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Mad Eye Moody

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Everything posted by Mad Eye Moody

  1. Hi Stan I have done that as well, i will do it again but I am sure I didnt miss anything. I am just checking that all my drivers are up to date.
  2. Yes it is and I have verified local files in the game library
  3. Hi All, did the update but now I get this message when I try and start the game either through steam or Arma Sync Failed to initialize BattlEye Service: Generic Error. Any ideas? I have tried the web for fixes but none seem to work.
  4. Dont think its that as I am not getting kicked off any other server. One other thing is that all ACe actions such as remove wheel, loading or ACE medical are hanging for ages and either not completing or taking for ever.
  5. Thats strange as battleye is loaded and updated in Steam. So how do I fix this?
  6. I needs some assistance and I am unsure how to go about it. After 6 to 8 mins of playing in EU3 the game crashes. Unsure if its my end or the server?
  7. Thanks Stan, no I didn’t know that. I thought it was a continual mission and you could just jump in and out. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  8. OK thanks, I have the modset so what is the server address?
  9. Where can I get info on Ahoyworld 124th EU6 server and join?
  10. That explains why I couldn’t load 4 into a 2 seater, lol. Next question is regarding missions in general. For example the “destroy large weapons cache” is the cache going to be near the icon shown on the map or just anywhere in the General area of the red box? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  11. I have a few questions re EU3: How can I get rid of the FOG!!, How do I load 4 POW onto a vehicle in order to rescue them?
  12. Well I’ve been on most days building FOB’s and trying to complete missions single handed. It’s good practice for me. Sometimes I get joined by another Singleton. I have noticed that numbers are down on all the ArmA3 servers so maybe it’s a seasonal issue. One issue on the AWE server is the FOG, just makes the game look less pretty Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  13. anyhow I am getting tons of practice in FOB building, recovering damaged vehicles, etc Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  14. Suppose so, suns out in the UK but server 1 seems busy enough
  15. Hi BB thanks for the tutorial, it was most helpful. Your idea of a training video is a good one, along with an explanation of how the points system works, refreshes etc. Another thought occurred to me that it may be helpful to planned missions if projected FOB locations and required equipment where posted on the forum. Then us with time to spare could beaver away and build them up.
  16. Sorry I just got this 13 hours after you posted. I would appreciate a tutorial so maybe some other time?
  17. Well I tried that this morning but still couldn’t get the logi to work. Could all spawn containers, except the FOB medical, load, transport etc but could not create any of the buildings etc.
  18. Mmmmm, interesting. So would it be o.k. when the server is empty, to take logi role, load a container, drive out to nowheresville and try and build a FOB with bells and whistles?
  19. So just to be clear, if a player takes the logistics role on a Stilleto mission they can create objects, service pads etc?
  20. Ok so only works on some missions? Not like the R3F mod then
  21. Which mod is it that allows logistics engineers to create vehicle respawn points, fob structures etc etc?
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