the first takoff-landing-egress so far (will watch it in the foreseeable future), and i can see a few flaws. You rely on luck, take unnecessary risks and disregard others. LZ was cold, EZPZ, anybody could land in that space with a little bit of practice, and there was no problem with it so im gonna skip it over. On the other hand... The ingress, you opened the map while mid flight, low altitude with significant speed and lingered on the map for more than 10 seconds. Trees, lamp posts, heck, even bushes are a threat at that altitude, yet you didnt give a fck about it. Egress, another hummingbird heading your way, with speed, low altitude, close distance. Your evasion was to overfly him. At that split second, you gave up control. What if the other pilot's reaction was the same? What if you would have taken off of your lz a second later? Luckily you scared the other pilot into indecision. That save wasnt skill, it was pure luck. I dont want to spoil the rest of the footage for myself, since i dont have enough time to watch its full length now, but if you want to go over it either in private or in public, i am willing to share my critique, maybe point out what you doing right and what you could improve on. It would be nice to share some of it with the others, they might learn from it too. (Maybe we can do it private first, then pick and choose what you are willing to share) or you know, just say no and ill leave it at that. Oh and if you want to keep schooling me about how to land a helicopter and explain how and why a J-turn landing is done, i suggest you go over my transport heli 101 (on this very forum, if you need i can send the direct link to it - which is about to be expanded on, as soon as i am finished with polishing the material and got it peer reviewed), really basic stuff, just so you dont try to teach me things i already know about. I hope you dont take this wall of text as picking on you. You might see your skills as the best, and im not here to race. Being a pilot is serving, one might say self sacrifice. I think you get the point. Anyway, offer still stands, if you want i will try to help you transition your koth experience into a bigger scale and longer mission environment. Have a good one
  6. In I&A you would have been dead on approach, you would have lost your main rotor at least twice, blown up about 6-8 times. Hitting the fence is wonky, sometimes works, sometimes doesn't. The very first landing you did, you tried to use the buiilding as cover, yet you still landed on the far side of the compund, exposing yourself. In KOTH these might work, but AI is far more efficient with lock on missiles and everything else. And just curious, because i dont really like compilation videos, how many landings didn't make into this video. How many ended up in flaming wrecks. Skill is one thing, but consistency is the key. If you blow up 10 times then make it once and record the one to show it off as skill, well, in I&A and ovarall anywhere, wont get you good pilot status. Doing one extraordinary stunt is not as impressive as doing the less extraordinary but still hard to do stuff all day every day. What about the 99% J-hook landings? There are far more landing types out there for every situation. Barrier landing, out of trim cutback, etc. Every situation requires to use the appropriate landings. Flying is so much more than just speed. Starts from picking the LZ while doing a map-recon. Fisinhing it with getting back to base intact. Reliability is key here, on a long OP like I&A or zeus ops, players prefer a pilot who gets them to the fight, every. single. time. And not in front of an enemy squad to get instantly moved down while the heli leaves riddled with bulletholes forcing the players to watch the respawn screen and hop on the same heli just to repeat this process fr about 5 times more until one day, finally they get to fire at least one bullet and take down an enemy with it. Being overconfident, disregarding the environment factors (big difference between KOTH player accuracy and available weapon systems and I&A AI behaviour) makes you less of a reliable pilot, hence they will mock you, until you adapt to the environment and needs of others. In I&A infantry wants to be on the ground, in cover, not immediately under fire while landing. In KOHT, they want to get next to the other guy just to shoot him and tbag him. Big difference. A good pilot takes these into consideration, not just trying to do the best airshow. Entertaining yout passengers is one thing, but you have to know when you can do a barrelroll to entertain, and when you have to switch to serious mode and place your passengers' safety above everything else. And by safety i dont moean get them disembark and whatever happens to them afterwards is on them. No. You are resposible for that. That would be like, here, im gonna drop you in a pond filled with piranhas, if you die, its on you. If you accept an advice, slow the approach, pick safer LZs, and take the humble approach. Be consistent, They want to get there, they want to fight. Help them achieve their goal. Either they trust you to do safe landings, getting them close to their goals, being consistent, every single time, or they will find another pilot and mock you when you say you are the 3rd best pilot in the world. Because in their eyes, you are fulfilling your goals (flashy, dangereous, unnecessarily extreme landings just to flex your skills) and not helping them achieve their goal (get on the ground and fight, not hopping on a helicopter, taking part in an airshow then die on approach). Good luck
  7. @Xwatt I dont want to hug the spotlight. There are many other great player on the ops, go and at least give them the chance to take a bath in your attention shower. Its not fair to the others that whatever team im on you single us out like that.
  8. I know I run my keyboard a lot, but somebody has to. I have another suggestion regarding the squad structure, since with the current role setup is a tad bit unfair to SLs, because our SL has to be TL at the same time, which after i experienced that in a friday mission, i can say a really mentally taxing task to handle. My suggested squad role layout is as follows: SL+rifleman(most likely an aspiring member who wants to learn about being an SL)+squad medic 2 (or even 3 if we ever reach the peak playercount that can fill 2 squads up) FireTeam under the SL with their respective FTLs - i figured i should mention the Fireteam consists of FTL + 4 (AT or demo -- grenadier -- rifleman -- AutoRifleman) so at the end of the day a squad would have 3 (SL team) + 5(FT1)+5(FT2) = 13 players - if the SL rifleman is empty, not a problem This way, SL can give objectives to each teams, and trust their FTLs can handle the micro planning, while the SL can focus on command comms and the overall big picture, plan ahead and dispatch the squad medic where he is needed. This would lift the load from the SL, and would open up a new FTL role, and give a chance to an aspiring player (SLs rifleman) to learn about squad leading. Heck, SL can entrust his rifleman to handle a portion of the comms, making the learning process a bit more interesting. I know this would remove the SL team from the immediate firefights a bit, but i feel like this is needed in order to ensure the planning and execution plus the comms dont suffer in the long run. My problem with the current squad role setup is that the SL led team will always struggle behind a bit, because the SL has a lot to deal with first, and just after all that can focus on his fireteam. Plus jugling the comms is a challenge in itself, a lot of information will be lost if the SL has to focus on actual firefights and directing 4+ more men in his team to engage effectively. My suggested setup would provide aspiring players to firsthand experience the SL role and the communication + planning in the SL rifleman slot (whilst lifting the teamleading duty from the SL, giving him enough time to teach and discuss with the aspiring SL); give more autonomus planning to FTLs and trust they will be able to execute the mission given to them. I feel the current squad structure scares off a lot of potentially good SLs since the workload significantly (and might i add, in my opinion unnecessarily) increases when you jump from TeamLead to SquadLead role. I would like to hear other opinions on this one, especially from players who usually take up SL role and the ones who would like to take the role but afraid of it.
  9. All in all nice changes. But... I disagree with the respawn point moving up with each completed objective, because that will make vortex obsolete. It is harder without a competent Vortex, but that will just make us appreciate, if we have one, more. The time that takes reinserts to arrive hightenes the pressure, maybe gives a stressful peak into teamleading for aspiring players who step up until their FTL gets back. I find this rewarding, and risk the assumption it would be more beneficial to even limit the reinserts when we have Vortex to waves. Every 10 minutes or so. But that is a longer discussion.
  10. Reading is just the first step in the right direction. As with all things, practice makes perfect, but i wouldn't suggest to practice on a live server, where you can disappoint others while you try to get the hang of the controls and familiarize yourself with the airframe, the procedures all the while taking heavy fire. Editor is the easiest way to practice those things, takeoffs, hovering and landings, controls in general, in a safe environment without the risk of a tigris unexpectedly rolling over the crest and greeting you with bullets in your face. After all that, one can hop on any server and do all that again in live fire conditions, adding a new layer (incoming enemy fire) to the practice, but making sure the foundation is solid enough to not let the enemy fire shake up the pilot too much. Procedures and handling should be second nature at this point, so a pilot can focus on solving different situations instead of trying to figure out how to land a helicopter. Getting the theory down and knowing how to react to different scenarios alleviate the burden of figuring things out when the bullets starts to fly in my opinion is really helpful, so the pilot can concentrate on flying the airframe rather than losing control whilst trying to shout mayday in comms and throwing both hands in the air while watching the aircraft just fall out of the sky. If one should be so inclined, i offered to talk one trough the procedures, potentially showing how its done, or just by sitting in the copilot seat instructing what should be focused on, how things should happen. If there is enough interest shown in that direction, i might consider submitting a gamenight out of that kind of flight school, but that is far away and less likely with the saddening state of public server piloting skill level and attitude i can see on an almost daily basis. One can only hope.
  11. This is just a 101 guide, if enough ppl shoews interest in it i am willing to expand on advanced techniques and attack helicopter variants. Again, if anybody has any questions or need a few poiters or live demonstration just find me in game, on forum or discord and we will figure something out
  12. Nominating Alwin for PltCo. "okay listen up, the plan is... I have to go eat"
  13. Gambit


    it's still not that close
  14. Possible fix for comms: fireteams in separate groups, FTLs and SL on TS, SL can use command channel. In the current squad setup, it wouldnt really work, since even if the FTL and SL group separated into different "squads" (A1-A2) the SL still have to manage 3 different channels (since he is acting at the moment as an FTL also) For this to work, i think the best course would be to move SL+squad medics to one group, and 2 FT group under him (ASL+AFT1+AFT2 groups) FT1 is general assault team (FTL, AR, ammobearer rifleman, GL, RiflemanLAT), FT2 is special weapons (Heavy AT with ammobearer, HMG team, or sniper squad, or whatever, could be different for each squad or mixed like sniper+heavy at/aa, whatever the mission requirements and squad intended purpose is) This could work with the previously mentioned radio discipline, lift the heavy work from SLs since they would have to manage only 2 teams, not micromanage their own fireteam and get flooded with command channel while in a firefight (SLs would have to manage only the squad medics, send them where they needed, and wont lose 2 squad medics at the same time) Or we can use TFAR, not a terrible thing to start to teach ppl how to download and use mods. Installing TS and a mod aint the end of the world, and it is as close to vanilla as you can get and still amage the communication of 30+ ppl seamlessly. There is a reason TFAR and anno ACRE was made. Certain groups reached the limit of ingame voice communication layout, and we did it too, sort of. Try to solve it valnilla first, the smaller group channels should work, but if it isnt working, should consider TFAR. Less of a mess to make it work than implement a scripted version in a mission which would get mixed up like the command channel disappearing after death (i only assume the scripted one utilizes the ingame customizable channels, but its just a guess) All in all, had fun, and i just want to add, Alpha rules
  15. just watching the stream, i can confirm, FTLs had no acces to command channel and they shouldn't. I'll try to write up more after i watched the whole thing
  16. Gambit

    ATC where are you!?

    we dont need more pads, clearly we can fit at least 3 more Ghosthawks there.
  17. CSAT is not the bad guy here, turns out it's IDAP in CSAT disguise to start ww3, mislead NATO, they call their allies, the us military will have get involved, and then IDAP can storm area 51 quietly
  18. I'm just going to suggest a few ideas i mulled over on my lunchbreak Platoon structure: Communicating with, and managing more than 2-3 elements can be really taxing. I suggest a structure that looks like this PLTCo ->2-3 SLs + FAC SL-> 2-3 FTLs FTL->4-5 FT member. (members can be split into buddy teams) Like this, we would end up with (10+1SL) ppl per squad at least, hitting the 40 player mark with 3 squads , command and support elements at minimum and still no more than 6 ppl in one group of communication channel (example: FTL pov --(FTL+4 ppl in group) -//- 1SL+2FTLs+2Medics in TS ) TL;DR think in twos, every commanding element has 2 subordinate elements, FTL has 2 buddy teams, SL has 2 fireteams, PLTCo has SLs and supports, and so on Communications: Handle group chat for level communication and TS for reaching higher ups, but have to alternate between the levels. Example: FTLS in group with 4-5 infantry and on TS with SLs - (TS to reach higher ups) SLs in group with FAC+PLTCo maybe 1-1 squad medic to be dispatched to the fireteams as needed, - FAC is on TS with vortex and uav - (group to reach higher ups) Vortex use group to talk about flight paths and hazards while can get info and recieve missions from FAC on TS - (TS to reach higher ups) Armored units can fit in, just treat armored commander as SL or tie them into PLTCo on TS - just so we can alternate again and armored command can be on group Either side of the group and TS communication has 6 or less ppl in it, each should be clear enough to convey the necessary information. The localized level communication will be the most used, the higher up only active when elements need to communicate between each other Aka FTLs have to inform another FTL or SL about threats and unfolding situation, and so on. This could clear up comms, lift the heavy load of SLs doing a lot of work while engaged in a firefight (Mad props to Mini). Briefings and conducting the missions: -Briefings were fine, mission live hint after the squad leads report back to command that they finished briefing their teams would have made the start a bit more flowing and more coordinated (instead of move when ready - alpha goes in first bravo still at arsenal), but otherwise i have nothing to add. (If PLTCo is added, the planning and breifing will be in a player's hand anyway, a ready signal can be given to Zeuses from PLTCo to start the mission)
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